Altering Facial Expression based on Textual Emotion
Mohammad Imrul Jubair
, Md. Masud Rana
, Md. Amir Hamza, Mohsena Ashraf,
Fahim Ahsan Khan and Ahnaf Tahseen Prince
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Facial Expression, Image to Image Translation, Emotion Detection.
Faces and their expressions are one of the potent subjects for digital images. Detecting emotions from images
is an ancient task in the field of computer vision; however, performing its reverse—synthesizing facial expres-
sions from images—is quite new. Such operations of regenerating images with different facial expressions, or
altering an existing expression in an image require the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). In this paper,
we aim to change the facial expression in an image using GAN, where the input image with an initial expres-
sion (i.e., happy) is altered to a different expression (i.e., disgusted) for the same person. We used StarGAN
techniques on a modified version of the MUG dataset to accomplish this objective. Moreover, we extended
our work further by remodeling facial expressions in an image indicated by the emotion from a given text.
As a result, we applied a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method to extract emotion from the text and
forwarded it to our expression-altering module. As a demonstration of our working pipeline, we also create
an application prototype of a blog that regenerates the profile picture with different expressions based on the
user’s textual emotion.
As a result of the widespread usage of social media
and blogs, people have been accustomed to express-
ing their feelings and thoughts digitally, whether by
text, voice, or image. When it comes to these emo-
tions, the facial expression plays an important role in
our everyday modes of communication and connec-
tion, particularly when it comes to pictures, videos,
online conferences, etc. While speaking of facial ex-
pressions, we commonly refer to happiness, sadness,
anger, disgust, etc, which are very natural for hu-
mans (Barrett et al., 2019)(Frank, 2001)(Xu et al.,
Photos and their expressions have an undoubtedly
strong impact in the field of computer vision since re-
searches have been going on for years to extract ex-
pressions. The recent progress of machine learning
has brought enough accuracy in detecting and recog-
nizing facial expressions. It is not simple to tackle the
opposite difficulty of this task—imposing varied emo-
tions on a pre-existing face in a photograph without
the help of another human being—–and this subject
is still mostly studied. The recent breakthrough of the
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Generative Adversarial Network (Goodfellow et al.,
2014) has influenced the researchers to work with
image-to-image translations and to develop different
stunning tools, for example converting a horse into
a zebra (Zhu et al., 2017). This type of application
of GAN typically converts the image from a source
domain X to a target domain Y by learning from an
adequate amount of image data. Hence it also make
it possible to create new images by learning from a
large dataset, they are extremely appealing tools for
creating images with a variety of expressions. When
applied to an input image, it may be used to trans-
form the facial expression into the intended expres-
sion; for instance, from a joyful face to an angry face.
A dataset of faces of diverse people with a range of
expressions is required for this type of modification.
1.1 Contribution
We found this research domain of regenerating differ-
ent facial expressions very exciting and, in this paper,
we experimented on different GAN-based methods on
a variety of datasets as an attempt to determine the
fittest combination. To make our research even more
interesting, we broadened the scope of our domain to
include an application that went beyond just modify-
Jubair, M., Rana, M., Hamza, M., Ashraf, M., Khan, F. and Prince, A.
Altering Facial Expression based on Textual Emotion.
DOI: 10.5220/0010813100003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing the facial expression; we concentrated on textual
emotion transmission to images. In our method, there
are two phases: first, we extract emotion from a text,
and then we transmit the outcome as an input to the fa-
cial expression generating module, which then modi-
fies the emotion in a person’s photograph.
In real-world situations—such as blogs and social
media—our method can be utilized. As an example,
consider a blog where the facial expression of a user’s
photo may be modified based on the content of his
or her most recent post. For instances, in the case
of a sorrowful statement like I’m not feeling
well today”, the expression on his already-existing
profile photo—which had a happy face—would
instantly change to one of sadness. Our approach
requires two inputs: one is a photograph of the
person’s face and the other is the text of the person’s
post. The image is then sent through an artificial
neural network module to be translated into yet
another image of the same person but with a different
expression based on the emotion collected from a
text. In spite of this, our suggested text-to-image
emotion transmission pipeline may be implemented
into any instant messaging program, where it will
identify emotions from the discussion and create
expressions on thumbnail images of the people being
spoken with. For example, if there is some talking
that may contain something unpleasant or linked
to harassment, one’s photo may be changed out of
disgust or rage.
Contributions of this paper are summarized below.
We provide brief explanations of the image
datasets of face expression for facial emotion cre-
ation, which can serve as a useful reference for fu-
ture studies. We experimented with various GAN
models on picture datasets in order to create faces
with the required emotion, and in this paper, we
highlight the outcomes for further investigation.
Furthermore, we make required adjustments to
the datasets in order to get better results. We
used Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model
(Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) to train for
the task of extracting emotion from text. The re-
trieved emotions are fed into our facial expres-
sion creation algorithm, which then generates fa-
cial expressions.
We provide the findings of our suggested pipeline
as well as a prototype application to illustrate our
point of view. We developed a blog where the
user can upload a post and our model first detects
the emotion of the post and then apply the emo-
tion over his/her face, and generates the expres-
sion corresponding to the emotion.
Paper Organization. The following describes the
structure of this paper. Section 2 discusses related
studies on face expression creation as well as rele-
vant datasets in more detail. In Section 3, we describe
our suggested pipeline and methodology for our im-
age emotion transfer from text, and in Section 4, we
describe the outcomes of our experiment. Section 5
concludes our discussion by outlining the limits of our
research as well as possible future directions.
Various relevant studies on GAN for facial expres-
sion genetation are discussed in this section. We also
explore several picture datasets of face expressions,
which are subsequently followed by a number of text-
based datasets for the purpose of emotion recognition.
2.1 Facial Expression Generation
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (Goodfel-
low et al., 2014) were used in our research to gener-
ate pictures with a variety of face emotions. GAN is
an adversarial method that is comprised of two neural
network models: the generator and the discriminator.
The generator model attempts to learn the data dis-
tribution, while the discriminator model attempts to
differentiate between samples taken from the genera-
tor and samples taken from the original data distribu-
tion. During the training process, these two models
are trained in parallel, with the generator learning to
create more and more realistic examples while the dis-
criminator learns to become more and more accurate
at differentiating produced data from actual data. As
a continuous game, both networks strive to make the
produced samples seem as indistinguishable from ac-
tual data as possible. The loss function of GAN can be
represented by the following equation where the gen-
erator tries to minimize it and the discriminator tries
to maximize it. The loss function of a GAN model is
shown in Eq. 1.
L(G, D) = E
[log(D(x))] + E
[log(1 D(G(y)))]
Here, x is the real data sample where E
is the ex-
pected value over all x. D(x) is the discriminator’s
probability estimation of x being real, and D(G(y) is
the discriminator’s probability estimation that a fake
instance y is real.
2.1.1 Study on Different Methods
In recent years, a large number of variants of the Gen-
erative Adversarial Network have been developed.
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Various kinds of GANs have been employed to pro-
duce face pictures with specific expressions by a va-
riety of researchers, including several types of Con-
volutional Neural Networks (Albawi et al., 2017).
We’ve compiled a list of some of the more noteworthy
ExprGAN (Ding et al., 2018): The Expression
Generative Adversarial Network (ExprGAN) is a
neural network that generates random and low-
resolution pictures of faces using an input face im-
age and a labeled expression. With the face pic-
ture and their emotion label, it trains the encoder
to produce fresh photos of the same person’s face
with a different expression. With the assistance
of this model, the strength of the produced facial
expressions may be adjusted from high to low.
StarGAN (Choi et al., 2018): An image-to-image
translation method known as Star Generative Ad-
versarial Network (StarGAN) produces fixed in-
put facial expressions for various domains based
on a single input face. It is capable of learn-
ing mappings across domains using just a sin-
gle generator and a discriminator, which makes
it very efficient. The majority of the work on
this model was done using CycleGAN, which is a
tool for transferring pictures from one domain to
another. As previously stated, StarGAN is com-
prised of two convolutional layers, with the gen-
erator using instance normalization and the dis-
criminator employing no normalization. In addi-
tion to the PatchGAN (Isola et al., 2016) discrim-
inator network, which determines whether local
image patches are genuine or false, the StarGAN
discriminator network is based on the Discrimina-
tor network of StarGAN. However, it will not be
able to create a face emotion that is not already
included in the training set.
G2GAN (Song et al., 2018): In the training phase
of the Geometry-Guided Generative Adversarial
Network (G2GAN), a pair of GANs is used to ex-
ecute two opposing tasks, which are performed
by the G2GAN. One method is to eliminate the
expressions from face pictures, while another is
to create synthesized expressions from facial pho-
tographs. In conjunction with one another, these
two networks form a mapping cycle between the
neutral facial expression and the random facial ex-
pressions on the face. The face geometry is used
to regulate the synthesis of facial expressions in
this method of control. Additionally, it maintains
the individuality of the expressions when synthe-
sizing them.
CDAAE (Zhou and Shi, 2017): The Conditional
Difference Adversarial Autoencoder (CDAAE)
produces synthetic facial pictures of a previously
unknown individual with a desired expression
based on the conditional difference between the
two images. While learning high-level facial ex-
pressions, CDAAE uses a long-range feedforward
connection that runs from the encoder layer to the
decoder layer, and it only takes into considera-
tion low-level face characteristics while learning
high-level facial emotions. Instead of using the
same pictures as input and output, the network
is trained using pairs of photographs of the same
person with different expressions rather than us-
ing the same images as input and output. This
method maintains the identity of the data and is
appropriate for use with even smaller datasets.
A Text-Based Chat System Embodied with an Ex-
pressive Agent (Alam and Hoque, 2017): Here the
author proposes a framework for a text-based chat
system with a life-like virtual agent that seeks to
facilitate natural user interaction. They created
an agent that can generate nonverbal communi-
cations like facial expressions and movements by
studying users’ text messages. This agent can
generate facial expressions for six fundamental
emotions: happy, sad, fear, furious, surprised, and
disgust, plus two more: irony and determination.
To depict expressiveness, the authors used the
software programs—MakeHuman and Blender
to build two 3D human characters, a male and a
female and to create realistic face expressions for
these agents. Instead than modifying the user’s
picture, the writers utilized an animated figure to
convey emotions.
There are, however, different kinds of GAN mod-
els that may be used for the creation of face expres-
sions. In the papers (Deng et al., 2019) and (Liu et al.,
2021), the authors used conditional GAN (cGAN) for
the generation of 7 expressions (anger, disgust, fear,
happy, sad, surprise, and neutral) and 6 expressions
(anger, disgust, fear, surprise, sadness, and happi-
ness), respectively. (Chen et al., 2018) used Double
Encoder Conditional GAN (DECGAN) to generate
seven different expressions in a single run. A fur-
ther development is the Geometry—Contrastive Ad-
versarial Network (GC-GAN), which was developed
by (Qiao et al., 2018) for the generation of face pic-
tures with target expressions. But none of these meth-
ods took into account the possibility of creating face
pictures with emotions from text. As a result, in or-
der to achieve our goal of emotion transmission to
image from text, we concentrated on extracting emo-
tions from the text and then creating face expressions
Altering Facial Expression based on Textual Emotion
by combining those feelings with others.
2.1.2 Study on Facial Expression Datasets
Several kinds of datasets were explored for generating
facial expressions and generating emotion from text.
The datasets that were utilized for the creation of face
expressions are listed below.
CelebFaces Attributes Dataset (CelebA) (Liu
et al., 2015): It is a large-scale face attributes
dataset including more than 200K celebrity pic-
tures, each of which has 40 attribute annotations.
It is available for download here. The pictures in
this collection depict a wide range of posture vari-
ations as well as a cluttered backdrop. There are
over 10, 000 identities, over 202 thousand facial
pictures, and five landmark locations with 40 bi-
nary characteristics annotations each image.
Multimedia Understanding Group (MUG)
(Aifanti et al., 2010): In order to address some of
the constraints of previous comparable databases,
such as high resolution, consistent lighting, a
large number of subjects and several takes per
subject, the MUG database was developed. It
is made up of picture sequences of 86 people
expressing themselves via facial expressions.
Each image was recorded in the jpg format with
a resolution of 896 × 896 pixels. There were
35 women and 51 men who took part in the
database creation. The participants were divided
into two groups: women and men. With 1462
sequences accessible, each including more than
1 thousand pictures and seven different face
expressions, the possibilities are endless. The
reactions range from surprise to delight to fear to
rage to neutrality to sorrow to contempt.
Facial Expression Research Group Database
(FERG) (Aneja et al., 2016): It is mostly a 2D
animation dataset that contains pictures of six
stylised characters’ facial expressions, most of
which are animated (3 males and 3 females). An-
notated facial expressions are used to create a
database of stylised characters in the game. It in-
cludes approximately 55K annotated face pictures
of six styled characters, which are organized into
categories. The characters were created using the
MAYA program and have six distinct face emo-
tions: furious, disgusted, fear, delight, surprise,
neutral, and sad.
Oulu-CASIA NIR-VIS Database (Oulu CASIA)
(Zhao et al., 2011): Approximately 74% of
the participants in the Oulu-CASIA database are
male, with a total of 80 subjects ranging in age
from 23 to 58 years old in the database. Fifty top-
ics are Finnish, and thirty subjects are Chinese,
according to the course description. Images are
captured at a rate of 25 frames per second and at a
resolution of 320 by 240 pixels by using imaging
In the database, there are six different face expres-
sions to choose from: surprise, happiness, sorrow,
rage, fear and contempt.
AffectNet Database (Mollahosseini et al., 2017):
Developed via the collection and annotation of
face pictures, AffectNet is a library of naturalis-
tic facial emotions. There are almost one million
face pictures in this collection, which was com-
piled from the Internet by searching three major
search engines with 1, 250 emotion-related key-
words in six different languages. Manual label-
ing was performed on about half of the recovered
pictures (440K), which included seven different
facial expressions and their respective intensities
in terms of valence, arousal, and agitation. It
includes seven different face expressions: anger,
contempt, fear, joy, neutrality, and sorrow.
Figure 1: The proposed pipeline of our approach.
2.2 Dataset for Emotion Detection from
In order to extract the emotion from the text, we
utilized the EmoBank Dataset (Buechel and Hahn,
2017). A text corpus of emotion is available, includ-
ing texts gathered from different social media plat-
forms and the internet as a whole. Emotion categories
are manually assigned to each text corpus in a pro-
cess called manual labeling. Seven different kinds of
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: A statistical overview of EmoBank dataset
(Buechel and Hahn, 2017).
Expressions # of entries
happy 1092
sadness 1082
anger 1079
fear 1076
shame 1071
disgust 1066
surprise 1050
Total 7516
emotions are represented by a total of 7,516 items, in-
cluding joy, sorrow, rage, fear, humiliation, disgust,
and feeling guilty. Table 1 shows the total number of
entries for each emotion in this dataset.
We gathered and analyzed a variety of datasets
and used a variety of techniques to these datasets
while maintaining the same experimental setup in or-
der to determine the most appropriate combination.
The (LSTM+EmoBank) combination was chosen in
this study to identify emotional content in text since
it fulfills our goal in a simple way. As a side note,
we discovered that StarGAN on a tweaked version
of the MUG dataset performs the best for us. After
describing our pipeline, which is based on the previ-
ously stated blended approach, we will go through the
experimental setups and comparisons in the next part.
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Results of applying Haar-cascade. (a) main input
image, and (b) shows final cropped and resized image.
The goal of our work is to change the facial expres-
sion of a photograph depending on the emotion de-
rived from a particular text. The pipeline for our sys-
tem is shown in Fig. 1. There are two stages to the
pipeline’s operation. In the beginning, it accepts the
text t and the first face picture that is entered. To iden-
tify the emotion e, the text is delivered to the emo-
tion extraction module, and the picture of the facial
expression f is provided to the expression synthesis
module. An image of the person’s face f
is produced
Figure 3: Results of applying histogram equalization. (a)
input image of the face (left) with its histogram (right), and
(b) output image of the face (left) with its histogram (right)
after the equalization.
using an expression based on the data in the synthesis
phase ( f + e) during the synthesis phase. Following
that, we will go through each of these stages in more
3.1 Emotion Extraction from Text
The EmoBank dataset (Buechel and Hahn, 2017) was
used in conjunction with Long Short Term Memory to
aid in the emotion identification process (Sherstinsky,
2018). In order to improve adaption, we do prepro-
cessing on the dataset, which includes case conver-
sion, removal of white space and punctuation marks,
spell correction, and handling of numerical symbols
and the unknown term, among other things. After-
wards, we embed the text using the GloVe (Penning-
ton et al., ) representation method and train our model
to recognize emotions in the text provided by the user.
3.2 Facial Expression Synthesis
(StarGAN + tunedMUG)
We use the StarGAN(Choi et al., 2018) to change the
facial expression of a person depending on the emo-
tion expressed in a text message. In order to test the
technique, we used a modified version of the MUG
dataset (Aifanti et al., 2010), which we refer to as the
tunedMUG dataset. The actions that were taken in
order to acquire this version are detailed below.
3.2.1 Face Extraction
Generalization is required in order to run a model
across any kind of data. Face expressions need data
from a variety of backgrounds, individuals, and situ-
ations to be accurate. In order to construct a general-
Altering Facial Expression based on Textual Emotion
ized model, we first applied the Haar-cascade (Padilla
et al., 2012) to the MUG dataset, which allowed us to
concentrate on the faces as much as possible through-
out the training process. Thousands of positive pic-
tures (such as photos of faces) and thousands of nega-
tive images are used to train the Haar-cascade (images
without faces). It provided us the location of the faces
and we stored this face as an image of 128 × 128 × 3
size. Fig. 2 shows the output of applying the Haar-
3.2.2 Histogram Equalization
The Histogram Equalization method (Cheng and Shi,
2004) is used to ensure that all of the picture data has
the same distribution. The samples in the dataset are
given a generic attribute as a result of this technique.
The outcome of the procedure is shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 4: Results of facial expression synthesis for test im-
ages. Here the, images in the left column are the input im-
ages, and the other columns represent different expressions.
Figure 5: Additional results of facial expression synthesis of
our pipeline for test images. Here the faces are of different
sources than the original MUG dataset.
As part of our pipeline development, we use the
(StarGAN + tunedMUG) model and the (LSTM +
EmoBanK) model. In this part, we describe our find-
ings in suitable depth and with relevant comparisons.
4.1 Experimental Setup
With 11.17GB GPU support, we were able to put
the StarGAN model into action on a Google Colab.
It took more than 48 hours to complete our whole
training process from start to finish. We utilized pic-
tures from our tunedMUG dataset worth about 20k
for training purposes. We utilized the Adam opti-
mizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015) with decay rates of
= 0.5 and β
= 0.999 for the 1
and 2
ments of the gradient, respectively, with β
= 0.5 and
= 0.999 for the 1
and 2
moments of the gra-
dient. By flipping data horizontally, we can also add
data augmentation into the equation. Furthermore, we
choose batch sizes of 16 and 0.0001 as the learning
rates for the generator and discriminator, respectively,
to get the best results. In addition, we base our LSTM
Table 2: Comparison of accuracy of RNN and LSTM based
emotion extraction from text on EmoBank dataset.
Model+Dataset Train Acc. Test Acc.
RNN + EmoBank 44% 33%
LSTM + EmoBank 71% 59%
model on the Google Colab. To train our model, we
created an embedding matrix using our dataset and
used the glove.6B.50d (Lal, 2018), which improved
the consistency of our model by identifying similar
words in our dataset and included them in our em-
bedding matrix. This embedding matrix assists the
model in dealing with the user’s input term that was
not in our dataset, and the model identified a compara-
ble word to this unknown word in order to accurately
generate the outcome. LSTM was used with β
= 0.9
and β
= 0.999 for Adam optimizer and categorical
cross-entropy (Zhang and Sabuncu, 2018) as the loss
function with a batch size of 32.
4.2 Experimental Results
With the EmoBank datset, we ran tests on it with a Re-
current Neural Network (RNN) (Sherstinsky, 2020)
and a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) (Sherstin-
sky, 2018), and discovered that LSTM provided ac-
ceptable results in terms of test and train accuracy (see
Table 2).
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Comparison among Oulu-CASIA (top), MUG
(middle) and our tunedMUG dataset (bottom) for applying
StartGAN. Here, the leftmost column holds the input faces.
The outputs of the expression synthesis module
generated from our StarGAN+tundedMUG technique
for the testing samples are shown in Fig. 5, which in-
cludes the results of the tests. We also present the
findings for faces other than those from the MUG
dataset, which are more diverse (Fig. 4). The findings
show that our system is capable of producing accept-
able outcomes in terms of expression synthesis, which
is encouraging.
We also show in Fig. 6 a qualitative comparison
between the Oulu-CASIA, MUG, and our tunedMUG
datasets for the purpose of using StarGAN. The fig-
ure shows that our StartGAN+tunedMUG combina-
tion produces much better outcomes than the others.
4.3 Application
We developed a web application in order to demon-
strate the overall performance of our image emotion
transmission from text method. In this prototype of a
social networking site, users can login, add a profile
photo, and publish content to the site. Fig. 7 depicts
a scenario in which our program is used, in which the
user’s expression in the image is changed depending
on the written post that he has submitted.
In this article, we suggested a pipeline for the trans-
mission of emotion from text to picture. Our system
receives textual input from the user, extracts emotion
from it, and then synthesizes an appropriate facial
expression depending on the emotion derived from
the text. In order to do this, we divided our system
into two phases: one for emotion recognition from
text, and another for picture creation using GAN.
EmoBank dataset with minimal preparation was uti-
lized for emotion processing, and LSTM was em-
ployed to get this result. Based on the MUG dataset,
(a) case - I.
(b) case - II.
Figure 7: Two example cases (a & b) of using our applica-
tion. In both cases: left: user’s profile page with a image of
his face. top–rigth: user shares a post having a happy emo-
tion and the expression in the profile picture is changed. The
similar case occurs in the bottom–right but for sadness.
we developed a custom expression synthesis module
that can be used in any environment. On this ad-
justed MUG dataset, we used the StarGAN technique
to change the facial expression of the participants. In
order to show our working pipeline, we have also cre-
ated an application that reproduces the profile image
with different expressions depending on the mood of
the user’s post in order to demonstrate our functioning
There are many possibilities for future endeavors
in our system. Currently, our system is focused on
the facial area, but we have plans to expand its ca-
pabilities to include pictures of the whole body in a
variety of positions. In order to achieve better fusion,
we want to do ablation studies on more datasets and
GAN techniques in the future. We also plan to run
user experiment evaluation of our system (Tarkkanen
et al., 2015).
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications