The mAP metric used in evaluating the Mask R-
CNN model customized for this problem had results
between 0.2333 and 0.2585 for an IoU of 0.5. In the
individual evaluation of the AP metric of each image,
we verified that the AP values were lower for images
that contained many particles present in the sample
and higher AP values for images that contained few
particles present.
This factor may be associated with a small number
of labels in the validation set (only 10 per image), in-
creasing the probability for images with few particles
that the predicted value was associated with labeled
ground truth. For better AP results for these classes,
we suggest in future work that a greater proportion of
particles be labeled in the validation set and that the
training and validation sets have particles from differ-
ent classes labeled in the same image.
We emphasize that our implementation has the
challenge of working with images derived from an
industrial environment. These images are complex,
as they present homogeneity in color, texture, com-
plex background, overlapping, and occlusion. Fur-
thermore, we did not find any database available for
the implementation, and we designed our database.
From the results obtained in this step, it was pos-
sible to raise new hypotheses of approaches to im-
prove the algorithm to obtain the particle size distri-
bution of the quasi-particles present in a sample in fu-
ture work. The development of applied solutions with
deep learning can bring significant benefits, both in
the improvement of processes and in the insertion of
steelmaking processes in Industry 4.0.
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