In this paper, we propose an end-to-end multi-task
network for semantic segmentation and depth com-
pletion. It combines a modified version of two
bench-marking models, more specifically, we used
the model proposed by Chen et al. (2020) for depth
completion and our semantic segmentation branch is
based on the semantic segmentation branch of the
EfficientPS model proposed by Mohan and Valada
With the proposed model, we successfully pro-
vide further evidence that multi-task networks can
significantly improve the performance of each indi-
vidual task by learning features jointly. Our model
successfully predicts the fully dense depth map as
well as the semantic segmentation image in a scene,
given an RGB image and a sparse depth image as in-
puts to our model. In addition to that, our ablation
studies demonstrate quantitatively, that our multi-task
network outperforms, by a large margin, equivalent
single-task networks.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications