Figure 5b: Kaplan Meier estimates of SR for male
pancreatic cancer patients of the Clinic Arlesheim (C25)
compared to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI),
diagnosed between 2003 to 2004 (age 45-74y). [x/y STIC
n: see caption Fig. 3].
The analysis and comparison of the SR of a clinical
population of a cancer registry, such as CRCA, may
lead to a better identification of responders and non-
responders to integrative treatments (Winkler et al.,
2018). For this purpose, a high data quality of the
patient's treatment documentation is indispensable for
comprehensive statistics from the cancer registry to
contribute to cancer prevention in integrative
From a methodological point of view, complex
statistical approaches such as the concept of frailty to
introduce random effects, association and unobserved
heterogeneity into models for survival data according
to (Martins et al.; 2019) is a current challenge which
extends the Cox model of proportional hazards model
by introducing individual factors such as therapeutic
gap times to survival analysis and will be applied to
this data (Hirsch et al., 2016; Yazdani et al., 2019).
Figure 5 illustrates typical sequences of therapy
and non-therapy sections in the courses of a disease,
which can be analysed concerning e.g. SR with
respect to “gap time” or “total time” for instance.
As a consequence this might not only lead to an
identification of responders in cancer patients but also
to a detection of optimal treatment strategies for
patient subgroups undergoing an integrative
oncologic treatment (Haller et al., 2021).
Figure 6: Frailty model to model therapeutic “gap times”.
The authors would like to thank Prof. Dr. med.
Andreas Wienke (University Halle/Saale) for the
provision of the illustration in Figure 5. We also
would like to explicitly appreciate the friendly
support and constant helpfulness with all questions
concerning the QDS system by the FIH team (Antje
Merkle, Danilo Pranga and Friedemann Schad).
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