Figure 10: Result of Apple Watch ECG image detection.
(EHR) instances are deployed to the MEC layer, en-
abling cloud computing capabilities on the network
edge. 5G technology further improves the latency
and connectivity necessary to support wearables and
IoMT in telemedicine. A proof of concept imple-
mentation of atrial fibrillation (Afib) detection with
frequency predictable by trending, adverse event ran-
dom occurrence, and urgent care needed when hap-
pens are evaluated. Future work includes applications
in telemedicine beyond Afib detection and further de-
velopment of the telemedicine work with mmWave
and integration with other technologies.
This work was funded by the Commonwealth Cyber
Initiative (CCI), research, innovation, and workforce
initiative of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
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HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics