additional crossings are produced. Moreover, they do
not consider the ordering of edges, since there is at
most one edge from one vertex to another vertex.
ohringer and Paulisch, 1990) introduce absolute
and relative constraints to fix the order of vertices.
This is a viable solution to maintain graph order but
this, again, does not prevent additional crossings. We
want to automatically produce drawings that maintain
the graph order without causing additional crossings.
Again, B
oringer and Paulisch do not constrain edges
but only vertices, which solves only one of our prob-
lems since no dummy vertices can be constrained.
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by setting an initially best ordering for crossing min-
imization. This allows us to maintain the graph or-
der without causing additional crossings introduced
by local minima other than through coincidence or or-
der constraints for many models.
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ings as a secondary criterion seems beneficial. There-
fore, prioEdgeOrder with weighted vertices and ports
) is one potential option for SCCharts. An-
other one is V since it allows to control the layout
without changing the semantic by changing the vertex
graph order. Therefore, we make this setting config-
urable for SCCharts and to evaluate this further.
Future work on this project should evaluate
whether SCCharts that are created in a tool that vi-
sualizes the diagram taking the graph order into ac-
count results in more consistent models or otherwise
changes the way modelers design.
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Preserving Order during Crossing Minimization in Sugiyama Layouts