Predictive Tools to Evaluate Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Heart
Failure Patients
Maria Carmela Groccia
1 a
, Rosita Guido
1 b
, Domenico Conforti
1 c
and Angela Sciacqua
2 d
Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering, University of Calabria,
Ponte Pietro Bucci 41C, 87036 Rende (Cosenza), Italy
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Italy
Predictive Models, Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning, Chronic Heart Failure, Decision Tree,
Respiratory Rate.
In this paper, a Knowledge Discovery task has been implemented with the aim of developing models for
predicting cardiovascular worsening events in Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) patients. A set of patients suffering
from CHF were enrolled and carefully evaluated through a ve-year follow-up. Several predictive models were
developed on the collected data and then compared. Among these, the decision tree based predictive model has
been analysed by clinical experts. The decision tree is among all the trained and tested models the most simple
and interpretable mainly by clinicians because it discovers if-then rules. The extracted rules are compliant
with previous clinical studies. Nevertheless, the decision tree achieved lower performance compared to the
other predictive models, which conversely to the decision tree are not “clinician friendly” because they do not
provide an explanation of the classification decisions.
Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) is a complex syndrome
caused by the inability of the heart to pump a suf-
ficient amount of blood around the body. Typical
symptoms of CHF patients include breathlessness, fa-
tigue, and ankle swelling (McDonagh et al., 2021;
Morrissey et al., 2011). Based on the symptoms, the
New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification
distinguishes the CHF patients in four classes; from
NYHA I, without any limitation to physical activity,
to NYHA IV, where patients have inability to carry
out any type of activity without discomfort (Bredy
et al., 2018). CHF confers high risk for cardiovas-
cular (CV) worsening events that cause recurrent hos-
pitalizations and high mortality rate even in patients
with mild symptoms (Dunlay et al., 2009). An early
prediction of CV worsening events could offer ben-
efits for a preventive treatment, limit serious conse-
quences and improve the quality of care (Ponikowski
et al., 2014). Therefore, it could have a relevant ad-
vantage on the reduction of hospitalizations and asso-
ciated costs.
Machine Learning (ML) and Knowledge Discov-
ery (KD) techniques can be applied to allow early pre-
diction of CV worsening events. These methodolo-
gies allow to learn knowledge from past experiences
through identifying patterns in the data (Fayyad et al.,
1996). ML algorithms are able to automatically learn
these patterns from past data and apply it to future
Previous research applied ML and KD tech-
niques in CHF domain for predicting adverse events
(Tripoliti et al., 2017; Groccia et al., 2018). In
(Tripoliti et al., 2017) a review of several models
for predicting the presence of adverse events, such
as destabilizations, re-hospitalizations, and mortality
is presented. In (Groccia et al., 2018) a temporal
weighting approach was applied to risk prediction of
major cardiovascular worsening events in CHF pa-
tients taking into account the chronology of events.
In this paper, a KD task has been designed and im-
plemented to extract new predictive models that can
help clinicians to early detect CV worsening events in
patients with CHF. The KD task was conducted on a
real dataset collected over a five years follow-up. Sev-
eral ML algorithms were trained obtaining different
Groccia, M., Guido, R., Conforti, D. and Sciacqua, A.
Predictive Tools to Evaluate Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Heart Failure Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0010829900003123
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2022) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 475-481
ISBN: 978-989-758-552-4; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
predictive models. Models performance have been
evaluated and compared. Decision tree based model
has been deeply analysed by clinicians exploiting the
possibility to extract simple rules compliant with the
previous clinical studies.
A KD task has been designed and implemented to
analyse the collected data and to develop models for
predicting CV worsening events in CHF patients. The
KD analysis was defined as a predictive task stated as
supervised binary classification problem.
Supervised ML approaches learn from a given
dataset a function f that predicts an output variable
(or class label) y from a feature vector x containing
N input variables, such that y = f (x) (Mitchell, 1997;
Jo, 2021). In the considered classification problem,
the class label is a categorical variable with only two
2.1 Collected Data
The collected real dataset contains clinical informa-
tion of 50 patients with an established diagnosis of
CHF and NYHA classes I, II and III. The data was
collected at the CHF ambulatory of the Geriatrics Di-
vision at the “Mater Domini” University Hospital in
Catanzaro, Italy. Patients were followed up every 3
months on an outpatient basis for an average of five
years. All patients gave their availability and written
consent for participation at the pilot study.
At first outpatient visit, personal data and medical
history including date of birth, gender, NYHA class,
etiology, cardiovascular history, use of medications,
other diseases were collected. At each outpatient
visit, vital signs such as Heart Rate (HR), Body Tem-
perature (BT), Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), Dias-
tolic Blood Pressure (DBP), Respiratory Rate (RR)
and weight were recorded. Dates of specific events
(i.e., date of the visits, date at which a CV wors-
ening event occurred) were reported too. During
the follow-up, 19 patients presented a CV worsening
event. Among these, 8 patients had more than one
event. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the
patients are summarized in Table 1.
2.2 Preprocessing
In the original format, the dataset is organized in a
wide format and consists of 50 rows. Each row con-
tains, in its first columns, the patients data that don’t
change across time: personal data and medical his-
tory. The remaining columns contain the clinical pa-
rameters recorder at each visit and the dates of spe-
cific events. To perform the classification task, the
dataset was converted in a long format. In this for-
mat, each patient has data in multiple rows. Each row
represents a patient’s visit.
The class label was defined based on the occur-
rence or not of CV worsening events between two
consecutive outpatient visits. An instance is a row of
the dataset. 31 instances were designated as positive
Table 1: Demographic and clinical characteristics of the pa-
tients. NYHA: New York Heart Association; CHF: chronic
heart failure; PTCA: percutaneous transluminal coronary
angioplasty; ICD: implantable cardioverter defibrillator;
TIA: transient ischaemic attack; COPD: chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease; CV:cardiovascular.
All patients
Age (years ± SD) 72.5 ± 14.2
Male 36 (72%)
Female 14 (28%)
NYHA Class
I 3 (6%)
II 38 (76%)
III 9 (18%)
CHF etiology
Ischemic heart disease 23 (46%)
Idiopathic dilatation 9 (18%)
Hypertension 4 (8%)
Valvular diseases 8 (16%)
Valvular diseases + Hypertension 4 (8%)
Alcoholic habit 2 (4%)
Cardiovascular history
Instable angina 1 (2%)
PTCA 1 (2%)
By-pass 7 (14%)
Atrial flutter 13 (26%)
Pacemaker 3 (6%)
Cardiac resynchronization 1 (2%)
ICD 2 (4%)
Mitral insufficiency 21 (42%)
Aortic insufficiency 4 (8%)
Hypertension 28 (56%)
TIA 2 (4%)
Other diseases
Diabetes 11 (22%)
Hypothyroidism 1 (2%)
Renal failure 4 (8%)
COPD 5 (10%)
Asthma 1 (2%)
Sleep apnea 4 (8%)
Pulmonary fibrosis 1 (2%)
Gastrointestinal diseases 4 (8%)
Hepatic diseases 3 (6%)
CV worsening events 19 (38%)
HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics
instances (patients with CV worsening events) and the
remaining 762 instances were designated as negative
instances (patients without events).
Input errors were corrected and a new variable that
contains the age of patients at admission was created.
The dataset is imbalanced because the number of
instances of patients with CV worsening events is
much lower than the instances of the patients without
With the aim to create predictive models that use
few and simple clinical parameters, only the vital
signs measured at each outpatient visit were included
in the training set. Clinical parameters, i.e., HR, RR,
DPB, and SBP are used both to monitoring CHF and
as a primary tool regarding patient status.
The dataset was randomly divided into training
(70%) and test (30%) set. The training set was used to
build the predictive models. The test set instead, was
used to evaluate the performance of each model on
unseen data. A resampling approach has been adopted
to balance the classes in the training set.
2.3 Models Building
Several ML algorithms such as Support Vector Ma-
chine (SVM), Artificial Neural Network (ANN),
ıve Bayes, Decision Tree and Random Forest were
implemented to develop the predictive models.
SVM is a classifier based on statistical learning theory
(Cortes and Vapnik, 1995; Burges, 1998). It searches
for an optimal hyperplane, in an N-dimensional space,
that separates patterns of classes by maximizing the
margin. In non-linearly separable dataset, the SVM
maps inputs into high-dimensional feature spaces us-
ing a kernel function in order to transform it in a lin-
ear separable dataset. The most popular kernels used
in SVM classification tasks are polynomial kernels
and Radial Basis Function (RBF), also called Gaus-
sian kernels.
ANN is a computational model, consisting of a num-
ber of artificial neural units called perceptron. They
emulate biological neural networks (Krenker et al.,
2011). In this work, we used a type of a fully con-
nected, feed-forward artificial neural network named
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). MLP consists of neu-
rons arranged in layers: one input layer, one output
layer, and one or more hidden layers.
ıve Bayes is a probabilistic classification algorithm
based on the Bayes Theorem with strong (na
ıve) in-
dependence assumptions between the features (Rish,
2001). This algorithm is based on the assumption that
a particular feature in a class is unrelated to the pres-
ence of any other feature.
Decision Tree is a non-parametric supervised learn-
ing method (Quinlan, 1986). The goal is to create
a model that predicts the value of a target variable
by learning simple decision rules inferred from the
data features. A Decision Tree consists of nodes and
branches. Each node represents an input attribute and
a split point on that attribute. The leaf nodes contain
an output attribute which is used to make a prediction.
Given a new input, the tree is traversed by evaluating
the specific input started at the root node of the tree.
One of their main advantage is that they are simple to
understand and interpret, and they can be visualised.
Random forest (Breiman, 2001) consists of individ-
ual decision trees that operate as an ensemble. Each
tree is built by applying bagging, which is the general
technique of bootstrap aggregating. A simple major-
ity vote of all trees gives the final result. The inter-
pretability of a single decision tree is lost in random
forest because many decision trees are aggregated.
The tuning model hyper-parameters has been opti-
mized using a 5-fold cross validation. In k fold cross
validation, the dataset is split randomly into k equal
sized folds. K iterations are performed and, at each
iteration one of the k folds is used as the validation
set while all remaining folds are used as the training
set. In this process each instance is used for testing
exactly once. The resampling was performed only on
the folds used as training data as discussed in (Santos
et al., 2018).
Table 2: Hyper-parameters tuning. LR: Learning Rate;
Mom: Momentum; Ep: No. epochs; CF: Confidence Fac-
tor; Iter: No. iterations.
linear kernel
C [1,5] 1 1
poly kernel
d [1,5] 1 3
C [1,10] 0.5 10
RBF kernel
γ [0.01,1.00] 0.01 0.03
C [1,10] 0.5 10
LR [0.1,1.0] 0.1 0.3
Mom [0.1,1.0] 0.1 0.2
Ep [400,600] 100 500
CF [0.10,0.50] 0.05 0.25
Iter [100,400] 100 100
The hyper-parameters were optimized by search-
ing the best value in a defined range for each ML
model. Table 2 reports the hyper-parameters tuning of
the tested algorithms. In the third column of the table
Predictive Tools to Evaluate Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Heart Failure Patients
there is the range of values defined as search space.
The incremented value is denoted in the fourth col-
umn as Step. The last column shows the best value.
We tested SVM with three kernel functions, i.e., lin-
ear kernel, polynomial kernel, and RBF kernel.
Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis
(WEKA) software, version 3.8.2, was used to build
the predictive models by using classification algo-
rithms (Eibe et al., 2016). We used SMO (Sequential
Minimal Optimization) algorithm for SVM and J48
for decision tree.
2.4 Models Evaluation
The Area under the ROC curve (AUC), sensitivity,
specificity, and Geometric Mean (G-mean) are used
to evaluate and compare the predictive performance
of the build ML models on the test set.
The confusion matrix was used to define the met-
rics discussed in this section. Table 3 shows the struc-
ture of confusion matrix. Let P and N, be the num-
ber of positive and negative instances, respectively.
T P and T N, are the number of instances correctly
predicted as positive and negative, respectively; FP
and FN are the number of instances predicted as pos-
itive and negative whereas they belong to the opposite
class, respectively.
Table 3: Confusion Matrix for binary classifier.
actual positive TP FN
actual negative FP TN
AUC: measures the classifier’s ability to avoid false
classification. It is the area under the curve of the true
positive ratio vs. the false positive ratio and indicates
the probability that the model will rank a positive case
more highly than a negative case.
Sensitivity: measures the proportion of positive in-
stances that are correctly identified, i.e, it is the ability
to predict a CV worsening event. It is defined as
Sens =
T P + FN
Specificity: measures the proportion of negatives that
are correctly identified, i.e, it is the ability to predict
patients without CV worsening events. It is defined as
Spec =
T N + FP
G-mean: takes into account the balance of the classi-
fier’s performance on the two classes. It is defined as
the geometric mean of sensitivity and specificity as
G-Mean = sqrt(Sens Spec)
Table 4 shows the performance of the predictive mod-
els on the test set.
Table 4: Results of the predictive models on the test set.
Model AUC Spec Sens G-mean
linear kernel
0.77 0.79 0.75 0.77
poly kernel
0.70 0.90 0.50 0.67
radial kernel
0.77 0.79 0.75 0.77
Naive Bayes 0.73 0.83 0.50 0.64
ANN 0.81 0.86 0.50 0.66
Random Forest 0.73 0.93 0.12 0.34
Decision Tree 0.57 0.89 0.25 0.47
Following the specific indications of the clinical
domain experts’ involved in this study, a deep clinical
assessment of the decision tree model has been devel-
oped since it is easier to understand by clinicians.
The decision tree extracted from the KD task has
undergone a post-processing process by the support of
clinical domain experts in order to extract few simple
rules that could be directly used by clinicians in their
daily practice. The tree is reported in Figure 1. The
label 0 identifies the absence of risks, while the label
1 identifies risk of CV worsening events.
The three rules constructed by the decision tree
to predict CV worsening events in CHF patients are
described below.
Rule 1. The first rule suggests a test on RR (root
node). The tree identifies the RR as the most rele-
vant parameter for predicting an event. In particular,
a CHF patient with RR greater than 20 apm may have
an event.
Rule 2. The second rule suggests a new event for
patients with a RR 20 apm, HR > 88 bpm and
DBP 72 mmHg.
Rule 3. If RR 20 apm and HR 88 bpm, the
third rule suggests reconsidering again these values.
If 56 < HR 75 bpm with a RR 18 apm and
DBP 52 mmHg, a new event may occur with any
SBP value.
Regarding the third classification rule, the SHIFT
study (Borer et al., 2012) already showed how HR de-
crease induced by ivabradine led to a decrease in hos-
pitalization rate in patients suffering from CHF with
reduced systolic function. Therefore, the model is
consistent with currently published data. While the
HR cut-off was not foreseen in the study, the classi-
fication rule of our model identifies what is the HR
HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Decision tree.
value associated with an acute destabilization event.
The clinical importance that emerged through this
model for the RR is undoubtedly interesting. With
regard to the algorithms published in the past, a re-
cent meta-analysis suggests that weight was the most
used parameter to monitor CHF patients (Klersy et al.,
2009). According to our analysis, weight does not
give meaningful contributions to the model and was
eliminated from the classification tree. Generally, in
this type of model RR is not taken into consideration.
Yet RR is an excellent clinical indicator, not only for
respiratory system, but also for hemodynamic equilib-
rium. Indeed, worsening of respiratory diseases neg-
atively affects cardiac function. On the other hand,
during the early stages of decompensation lung inter-
stitial congestion can occur, thereby triggering the ac-
tivation of J receptors which in turn stimulates pul-
monary ventilation. It is clinically relevant to take
this variable into consideration for the prediction of
a worsening event. In this model, RR is considered
in more than one classification rule. In particular, the
first rule considers exclusively if RR is higher than 20
acts per minute. From a clinical point of view, RR
is really useful since tachypnea is an indicator of CV
distress, which arises as an attempt of compensatory
mechanism that in the long term further promotes de-
Moreover, the second classification rule is based
on a group of parameters, including RR, HR and DBP.
Of course, all these considerations should not come
as a surprise, because clinical parameters can always
be affected by compensatory mechanisms. The latter
are initially crucial to maintain an adequate cardiac
output; however, compensatory mechanisms can con-
tribute to further worsen decompensation. We take
into consideration the activation of both sympathetic
nervous system and renin-angiotensin system. In ad-
dition, we recall the importance of HR as an early
clinical indicator of decompensation, closely associ-
ated with sympathetic activation and with the conse-
quent positive chronotropic effects expressing an ini-
tial compensation mechanism, which however favors
a further worsening of the overall clinical status. In
fact, HR is the main inducer of myocardial oxygen
consumption, which can concur to promote decom-
pensation. These concepts explain why the use of
beta-blockers is a cornerstone of CHF treatment.
Finally, it is useful to discuss the role of DBP. In-
deed, the second and the third classification rules im-
ply that an event is predicted when the DBP is 72
mmHg and 52 mmHg, respectively. Also in this
case the system is in agreement with clinical litera-
ture. A previous Japanese study (Tsujimoto and Ka-
jio, 2018) had shown that a low DBP value was as-
sociated with the onset of CV events and with an in-
crease in the number of hospitalizations due to HF.
Notably, in this study DBP values < 70 mmHg were
taken into consideration, thereby indicating them as
more unfavorable than the 80 89 mmHg range.
Despite the knowledge extracted with the deci-
sion tree is in a form easily to be interpreted and the
extracted rules are compliant with previous clinical
Predictive Tools to Evaluate Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Heart Failure Patients
studies, this predictive model has lower performance
than other models. It has low sensitivity although the
reasons behind the low sensitivity could be linked to
the low sample size.
The SVM with linear and radial kernel had
the best performance on the test set for predict-
ing CV worsening events in CHF patients: AUC =
0.77, speci f icity = 0.79, sensitivity = 0.75 and G
mean = 0.77. This indicate that SVM has a high abil-
ity to avoid false classification.
This work presents and compares predictive models
based on ML algorithms for the early prediction of
CV worsening events in CHF patients using few clin-
ical parameters.
Among the predictive models, SVM with linear
and radial kernel had the best performance on the test
set. As we showed, the decision tree is among all
the trained and tested models the most simple and in-
terpretable mainly by clinicians because it discovers
if-then rules as clinicians do. Conversely, although
SVM has the best performances, it is not “clinician
friendly”. The inability of SVMs in providing a sim-
ple and understandable interpretation of the classifica-
tion decisions is one of the main obstacles impeding
their application in the clinical practice.
As future work, we will reproduce these experi-
mental models on a larger size study and a shorter in-
terval occurring between two consecutive visits. A
follow-up based on shorter intervals could increase
both sensitivity and specificity of the models. Another
possible application could consider remote monitor-
ing, with the active help of either the patients them-
selves or their caregivers, to intervene as early as pos-
sible to avoid events and subsequent hospitalization.
In addition, techniques for rule extraction from SVM
could be adopted to ameliorate the aforementioned is-
This work has been partially supported by the indus-
trial research and development project “HEARTNET-
ICS - Advanced Analytics for Heart Diseases Man-
agement” (European Regional Development Fund,
Calabria Region Grant J58C17000150006, Italy,
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Predictive Tools to Evaluate Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Heart Failure Patients