a visualisation/analysis system is already available.
The usability of Anvil depends on the number of sys-
tems provided out of the box, plugins shared by other
users and on the ease of extensibility. The traditional
approach may be more straightforward to set up but
Anvil provides a much richer debugging experience.
In this paper we have presented Anvil, a visual de-
bugging tool for PBR. Anvil is different from other
debuggers in that it is not tightly coupled to any API
or hardware. Due to its flexibility, it can be used in
other fields such as pedagogy where it would allow
students to grasp fundamentals, especially in the areas
related to stochastic rendering. For instance, teachers
could visualise the propagation of light as it happens,
allowing the students a deeper understanding of the
Overall, results suggest Anvil complements ex-
isting tools. While current debuggers help to find
low-level issues, Anvil analyses and visualises higher-
level primitives through components called atoms
and molecules. Through its design, Anvil achieves
seamless integration with the user’s application, en-
abling interactive debugging at the cost of mapping
molecules and atoms.
7.1 Limitations
Currently, there are only a small number of visualisers
and analysis tools that have been implemented. Thus,
new users will most likely need to implement their
own tools in Anvil. However, this problem is expected
to diminish with adoption. One other issue is that the
reflection component in Anvil is currently limited to
read-only access to the user data. This limits visualis-
ers/systems as these components are not able to mod-
ify data on the fly. While this can be bypassed using
events, it is not ideal as this requires the user to patch
the code and add modifications for every write that is
needed. One other problem stems from the fact that
if Anvil and the user both depend on the same library,
there can be interference. For instance, if both a visu-
aliser and the user application uses ImGui, and both
depend on ImGui’s dynamic library, the state needs to
be guarded carefully.
7.2 Future Work
The reflection component needs to be relaxed so that
it allows writing back to the user data. This would
allow a more comprehensive debugging experience.
Additionally, specialised macros and helper functions
to ease transfer of GPU to host data need to be de-
veloped. This would entail implementing function-
ality for OpenGL, DirectX, etc. Finally, since the
most time-consuming aspect in Anvil is the mapping
of data to molecules and atoms, a possible improve-
ment could be to provide a tool that facilitates/infers
these mappings. Since atoms and molecules are regis-
tered with Anvil, this tool would be able to understand
the required structure and given a user structure, au-
tomatically generate mappings.
This work was supported by the Notarial Archives of
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Anvil: A Tool for Visual Debugging of Rendering Pipelines