We can now answer the research questions raised in
• What insights can be obtained from exploratory
data analysis?: The exploratory analysis of the
data shows us a higher predictive value of the in-
ternal performance variables. The dependent vari-
able has a stronger correlation with waiting bed
than visits, and census hosp and visits have the
same strength. This fact verifies our hypothesis
about the higher influence of the hospital perfor-
mance compared to external demand. Other vari-
ables are stronger correlated, especially patient ty-
pologies and critical levels. We notice that car-
diovascular and respiratory variables are stronger
correlated than other categories, we also notice
that level3 is more correlated than other more crit-
ical levels.
• Can we predict the ED occupation without us-
ing the patient demand? Although the influence
of hospital performance is very important, we
achieved better results by characterizing all fac-
tors related to overcrowding, both external and in-
• Can we obtain better results using internal hos-
pital performance variables? Definitely, incorpo-
rating the proposed variables improves the results
of the ED overcrowding forecasting models.This
has been confirmed with the ablation study where
these variables were eliminated and the perfor-
mance of the estimation decreased.
All the research objectives have been reached, the
results show that ED occupation can be predicted
from internal performance variables, even excluding
external demand. A better understanding of the corre-
lation of internal hospital performance variables with
overcrowding in emergency departments has been
The linear regression models used in the experi-
ments are powerful enough to yield good performance
but not so much complex to mask the influence of the
variables in the results. Thus, they allow us to estab-
lish a baseline for future works to explore the use of
different machine learning models like artificial neu-
ral networks and decisions trees. Another possible fu-
ture work is to explore the use of exogenous variables.
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HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics