cause these two vertebrae had less training data than
C3–C7. However, although the IoU value tends to in-
crease as the number of training images is increased,
the IoU values of C2–C7 at the current number of im-
ages tends to reach a peak. As for C1, the trend of
increasing IoU value is seen. From the above, the cur-
rent number of data sets is sufficient for C2–C7. On
the other hand, it is expected that even if the number
of training images is increased, the IoU only increases
for C1. If we can increase the amount of training data,
we should be able to improve the accuracy of the es-
timation of C1.
In this paper, we proposed a cervical spine RoM angle
measurement assistance system to measure the cervi-
cal RoM angle by using image analysis. Our findings
showed that Mask R-CNN estimation of the cervical
region was able to estimate 97% of the total test data,
resulting in an overall IoU of 0.85. The standard de-
viation of the measurements was 2.9 degrees among
the specialists and 3.2 degrees among the residents,
while that of the proposed system was just 0, as the
measurements did not change no matter how many
times they were taken. The reproducibility, which
is an advantage of computer vision technology, al-
lowed the physician’s measurements to overcome the
problem of inconsistent values. The mean measure-
ment error of the proposed system and residents were
same value: 3.5 degrees. In the errors for each of
C1/2–C6/7, there is a significant difference in C2/3,
C3/4, C4/5, and C5/6. However, there was no signifi-
cant difference in the overall mean error between the
automatic measurement and the resident’s measure-
In the analysis of cervical X-ray images, attention
should be paid not only to the RoM angle but also to
the normal alignment of the cervical spine. In future
work, we will increase the amount of training data
to improve the accuracy of cervical spine region esti-
mation and see if we can determine the cervical mis-
alignment to estimate the defective cervical spine re-
gion. We also plan to try other segmentation methods
to compare the accuracy of the cervical region estima-
tion and the accuracy of the RoM measurement.
This work was supported by JST AIP-PRISM, grant
number JPMJCR18Y2; and JSPS KAKENHI, grant
number JP21H03485. We appreciate Dr. Kaburaki
of Tokyo Medical and Dental University for his coop-
eration in the measurements and Assistant Professor
Ienaga for his advice on this study.
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