sleep or a wakeup phase was reached. With these cal-
culated information the robot is able to warn the med-
ical staff prior or while the intention of standing up
arises and can intervene in a situation that can be pos-
sibly harmful for the patient. The robot is especially
useful as it is an embodied interaction partner and can
therefore be easily recognized as the one currently
speaking to the patient, opposing a solely camera-
based approach with attached speakers. The mobility
of the robot will come in handy, as to broaden the ser-
vice in observing multiple patients at once in a multi-
bed room with a single device. Additionally, the robot
can also be used at daytime as enhancement and as-
sistance in the context of MAKS therapy in hospital
wards, proposed in (Bahrmann et al., 2020).
A succeeding study will research on how the
Robot Sentinel performs and how the patients react
when the robot directly intervenes, if a possibly harm-
ful situation is discovered. This includes a direct
intervention triggered by the medical staff or auto-
matically playing music to soothe the patient back
to sleep. For this situation, the medical staff will be
handed a tablet or smartphone with an application that
displays the current situation and emits an alarm. The
staff will have the possibility to dismiss the current
situation, which will be recorded for further adjust-
ment of the algorithm, monitoring the current situa-
As it could be seen in the second experimental
phase, a possible detection of pain even while sleep-
ing, is a possibility for the proposed approach and
could serve as an early-warning system for the medi-
cal staff to intervene prior to the occurrence of an in-
cident. Also the monitoring and recording of atypical
sleeping behaviors can be useful for further diagnos-
It was seen that the typical sleep circle of about 1.5
hours is an indicator for movements in between each
cycle and was mostly used for a bathroom break. It
could be possible to determine a wider range of vital
signs from the patient to describe the sleep stage that
she or he is currently in. This would also improve the
warning process in a way to differentiate between a
sleeping or an awake person.
All human studies described have been conducted
with the approval of the responsible Ethics Com-
mittee, in accordance with national law and in ac-
cordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 (as
amended). A declaration of consent has been obtained
from all persons involved.
The presented work was funded by the ’Euro-
pean Regional Development Funds (ERDF)’ (ERDF-
100293747 & ERDF-100346119). The support is
gratefully acknowledged. We also want to thank all
participants of this project that let us monitor them
throughout their nights at the hospital and the med-
ical staff that provided many informations to further
improve the approach for the hospital use.
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RoSe: Robot Sentinel as an Alternative for Medicinal or Physical Fixation and for Human Sitting Vigils