ing human interaction in the inspection of structures
through automation. Although ideally its perfor-
mance could be improved by increasing the amount
of training data, the relatively high detection rate and
reduced number of false positives achieved are ex-
pected to guarantee a relevant speedup with respect
to human-only inspection. As a matter of fact, the
good segmentation results make it possible to deter-
mine the area of damaged components in many cases.
In an experiment, given the dimensions of a reference
component we calculated the damaged area, as shown
in Figure 10.
In this paper, we have proposed a system for auto-
mated detection of damages in power transmission
towers using drone images. We have successfully
overcome the limitations of the scarcity of training
data and the inherent ambiguity of part of it. These
challenges have been tackled using an instance seg-
mentation network and diverse techniques to optimize
the training suited to the particular conditions of the
available data. Furthermore, we have evaluated the
results obtained by the proposed methods, both quan-
titatively and qualitatively, and compared them to the
baseline. In doing so, we reached the conclusion that,
not only do these techniques improve the results, but
the resulting system shows a promising performance
that would make it suitable for our goal of automa-
tion. Thanks to our sophisticated augmentation, dam-
ages of different types are detected accurately even if
they are underrepresented or subjectively labeled in
the training data. We expect that the usage of this
system will help reduce the human input needed and
substantially speed up the whole process.
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Automated Damage Inspection of Power Transmission Towers from UAV Images