A Study of the Frameworks for Digital Humans: Analyzing Facial
Tracking evolution and New Research Directions with AI
Carlos Vilchis
1 a
, Miguel Gonzalez-Mendoza
1 b
, Leonardo Chang
1 c
, Sergio A Navarro-Tuch
1 d
Gilberto Ochoa Ruiz
1 e
and Isaac Rudomin
2 f
School of Engineering, Computer Science Department Tecnologico de Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Departamento de Tecnolog
ıas de la Informaci
on,Universidad Aut
onoma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa, Mexico
Motion Capture, Facial simulation, Human-Computer Interfaces, Avatars, FACS, Digital Humans.
There actual scenario of techniques and methods to improve our perception of digitals humans is mostly ori-
ented to increase alikeness and interactivity inside a helpful workflow. Breakthrough milestones have been
achieved to improve facial expression recognition systems thanks to the effectiveness of Deep Neural Net-
works. This survey analyzes all the open and fully integrated frameworks (deep learning-based or not) avail-
able today. All of those can be replicated by peers to analyze their effectiveness and efficiency in real-time
environments. Also, we present an overview analysis of present-day environments for digital humans that use
state-of-the-art facial tracking and animation retargeting to settle a direction on the future steps in our research
objectives in this field.
Digital humans have become a consolidated area of
research in the last ve or six years. Also called em-
bodied conversational agents (ECA) or virtual avatars,
they are now part of the Hype Cycle of Emerging
Technologies in 2021(Burke, 2021). This visual rep-
resentation of a digital human requires a diverse set
of technologies and an extensive list of factors that
must be achieved, such as realistic graphics (Zibrek
and McDonnell, 2014), emphatic response (Seymour
et al., 2017b), or a correct model that can make repli-
cate the facial expressions and performance coming
from a specific real human (Krumhuber et al., 2012).
A wide array of applications in the industry
makes Digital Humans part of the options to cre-
ate computer-human interfaces; these include e-
commerce, agent services, government communica-
tion, customer services, etc. Even the simple option
of seeing a future including automated AI-based hu-
mans, with a smile and all, serving customers 24/7,
makes it a relevant area of research.
A small group of companies in the field has ac-
cess to a fully developed framework to create Digi-
tal Humans with Deep Learning-based tracking. (An-
toniades, 2016) (Motion, 2017) (Moser et al., 2017).
Such systems are based on taking a real human per-
son, analyzing their facial performance, extracting the
uniqueness of its movements inside a discrete model,
and replicating it into a 3D model or avatar. A dig-
ital 3D model with a high level of detail (most of
the cases requiring the use of photogrammetry) (Gi-
antStep, 2019), is able to collect all the detailed ani-
mation inside a set of constraints and controllers en-
abling to drive a system named rig (Ca
namero and
Aylett, 2008). This rig will be in charge of driving
all the collected information inside the traditional an-
imation pipeline or, for purposes of this analysis: a
real-time engine (Aneja et al., 2019). Lastly, the way
humans build a particular observed link between an-
thropomorphism and emotional response is contem-
plated by the concept of the Uncanny Valley (Mori
et al., 2012), and it is a crucial component inside this
process to improve digital humans.
All the processes mentioned earlier can be sum-
marized as a simple phrase: ”framework for digital
humans”. There is a limited number of them that are
public and open research. As the tools needed to repli-
Vilchis, C., Gonzalez-Mendoza, M., Chang, L., Navarro-Tuch, S., Ruiz, G. and Rudomin, I.
A Study of the Frameworks for Digital Humans: Analyzing Facial Tracking evolution and New Research Directions with AI.
DOI: 10.5220/0010823600003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cate it (hardware and software) are not easy to inte-
grate, fully operational frameworks are rare.
In order to understand how a framework for digital
humans integrates different key processes, we need to
split the frameworks into different areas. The first is
the physical aspect of the digital-human, the expres-
sion set of how this digital human performs and talks
(most of the time, extracted from a real human be-
ing). The process ends in the real-time delivery of
data and 3D graphics, using cutting-edge techniques
to solve a real human face into a digital face in real-
time; commonly, this is done using deep learning for
prediction(Roble et al., 2019a).
The way facial expressions of a digital human are
constructed to recreate all of what the human face
does, when talking, expressing positive emotions or
disgust, is called facial codification. The initial fa-
cial codification was standardized in the industry back
in 1995 (MPEG, 2021), and while more than two
decades have passed, both academics and industry are
still using it as the most popular method. Facial An-
imation Parameters (FAP), based on control points
codification, lacks a relation between muscles and
expressions. Therefore, the use of facial expression
methodologies, such as Facial Action Code System
(FACS), proposed by Paul Ekman (Ekman, 1997), in-
cludes this. Popular research, databases, and meth-
ods use this facial codification; some of them also in-
clude a validation process to certify the codification
of FACS with an expert demonstrating a success rate
of more than 72% (Amini et al., 2015).
Common approaches are used to improve the
study, analysis, and extraction of a realistic facial
codification from real-world face recognition of real
subject faces. This helps to improve the validation
and in obtaining information from the wild. To ana-
lyze this imagery, state-of-the-art science and compu-
tational techniques such as including AI-based tools
is essential. This trend includes Convolutional Neu-
ral Networks using computer vision-based recogni-
tion (Bouaziz et al., 2013)(Krumhuber et al., 2012).
Several challenges were found when developing
these frameworks, and due to the increased need of
the industry to achieve better, faster, and reliable digi-
tal humans, most of the key factors that the main play-
ers in the industry consider important to overcome
The more significant challenge is to improve the
quality of rendered the 3D model. This means
achieving photorealism. (Zibrek et al., 2018)
To reduce the Uncanny Valley effect, some com-
ponents considered are improved animation, lip-
sync capabilities, facial deformations, and expres-
Interactivity increases the chances of success in
convincing the user of the uniqueness and indi-
vidual identity of a digital human; this means,
the possibility of not rendering performances lin-
early when using real-time graphics. (Hyde et al.,
2015)(Seymour et al., 2017b)
In perspective, with past studies and research pa-
pers trying to describe how to integrate an open
framework(van der Struijk et al., 2018)(Aneja et al.,
2019), we explore and study the specifications, ef-
ficiency rate, and quality of the results when us-
ing state-of-the-art frameworks to complete this task.
The main aspects analyzed for each framework are
the facial expression recognition method, the inte-
gration of the best facial codification available, real-
time control, and adequate evaluation of the emphatic
response. This survey also covers the most recent
tools, methodologies, and new research horizons in
facial expression recognition with deep learning in the
digital-human field.
As the main objective, this paper contributes as
Providing in-depth analysis and formalization of
the processes required of a framework for real-
time digital humans.
Providing a complete study of the elements cov-
ered in existing frameworks, as well as what is
lacking to approach new methodologies for real-
time digital humans.
Providing a perspective for the future in the real-
time facial tracking field of digital humans.
2.1 Facial Codification and Rigs
Understanding facial animation based on expression
recognition, means talking about a facial codification
method. The two main codification approaches are
FAP (MPEG, 2021) and FACS (Ekman, 1997) . These
are the most accepted methodologies in the facial an-
imation field. FACS was proposed almost 42 years
ago, FAP almost 26 and, until now, are still used
to replicate avatar faces in almost any professional
field inside human representation (Moser et al., 2017).
FAP was originally designed as an industry standard
to approach the fast growth of the animation industry
to standardize it, and FACS was originally achieved as
a theory in the field of psychology to observe, study
and analyze how facial expressions describe emotions
A Study of the Frameworks for Digital Humans: Analyzing Facial Tracking evolution and New Research Directions with AI
and intentions. The facial codification era in anima-
tion started in 2000s to parametrize facial controls
in animated characters (commonly named rigs) by
videogames/animation companies and studios. Sev-
eral authors(Pandzic and Forchheimer, 2003) consid-
ered a closer relationship between FAP and FACS.
FAP is oriented towards parametrizing the controls to
manipulate the face like a puppet, useful for speech-
driven avatars and performance animation by motion
capture. FACS, on the other hand, was originally
developed to parametrize emotions and their relation
with muscle groups by observation.
2.2 FAP Codificaion / Traditional Rig
Over several decades the Facial Animation Param-
eters (FAP) methodology has become the most ac-
cepted standard for facial control of 3D avatars and
digital characters. Originally inspired by AMA (Ab-
stract Muscle Actions), was later developed by re-
quest by MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group) and
became standard codification. .
Figure 1: The set of MPEG-4 Face Action Parameter (FAP)
feature points (MPEG, 2021).
In the field of emotion recognition, FAP has
been used as the main coding system by several re-
searchers, not just in the animation field (Pardas et al.,
2002) were is more popular due to being easy to inte-
grate as a traditional rig as Figure 1 . Therefore, a few
contents in this field have been published to codify fa-
cial recognition or to be used inside a contemporary
AI framework.
In order to get successful and realistic human an-
imatable faces, some authors have proposed better
modeling techniques based on FAP (Fratarcangeli and
Schaerf, 2004). This includes a mixture of hand-
modeled morph targets and considering how this lin-
ear animation was related to facial muscle structure,
where the controls of the face were closely related
to muscular descriptions. Several research results
were published into digital humans (Pasquariello and
Pelachaud, 2002), with a particular pioneering ap-
proach to handle skin deformation with wrinkles and
bulges in combination with FAP codification.
Facial Expression Synthesis with FAP have their
research origins in the animation field thanks to
some published papers (Malatesta et al., 2009), which
looked for an improved way to create better affective
computing interfaces with Embodied Conversational
Agents (ECA). The need to generate emotion and em-
phatic results while using FAP codification drove the
researchers into the need to model universal expres-
sions; this is how the Ekman theory of FACS ap-
pears in the facial animation research field for the first
time. Facial Action Tracking with parametrized FAP
(2001) was fundamental to complete several frame-
works proposed to improve the use of ECA in web
and mobile platforms back in 2002. As the web con-
tents were rapidly increasing, the use of Active Ap-
pearance Models (AAMs) (Pandzic and Forchheimer,
2003) as a statistical model-based method for estimat-
ing the 3D pose and deformation of faces in real-time.
This model included a Geometry, Pose, and Texture
parametrization tool inside an analysis-synthesis pro-
cess. Along with the 2000s, FAP codification has be-
come increasingly popular as the main facial anima-
tion and mocap methodology (Li et al., 2010) with a
mix of blendshapes and joints until today.
2.3 FACS Codification / 3D based
Scanned Rigs
Early FACS codification in animation approaches be-
came popular at the end of the 2000’s in research
fields due to interest take human 3D models from real
human inverse engineering. The real muscular sys-
tem of the face needed to be coded to split informa-
tion of subject faces to de-code it again and represent
like Figure 2 shows. As soon as the methodology
was reborn in the animation field, more researchers
used it to validate 3D human facial models (Cosker
et al., 2011) in order to improve the quality of Con-
versational Agents and standardize the rules of facial
expression into it.
Figure 2: An example of expression coded by Facial Action
Code System (Ekman, 1997).
FACS became essential thanks due to the increas-
ing importance of 3D facial scanning in the field as it
helped to capture single shots of facial geometry and
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
obtain an accurate representation of muscles, wrin-
kles, and skin folding. Now is a well-established tech-
nique used in movies to represent real actors in VFX.
Better achievements in photogrammetry scan helped
researchers separate different groups of textures such
as albedo, normals, specular, etc. However, the em-
phatic response related to feeling less uncanny digi-
tal humans (Tinwell et al., 2011) pushes the research
to continuously retake the FACS methodology under
new tools and new methods.
Alongside better quality methods to scan FACS
from real people, better techniques to represent the
facial movements were needed. The first attempts
to include FACS codification in 3D facial rig con-
struction (Villagrasa and Sus
ın S
anchez, 2009) al-
lowed getting a better understanding of how the face
moves, using 3D model blendshapes to generate cus-
tom controls. Hybrid methods combining scanned
blendshapes and bones become the newest standard
in the digital-humans field (Ravikumar et al., 2016).
Better techniques for the interpolation of blendshapes
based on FACS (Alkawaz et al., 2015) include some
newer algorithms to interpolate traditional face mod-
els between expressions inside a contemporary frame-
work. Some results showed a strong relationship be-
tween the color of skin, FACS and emphatic perfor-
mance (Alkawaz et al., 2014) on digital humans, this
way, the different human expressions can be achieved
realistically with easily replicated workflows. New
techniques related to Machine Learning training mod-
els (Radzihovsky et al., 2020) have proven the im-
provement of facial rig construction using informa-
tion previously trained in deep learning models, mak-
ing it easier to integrate into frameworks and to reuse
facial animation easily.
FACS Validation by an expert coder becomes real
(Rothkrantz et al., 2009) in animation framework
to validate rig blendshapes and expressions (Cosker
et al., 2011) . In the beginning, just a small sample of
20 expressions from upper and lower face Actor Units
(AU) was enough to let experts validate the precision
of 3D face models. Later the need to code validated
FACS in linear and nonlinear motion faces became a
challenging goal in computer graphics (Cosker et al.,
2010), results about how nonlinear blending of ex-
pressions is more convincing to facial expert coders
than simple linear ones.
FACS databases are used to study, train and eval-
uate expression inside a digital human framework
(Aneja et al., 2018)(Aneja et al., 2019), were com-
posed by libraries such as MMI(Pantic et al., 2005)
with 10,000 images, DISFA(Mavadati et al., 2013)
with 50,00 images, CK+[53] with 593 videos, and
KDEF(Calvo and Lundqvist, 2008) with 4900 Im-
ages. Novel databases such as AMFED(McDuff
et al., 2016) are based on YouTube content, with a
large dataset of 1.8 million recordings of YouTubers
in front of the camera. Thanks to web services and
the cloud. Researchers such as Benitez-Quiroz et al.
(Fabian Benitez-Quiroz et al., 2016) with Emotionet,
and Mollahosseini et al. (Mollahosseini et al., 2017)
in AffectNet, annotate, classify and code actor units
from facial expressions obtained from the Web to get
bigger and better datasets to improve new algorithms
of facial research.
The facial tracking process and the facial expression
recognition process, has been evolving over the past
years. Facial tracking to get an actor’s performance
into 3D animation has research papers dated from
2000(Valente and Dugelay, 2000) and was a basic
linear interpretation of distances between points or
reflective markers in the eyebrows, lips, etc. The
translation movement was tracked and processed by
several human hours as Vicon and Faceware. The
next milestone was related to research about im-
proving tracking in real-time (Valente and Dugelay,
2000) without human interaction, based on image-
based tracking and computer vision to complete high-
performance FER. The process is made taking infor-
mation from physical markers, skin marks (Moser
et al., 2017), or directly from contours of the lips,
eyes, and eyebrows using computer vision recogni-
tion (Reverdy et al., 2015) and advanced methods like
Machine Learning to recognize expressions, forecast
facial movements, and retarget accurate data into the
digital humans(Bhat et al., 2013).
Connection to real-time animation retargeting is
part of the complete framework for digital humans
under interactive circumstances. Experiments in the
last years using both traditional rendering engines
or game engines due to flexibility to perform high-
quality graphics for a fraction of the cost of render-
ing digital humans (Eckschlager et al., 2005). The
achievement made by Ninja Theory with Hellblade
(Antoniades, 2016), and collaboration in 2017 be-
tween Epic Games, Vicon, Cubic Motion, 3lateral to
get Siren (CubicMotion, 2018) showed the path of
real-time expression recognition and real-time retar-
geting into a 3D engine. Research made by Mike Sey-
mour under Unreal Engine(Seymour et al., 2017a),
A Study of the Frameworks for Digital Humans: Analyzing Facial Tracking evolution and New Research Directions with AI
has strengthened the research into cross the uncanny
valley with real-time interaction.
3.1 Democratized Facial Tracking Tools
for Digital Humans.
Understanding a democratized FER with FACS for
digital humans means to dont depending on commer-
cial tools like mentioned before. This means to pro-
cess all the actor’s facial expressions or databases
from the acquisition step, commonly related to us-
ing a 3D-Convolutional Neural Network or Genera-
tive Adversarial Networks for this type of AI training.
We will talk about tools based on different Artificial
Intelligence methodologies, STRUIJK with FACS-
vatar(van der Struijk et al., 2018), Aneja with Avatar-
Sim, Project Vincent(GiantStep, 2019), Doug Roble
Masqarade(Moser et al., 2017), but several tools like
Amini HapFACS(Amini et al., 2015),Gilbert FAC-
Shuman(Gilbert et al., 2018), Krumhuber with FAC-
SGen2.0(Krumhuber et al., 2012), are not considered
due to their lacking AI or their not being created to be
integrated into a full FACS framework.
3.2 Truly AI Tools for Digital Human
Face Tracking in Real Time with
DeepExpr. Aneja’s research into virtual humans
started in 2016 with DeepExpr (Aneja et al., 2016),
a deep learning method to create static facial expres-
sions in 3D characters using FACS codification. The
method was focused on creating emphatic cartoonish
characters expressions based on two basic CNN with
Gabor Filters, first trained with standard databases
(CK+, DISFA, MMI) to recognize features, the sec-
ond CNN to do the same process into a 3D digi-
tal cartoon character, then, using transfer learning by
Oquab (Oquab et al., 2014), to create a shared embed-
ding feature space. They fine-tuned the pre-trained
CNN on the human dataset with the character dataset
by continuing the backpropagation step. Finally, a
fully connected layer of the human-trained model was
fixed, so earlier layers were kept fixed to avoid over-
fitting problems.
ExprGen. ExprGen, later by Aneja et al. in 2018,
was into 3D Character FACS expression generation
(Aneja et al., 2018), but the method was optimized
into a 3D CNN. This end-to-end system worked in a
perceptually valid and geometrically consistent man-
ner. They trained a Pseudo-Siamese network named
fused-CNN (f-CNN) composed of 2 branches, Human
CNN (HCNN) and Shared CNN (SCNN). In the last
step, with a similar transfer to their past work, they
trained the f-CNN based on the distance between two
image encodings. The final match of geometry is per-
ceptually method matched. The last work of Aneja et
al. (Aneja et al., 2019) in 2019 was related to a full
framework for virtual characters, composed of a real-
time recognition tool for FACS, translation of values
into a facial expression tool, and direct transfer into a
real-time 3D engine.
FACSvatar. Struijk et al. (Hasani and Mahoor,
2017) presented FACSvatar at 2018 as the first full
framework to have real-time facial recognition based
on FACS as an open source for digital humans.
FACSvatar allows the integration of models gener-
ated by MakeHuman Project (MakeHuman, 2021),
a full 3D environment for creating digital characters
in 3D, which is integrated with the plugin FACSHu-
man(Gilbert et al., 2018). Several researchers devel-
oped all this suite of tools and made it open for re-
search. This framework takes a modified version of
OpenFace2.0 (Baltrusaitis et al., 2018) as the main
tool to recognize AU, eye gaze, and head rotation in
real-time via RGB simple camera (no special setup
is needed), and process data inside a simple Gated
Recurrent Unit Neural Network to enable generative
data-driven facial animation with Keras. It uses 17
AU intensities and training with MAHNOB Mimicry
Database. Specially designed modules in Python with
help in this framework’s operation as a GUI, which
controls AU’s parameters and values in real-time. The
information between all these modules is driven using
a distributed messaging library ZeroMQ. The devel-
opment of extra features in FACSvatar allows the user
to drive facial expressions with a CVS Offline file, so
a live human performer is not always needed in the
AvatarSim. Aneja et al. work concluded in a
full framework end-to-end named AvatarSim (Aneja
et al., 2019). This real and contemporary frame-
work was proposed in 2019. Setup made with
Unreal Engine and a CNN, FACS, and a recogni-
tion model trained with Emotionet (Fabian Benitez-
Quiroz et al., 2016), including a phoneme extraction
based on the audio wave. AvatarSim works with a
simple RGB camera, recognizes 12 FACS AU from
the user-detected face, and then synthesizes the ex-
pression. The Action Unit Recognizer is the same as
ExprGen; just with a small difference, these frame-
works do not retarget the movements into a midway
character but directly send the data to an expression
synthesizer. A Python interface made in PyThorch
transforms the 12-dimensional feature vector repre-
senting the probability of each AU with an aver-
age F1 score of 0.78. There is an option to use an
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
external off-the-shelf FACS AU detection SKD like
AFFDEX(McDuff et al., 2016). Finally, the Expres-
sion Syntethizer, made in Python, drives 38 Bone, 24
FACS, and 19 phonetic controls in the final target dig-
ital avatar. The final character is real-time driven in-
side Unreal Engine with traditional blendshapes. The
AI model was based on a CNN of the input image
with 49 FACS detection and trained with MMI, CK+,
KDEF, and DISFA. The result of this training model
(HCNN) was connected to a second CNN in a pseudo-
siamese network (fused CNN). The second CNN (
Shared CNN) was designed to recognize 10 cartoon
expressions. All character expressions were validated
to 70% with Mechanical Turk (50 test subjects) but
not a FACS expert. Both CNN, HCNN, and SCNN,
inside the f-CNN, were trained to get a similarity
score between human and primary character expres-
Project Vincent by GIANTSTEP. Like the work done
by Digital Domain and Cubic Motion for Siren, is the
case of GianStep(SouthKorea, ) from project Vincent,
an experimental project of a Digital human-based in
a private research framework but with better results
than all the ones previously mentioned in this doc-
ument. Sakamoto et al.(GiantStep, 2019) developed
an internal framework based on facial 3d scans to ac-
quire the set of expressions with the FACS methodol-
ogy. Sakamoto developed a Machine Learning Facial
Capture tool based on Keras and Python with a CNN
model. No external database was used for the Neu-
ral Networks, as information was taken from just one
face and all the possible expressions. The framework
uses two Neural networks. First, a Facial Marker
Tracker was designed to find and predict the coordi-
nate system of 3D markers with marker-less 2D im-
ages of facial expressions. The face was segmented
into six areas, and every area learns separately with
35 expressions to have a total of 210 different blend-
shapes of the face. A second Neural Network, de-
signed as a Blend-shape mapper, was connected with
the 6 areas to find an appropriate blend-shape inten-
sity for the AU with the information of the 3D marker
coordinates. Final results are delivered in real-time to
the 3D model inside Unreal Engine.
Masquerade by Digital Domain. are one of the
newest unsupervised AI methods. Private solutions
made by cutting-edge companies like Digital Do-
main (Roble et al., 2019b) to improve the quality,
realism and to drive emotional characters such as
Thanos (Ennis et al., 2013) in the Avengers Endgame
movie(Hendler et al., 2018). They have been testing
GANs to train and facial recognition. Above the CNN
methods, some researchers have chosen a Generative
Adversarial Network to complement their tools. Few
details are public about this project than a couple of
neural networks (generative and discriminator) take
the role of recognizing markers painted in the actor’s
face. Later, the solution is complemented with an-
other set of AI tools to train data like CNN and label
it and predict like the other solutions before studied.
This section discusses, and analyzes the state-of-the-
art frameworks reviewed, the importance of facial
codification methodologies, and how they become
important inside tracking faces to drive digital hu-
mans in real-time.
4.1 Discussion on Codification for
Real-time Tracking on Digital
Native FAP codification is not considered in the field
of study of this article, but we considered as a com-
mon solution used in traditional keyframe animation.
Important solutions like ARKit from Apple, the most
adopted solution due to the democratization of RGB-
D cameras inside Apple phones, have 51 basic coded
expressions but are not considered a tool to customize
or modify. Professional solutions in digital humans
like Faceware and Dynamixyz, based on 48 and 47
coded expressions, cannot allow custom expressions
or modify them. These tools, being commercial-born,
have become extremely popular around the world.
As we analyzed previously, the use of an
expressive-emotional solution-oriented to drive fa-
cial performance in digital humans adds extra fidelity
because it matches with real 3D scanned humans,
whether the accessibility to access facial database to
train the AI model results in the digital-human. Us-
ing FACS as a codification method to classify fa-
cial expressions has become common in the computer
graphics field. But there is no customization and pa-
rameterization in commercial solutions. FACS gener-
ation tools and solutions are available using it, but the
lack of full frameworks options makes it more inter-
esting to further research.
4.2 Discussion on Digital Humans and
Open Frameworks
We studied options that begin as simple facial expres-
sion recognition and transferred knowledge to digital
avatars to complete solutions with real-time tracking
A Study of the Frameworks for Digital Humans: Analyzing Facial Tracking evolution and New Research Directions with AI
Table 1: Analyzed frameworks (FW) and expression
generators (GEN), their respective and recognition rates.
*Frameworks discarded in the survey because are not FACS
based or AI techniques used.
Facial Resarch / Type
Rate /
Certified by coder
AvatarSim (FW) Unknown / No
HapFACS* (FW) 72.5% / Yes
FACSHuman* (FW) Unknown / No
FACSGen* (Gen) 72% / Yes
ExprGen (Gen) 75.5% / No
DeepExpr (Gen) 89% / No
FACSvatar (FW) 88% / No
Masquerade (FW) N/A
Vincent (FW) N/A
into live 3D digital humans. All the options analyzed
were based on FACS codification as a basic way to
understand the human face. Several frameworks and
solutions were discarded because they were not ori-
ented to this methodology. As well discarded solu-
tions just made to extract FACS like ExprGen, FACS-
Gen (Krumhuber et al., 2012) and DeepExpr were not
related to this survey as you can see at Table 1.
An important part of the research was to cross-
match frameworks, FACS and Digital humans, show-
ing the importance of validating FACS working with
certified coders in some parts of the process. Different
Frameworks were subject of emFACS(Friesen et al.,
1983) recognition test protocols with test subjects
to compare the recognition rate presented in all the
frameworks and tools. Not all the frameworks studied
included the results of this test. A certified coder was
used to validate the codification of input/output on the
models in HapFACS (Amini et al., 2015), FACSGen,
with the highest recognition rate (72.5% and 72%),
but was also discarded as a being a Generator and
incomplete framework, respectively. Some of these,
like FACSvatar, DeepExpr had results up to 89 per-
cent of recognition rate for the emFACS model, but,
is important to clarify is not Certified by Coders.
Suppose we filter all the options to determine the
complete open frameworks with an updated state to-
day. In that case, we will find a niche interesting to re-
search with certified coder validation, deep learning-
based, and the highest recognition rate.
4.3 Discussion on Future Work
The high demand for solutions for conversational as-
sistants, chatbots, virtual influencers, streaming video
hosts, etc., combined with the expectation to democ-
ratize the use of these tools, will cause more options
to push the industry to have improved solutions. The
need to research to have democratic options of frame-
works, with documented solutions for the right way
to get scanned persons, AI models, trained databases
will be predominant.
By March 2021, Epic Games had released the ini-
tial version of MetaHuman Creator(Games, 2021), a
tool created to help independent and small studios
easily create digital human assets with photorealistic
results. This tool represents a huge leap in the democ-
ratization of digital-human tools, but the lack of to in-
put custom face scans to create a digital human based
on a real human shows the limitation of this tool and
how there is still a long road to place custom FACS in
easy-to-use tools such as MetaHuman.
Research and development in real-time facial
tracking solutions, with easier and affordable options,
aligned the same way to improve the democratization
of these technologies is an essential direction. The
starting point is better portable devices as HMC with
computer vision, from a fraction of the cost and open
to be customized (different than iPhone ARKit) are
the starting point. If we consider the last standard-
ization for a facial codification was the one made by
the MPEG group, without an updated version or new
alternatives, we can deduce that it is time to gener-
ate newly standardized protocols for FACS methodol-
ogy. Standardizing modern facial codifications based
on emotional expression and skin/muscle activity is
another direction of research. Proven methods should
be analyzed, while correctly documented protocols
and data labeling homologation are other topics to re-
We have reviewed digital humans’ main concepts and
elements inside a real-time rendering framework to
introduce deep learning facial tracking. The analyzed
frameworks for real-time digital humans provide a
wide study of the elements covered. The review of
every step to distinguish limitations and advantages
let us check and compare actual options. Future steps
will include the test of each solution to compare ef-
fectiveness with Unreal Metahumans, and prototype
a custom FACS and CNN-based tracking inside a val-
idated FACS codification. Future research and exper-
iments in this field are priority to our research group.
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HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications