mine the final classification, which makes the system
robust. From this point of view, the method of classi-
fying feature maps using numerical relationships be-
tween weights is inherently flawed. The numerical
relationship of weights can not clearly represent the
category of feature maps.
The ability to activate complete target regions of
feature maps is found in fixed channels. This prop-
erty of neural networks applies to both cancerous and
normal tissue areas, treating both classes as targets
and activating the corresponding area completely. At
the same time, specific channels are invariant to tar-
get changes in the input image, they can stably output
the complete active area. In addition, this capability is
closely tied to channels from which feature maps can
be obtained once the channels are identified. There-
fore, after the training of neural network, the channels
can be screened with a small amount of data to deter-
mine the needed channels.
In this paper, we have taken an insight into the neu-
ral network. we have explained the weak correlation
between feature map and the weight of output layer.
The feature map directly related to target cannot be
selected out through the numerical characteristics of
weights. It was also found that the feature map in
specific channel has the ability to capture fixed fea-
ture. The conducted experiments prove that the fea-
ture maps which activate the more complete target re-
gion are output in fixed channels. This work can aid
other researchers in understanding and designing net-
works for image processing.
The authors gratelfully acknowledge financial support
from China Scholarship Council.
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