interpolation (Shoemake, 1985). Here, the slerp func-
tion is used to produce constant-speed rotations. Note
that we have a t value for the position t
and a sec-
ond one for the orientation t
. This gives the ability to
define different interpolation speeds for the position
and the orientation. Similarly to Li et al., we limit
the amount of rotation and translation possible for a
tooth during one animation step (2° of rotation, and
0.2mm of translation) (Li et al., 2020b). These em-
pirical values are here to represent the limits of the
alveolar bone reconstruction process.
Given every intermediate steps of a treatment, the
resulting animation is the interpolation between the
successive arrangements.
To illustrate our method, we show our pipeline ap-
plied to two representative patient cases, and compare
the resulting animation with the simple linear interpo-
lation between the initial and target arrangement.
Case A (the red model on Fig. 9) presents mod-
erate disorders. The main issues are its upper right
second premolar position (tooth 15), and its anterior
teeth inclination. The treatment scenario for this case
is: first level the teeth, then re-position tooth 15 and
finally align and rotate the remaining teeth. The an-
imation is illustrated on the maxilla in Fig. 9. The
objective is shown in blue, the produced intermediate
steps are in green. The top part of the figure shows
the linear interpolation for the same animation times
and t
(in grey), and the bottom part is our complete
Case B (the red model on Fig. 10) illustrates a case
where the provided treatment objective needs to be
adjusted. This can happen when using an automatic
teeth arrangement method to generate the objective
(Section 2). These methods don’t usually predict teeth
extractions or arch expansion. The real treatment plan
for this case suggests the extraction of the premolar.
Therefore, as a preliminary step, the first premolars
are extracted and the anterior teeth are re-positioned
using the manipulators described in Section 3.3. The
edited objective is shown on Fig. 8. The treatment
script used to produce the animation is same as List-
ing 1. The resulting animation on the mandibula is
shown on Fig. 10.
The linear interpolation animation is shown in
grey for both cases at the top of Fig. 9 and Fig. 10.
Due to the fact that the interpolation corrects the ro-
tation and position of every teeth simultaneously, we
observe multiple differences. On case A, at t
, our an-
imation only straightens up the teeth to position them
on a same horizontal plane, whereas in the interpo-
lation animation, the teeth moved uniformly closer
to the objective. The difference is clear on tooth 15
(zoomed in). Similar differences are be observed on
case B. The companion video includes the animations
of both cases.
Figure 8: Adjustment of the initial treatment objective by
extracting the premolars, and re-positioning the anteriors.
In this paper, we present a method allowing to intu-
itively adjust a 3D treatment objective, and to gener-
ate intermediate treatment steps given a user-defined
treatment scenario. The resulting animation is a
more faithful representation of the intended treatment
hence is a better illustration than the simple interpo-
lation between the initial situation and objective, and
may improve the patient’s understanding of his treat-
In future work, we plan on providing arch-wire
actions to mimic the use of arch-wires of differ-
ent shapes (round, rectangular, squared) and stiffness
(low, medium, high). This requires the use of ad-
ditional patient data such as roots and surrounding
cranio-facial structures. One considered solution is
the registration of a dental cone beam computed to-
mography on our 3D model.
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Animating and Adjusting 3D Orthodontic Treatment Objectives