Multimodal Personality Recognition using Cross-attention Transformer
and Behaviour Encoding
Tanay Agrawal
, Dhruv Agarwal
, Michal Balazia
, Neelabh Sinha
and Franc¸ois Bremond
INRIA Sophia Antipolis - M
ee, France
e C
ote d’Azur, France
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad, India
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India
Multimodal Transformer, Multimodal Data, Feature Engineering, Personality Recognition.
Personality computing and affective computing have gained recent interest in many research areas. The
datasets for the task generally have multiple modalities like video, audio, language and bio-signals. In this
paper, we propose a flexible model for the task which exploits all available data. The task involves complex
relations and to avoid using a large model for video processing specifically, we propose the use of behaviour
encoding which boosts performance with minimal change to the model. Cross-attention using transformers
has become popular in recent times and is utilised for fusion of different modalities. Since long term relations
may exist, breaking the input into chunks is not desirable, thus the proposed model processes the entire input
together. Our experiments show the importance of each of the above contributions.
Personality is a combination of behavior, emotion,
motivation, and thought patterns. Our personality
greatly impacts our lives, defining choices, health
along with our preferences and desires. Personality
traits define a particular way of thinking, feeling, and
behaving. Specifically, personality traits have been
defined pertaining to individual well being and social-
institutional outcomes like occupational choices, in-
terpersonal relations, and success in various scenar-
We make decisions using a two system model: ra-
tional and emotional. So, modelling the latter will
help us build more accurate AI systems when it is cou-
pled with the vast amount of research done on the for-
mer. The problem of personality recognition is com-
plex and thus would require a lot of training data to
get models usable in real-life. This is one reason that
multimodal learning is very popular in this domain.
First Impressions v2 (Junior et al., 2021) is a multi-
modal dataset for personality recognition and is used
in this work. We utilise all the information available
in the dataset speech, body language, expressions
and their surroundings along with their demographic
information and define a new behaviour encoding
to facilitate learning. Deep learning backbones have
been found to extract meaningful features. Generally,
larger models give better features. Due to the high
number of inputs, it is not possible to have large back-
bones for all. So we decide to compute the additional
behaviour encoding to have better features even with
a smaller backbone. In multimodal learning, we need
to process each modality individually and also find
how they are correlated. Thus, we also show how to
merge the behaviour encoding with an existing base-
line (Palmero et al., 2021). Temporal processing is
also important, we use LSTMs to have a higher tem-
poral resolution. Even a simple temporal processing
model helps as there are multiple modalities and the
embedding input to the temporal processor is very
rich in information.
For defining personality, the big five personality
traits are used. They are often referred to as OCEAN:
Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agree-
ableness, and Neuroticism. These five traits repre-
sent broad domains of human behaviour and account
for differences in both personality and decision mak-
ing. Today, a major use of this model is by Human
Resource practitioners to evaluate potential employ-
ees and marketers to understand the audiences of their
Agrawal, T., Agarwal, D., Balazia, M., Sinha, N. and Bremond, F.
Multimodal Personality Recognition using Cross-attention Transformer and Behaviour Encoding.
DOI: 10.5220/0010841400003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The focus on this problem is relatively new and
there is limited work done till date. As discussed
above, the task is complex so it requires careful pro-
cessing of each input modality and their relations.
Previous works either involves using a subset of
modalities or only simple fusion techniques to fuse
the modalities (Aslan and G
ukbay, 2019).
Another challenge in this domain is that anno-
tations are generally provided by the participants
through questionnaires or an online answering plat-
form during or after the experiment sessions. They
may also be annotated by third-party annotators, but
personality is subjective so they are not always per-
fect. This makes the task even harder and further re-
quires a method that can utilise all available modali-
ties and formulate complex relations not only for each
modality but also across modalities. Defining hand-
crafted inputs increases performance as there might
be more direct correlation between them and other
modalities or even the output as compared to the orig-
inal inputs.
As stated above, ChaLearn First Impressions V2
challenge dataset (Ponce-L
opez et al., 2016) which
is publicly available is used (Palmero et al., 2021)
for this work. The dataset consists of 10,000 videos
of people facing and speaking to a camera. Videos
are extracted from YouTube, they are mostly in high-
definition (1280×720 pixels), and, in general, they
have an average duration of 15 seconds with 30
frames per second. In the videos, people talk to the
camera in a self-presentation context and there is a
diversity in terms of age, ethnicity, gender, and na-
tionality. The videos are labeled with personality
factors using Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT), so
the ground truth values are obtained by using human
judgment. For the challenge, videos are split into
training, validation and test sets with a 3:1:1 ratio and
we choose to use the same to compare the results.
Summarising our contributions in this work, we
introduce a handcrafted behaviour embedding that
improves performance and reduces convergence time
of the model. We modify the chosen baseline to incor-
porate new modalities (transcript and behaviour en-
coding) and also address missing temporal relations
in it. We also achieve state of the art results for per-
sonality recognition on the chosen dataset.
This section discusses the work done on personality
recognition using different techniques and modalities.
They can be broadly classified into the following cat-
2.1 Using Video
As in the case of most visual deep learning tasks,
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are the most
commonly used in the field of personality detection.
Facial attributes can be an important factor in pre-
dicting social traits (Qin et al., 2016; Vernon et al.,
2014). Impressions that influence people’s behavior
towards other individuals can be accurately predicted
from videos (G
urpınar et al., 2016). Many researchers
have experimented with different ways of capturing
facial features such as in the form of Facial Action
Coding System (FACS) which extracts action units
such as raised eyebrows or blinking, and morpholog-
ical features (G
urk et al., 2017).
2.2 Using Audio
Using audio as the only input modality is not a popu-
lar choice for personality recognition. It is combined
with video in most of the cases resulting in bimodal
approaches. In the existing ones, audio features like
Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), Zero
Crossing Rate (ZCR), Logfbank, other cepstral and
spectral ones serve as inputs into regressors. Analyz-
ing conversations (Valente et al., 2012) and the pitch,
timber, tune and rhythm of the voice (Madzlan et al.,
2014), it is possible to recognize the personality traits
or predict the speaker attitudes automatically. These
approaches demonstrate that audio information is im-
portant for personality.
2.3 Using Text
Looking at the textual modality, preprocessing is an
important step. Generally, extracted features include
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) (Mikolov
et al., 2013), Mairesse, Medical Research Coun-
cil (MRC), which are then fed into standard clas-
sifiers or regressors. Learning word embeddings
and representing them as vectors, either with GloVe,
Word2Vec, GRU, LSTM or recently BERT, is also a
very commonly followed approach. It was observed
that combining text features with something else such
as metadata and convolutions results in better perfor-
mance paving the path to multimodal approaches.
Social networks provide rich textual data for the
recognition of personality traits (Alam et al., 2013;
Farnadi et al., 2016). Transcribed videos blogs and
dialogues also provide useful information for this
task (Nowson and Gill, 2014).
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
2.4 Multimodal Approaches
Personality traits can be detected in self presentation
videos based on the acoustic and visual, non-verbal
features such as pitch, intensity, movement, head ori-
entation, posture, fidgeting and eye-gaze. Zheng et
al. (Zeng et al., 2009) shows body gestures, head
movements, expressions, and speech lead to effective
assessment of personality and emotion. According to
Sarkar et al. (Sarkar et al., 2014), features such as au-
diovisual, text, demographic and sentiment features
are important for our task.
Although multimodal approaches are commonly
used to recognize personality traits, there does not ex-
ist a comprehensive method utilizing a considerable
amount of informative features. Most of the multi-
modal approaches perform late fusion. Deep bimodal
regression give state of the art results (He et al.,
2015). Some other approaches with good results
are (G
urpinar et al., 2016; ?) and (Wei et al., 2018).
Each modality features may be used together for per-
sonality prediction, this approach is called early fu-
sion. Present research in the field aims to find ef-
ficient ways of feature extraction and combination.
Few models which have dealt with trimodal fusion of
features (Aslan and G
ukbay, 2019; Palmero et al.,
2021). Emotion recognition is a closely related prob-
lem and has interesting approaches for multimodal
data processing (Dai et al., 2021; Tsai et al., 2019).
Our approach aims to utilise all possible information
available and also some extra features computed sim-
ilar to the ideas discussed in the beginning of this sub-
The approach uses face crops of the target person
and relates it to body language, surroundings and
speech using a transformer based architecture. Short-
term temporal relations are processed in this way
and longer temporal relations are established using
LSTM. For transcript analysis, short term tempo-
ral relations are not very meaningful so the features
for the entire input sequences are extracted using
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). Late fusion is then fi-
nally used for inferring the OCEAN personality traits.
There are several stages in the proposed method and
they are discussed in the following sections. Figure 1
shows the overview of the entire architecture.
3.1 Preparing the Input and Feature
The audiovisual data is pre-processed in a similar
manner as in (Palmero et al., 2021). 32 frames with
a stride of 2 are taken for video based inputs and
R(2+1)D (Tran et al., 2018) is used to extract spatio-
temporal features. Stride is modified depending on
the frame rate of the video to keep the time span of
the chunks roughly the same. Audio clip with the
same time span is converted to a tensor for input in
the same way as in the method used in VGGish (Her-
shey et al., 2017). BERT is used for extracting fea-
tures of the transcript. The method for computing be-
haviour encoding is discussed in the next section in
detail. Demographic data – age, gender, ethnicity and
attractiveness are also used. The value are either one
hot encode or normalised to the range [0,1]. Table 1
and (Escalante et al., 2019) give the details of each
element of the feature vector.
Note that Attractiveness is only available for peo-
ple with Caucasian ethnicity, but since 86% of the
people in the dataset are Caucasian, it is utilised and
the default Attractiveness value of 0 is set for people
of other ethnicities.
Table 1: Dimensions of demographic metadata.
Demographic variable Dimension
Ethnicity 3D (one hot encoding)
Gender 2D (one hot encoding)
Age 1D
Attractiveness 1D
3.2 Behaviour Encoding
We compute behaviour encoding for 13 actions: head
tilt, thrust, bob, lips in, mouth corner, frown, small
mouth, wrinkle, crouch, lean forward, fold arms, hand
to face, hand to mouth. For detecting the individ-
ual behaviors, we use a rule based approach on the
skeleton and facial key points. For extracting the key
points (skeleton and face), we use LCRNet (Rogez
et al., 2019) and OpenFace (Baltrusaitis et al., 2016).
In each frame, we infer a detection confidence for
all behaviors in the scale of 0–1, where 1 represents
complete confidence in presence of the behavior and
0 represents complete confidence in absence of the
behavior. This is done by extracting a specific feature
x and transforming it through a sigmoid function
(x) =
1 + e
with parameters of center c
and multiplier λ
. As
shown in Table 3, each behavior is characterized by
Multimodal Personality Recognition using Cross-attention Transformer and Behaviour Encoding
Figure 1: Proposed method to infer self-reported personality (OCEAN) traits from multimodal data. Input consists of visual
(face and context chunks), audio (raw chunks), metadata of the target person, handcrafted behaviour encoding and transcript
of the audio. Feature extraction is performed by a R(2+1)D network for the visual chunks, VGGish for audio and BERT for the
transcript. The visual features from the R(2+1)D’s 3rd residual block are concatenated to spatiotemporal encodings (STE).
The VGGish’s audio features and handcrafted metadata features are incorporated to visual context/query features and the
result transformed to the set of Query, Keys, and Values as input to the Transformer encoder. The output of the transformers
are sequentially passed to an LSTM chunkwise. The transcript features from BERT are concatenated with these and finally
fed to a fully-connected (FC) layer to regress per-video OCEAN scores.
a specific extracted feature and the two sigmoid func-
tion parameters.
3.3 Positional Encoding for the
Positional encodings are important to be added to the
input with transformer based models as they make the
model order invariant. Sinusoidal encodings are com-
mon, but we choose to use learned encodings in our
experiments. As we need to process in both space and
time, we need an encoding for both. We initialize en-
codings for both and use a two layer fully connected
network for learning them. Then they are broadcast
concatenated to each other resulting in an encoding
which can be concatenated to the input.
3.4 Preparing Inputs for the
Features extracted from face crops of the complete
frame input are further processed and are used as the
query for the transformer. To factor its relation with
the rest of the information in the complete frame and
audio inputs, they are processed to be used as key and
value. The face features are passed through the fol-
lowing layers to get the input query:
1. 3D max pooling layer with a kernel size and stride
of 2 for height and width dimensions, and 1 for the
temporal dimension.
2. 3D convolution layer with kernel size of 1 for all
dimensions and 16 kernels.
3. ReLU activation followed by reshaping to merge
temporal and channel dimensions.
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Detection methods of 13 behaviors.
behavior extracted feature x c
head tilt head roll angle 10 1
thrust derivative of translation
vector along z axis when
derivative along other
directions is less than 10
and direction of derivative
in previous and next frame
is the same
25cm/s 1
bob derivative of pitch angle
when derivative of yaw an-
gle is less than 20 and di-
rection of derivative in pre-
vious and next frame is the
50deg/s 1
lips in FACS action unit Lip Suck - -
mouth corner FACS action unit Lip
1.2 6
frown FACS action unit Brow
1.2 6
small mouth FACS action unit Lip
1.2 6
wrinkle FACS action unit Nose
1.2 6
crouch distance between knees and
30cm 0.35
lean forward z coordinate on distance be-
tween root and shoulders
10cm 4
fold arms alternate distance between
elbows and wrists when y
coordinate of both elbows
are less than 10cm
20cm 0.5
hand to face distance between wrists
and head
35cm 0.5
hand to mouth distance between wrists
and head minus 10cm on y
25cm 0.5
4. 2D max pooling layer with a kernel size and stride
of 2 for height and width dimension.
5. 2D convolution layer with kernel size of 2 for all
dimensions and 128 kernels.
6. ReLU activation followed by flattening.
7. A fully connected layer to change the shape to
128, followed by ReLU activation and dropout
p = 0.2 layer.
Demographic metadata is concatenated to the ob-
tained feature vector and is passed through a fully
connected and ReLU layer to obtain a 128 dimen-
sional query vector.
Behaviour encoding is broadcast concatenated
to complete frame features which already contain
spatio-temporal positional encoding. The audio fea-
tures are projected into a 100 sized feature vector us-
ing a fully connected layer and broadcast concate-
nated with the above obtained complete frame fea-
tures. These are passed through separate fully con-
nected and ReLU layers to obtain keys and values for
the transformer.
3.5 Transformer, Temporal Processing
and Fusion with Transcript Features
The transformer consists of only the encoder with 2
attention heads and stacked 3 times, that is, 3 layers.
The hidden dimension is 128. The transformer pro-
cesses roughly 2.5 seconds of the input in one forward
pass. These chunks are passed through two stacked
LSTM blocks to find long-term temporal relations.
The hidden state after the last chunk is passed, is con-
catenated with transcript features and passed through
linear, ReLU and dropout layers to obtain the 5 per-
sonality trait values.
4.1 Training Details
To reduce training time, the parameters of backbones
R(2+1)D, VGGish and BERT are frozen and are not
updated during backpropagation. There is one excep-
tion to this, we finetune our model with the weights
unfrozen as behaviour encoding helps improve the
performance of the backbone also and to exploit that,
we finetune our model for 20 epochs. One RTX 6000
GPU is used for training and the batch size is set to
8. Learning rate used is 10
with the scheduler ”Re-
duceLRonPlateau”, patience 5 and factor 0.5. Further
details of the experiments are given in section 4.3.
Figure 2 and 3 show training graphs of two differ-
ent experiments, an ablation study with the proposed
framework without transcript and the proposed frame-
work, respectively. It is interesting to note that adding
modalities decreases the number of epochs required
for convergence as shown by these two figures.
4.2 Evaluation Protocol
The evaluation metric is chosen to be the same as that
of the ChaLearn challenge where the dataset was re-
leased. The OCEAN traits have five classes which
are rated in the range [0,1]. The challenge (Ponce-
opez et al., 2016) defines mean accuracy A over all
predicted personality trait values as
A = 1
where t
are the ground truth scores and p
are the
predicted scores for personality traits summed over N
Multimodal Personality Recognition using Cross-attention Transformer and Behaviour Encoding
Figure 2: MSE Loss curves for w/o Transcript Ablation ex-
Figure 3: MSE Loss curves for our proposed approach.
4.3 Results and Ablation Studies
We compare our result to the previous state of the art
and also perform ablation studies to show the need
for all modalities present. Table 3 enumerates these
We achieve state of the art results as we utilise
all the available information and also compute an ad-
ditional behaviour embedding to facilitate learning.
This method of computing a behaviour encoding can
be utilised in a variety of use-cases and we predict
that it will help in reducing training time and improv-
ing results in other areas, such as action recognition
The ablation study proves the efficacy of our ap-
proach, showing the importance of using different in-
put modalities and the difference in results is signif-
icant. All the different models discussed below are
trained in parallel and not sequentially, that is, the
later models were not finetuned from the initial ones.
The first approach includes the baseline model and
Table 3: Experiments and Results; O: Openness, C: Con-
scientiousness, E: Extroversion, A: Agreeableness, and N:
Model Accuracy
O C E A N Mean
Aslan and (Aslan
and G
.9166 .9214 .9208 .9189 .9162 .9188
et al., 2016)
.9117 .9113 .9110 .9158 .9091 .9122
evolgen (Subrama-
niam et al., 2016)
.9130 .9136 .9145 .9157 .9098 .9138
Gurpinar et
al. (G
et al., 2016)
.9141 .9141 .9186 .9143 .9123 .9147
PML (Bekhouche
et al., 2017)
.9138 .9166 .9175 .9166 .9130 .9170
BU-NKU (Kaya
et al., 2017)
.9169 .9166 .9206 .9161 .9149 .9170
Our proposed
.9291 .9258 .9272 .9288 .9210 .9263
Baseline: w/o be-
haviour encoding
and transcript
.8959 .8996 .8987 .8938 .8932 .8962
w/o behaviour en-
.9095 .9094 .9112 .9133 .9041 .9095
w/o transcript .9013 .8992 .8988 .9041 .8996 .9006
w/o LSTM .8892 .8532 .9131 .9024 .9315 .8978
w/o metadata .9260 .9212 .9234 .9249 .9168 .9225
has the same inputs modified as per the dataset details.
The baseline has all the inputs except the behaviour
encoding and the transcript. This experiment is to es-
tablish our own baseline results to compare against.
We see the results of the model without behaviour
encoding. There is roughly 1.8% decrease in accuracy
which shows that behaviour encoding facilitates in the
prediction of personality.
We also observe the performance of the model
without transcript. This shows a similar trend as be-
haviour encoding - there is a slightly less decrease in
accuracy but the difference is minute.
For finding the performance of the model with
LSTM, we keep everything the same but take the me-
dian value across chunks for each video to get the
output. Without LSTM, the model behaves errati-
cally. As expected the accuracy decreases for most
classes. But, for the class neuroticism, the best results
are without LSTM. One explanation is the high vari-
ability in the inputs where neuroticism is high and the
LSTM which tries to identify a pattern across chunks
does not perform very well.
The last experiment is without metadata about the
target person. There is not much difference in results
as compared to the other inputs, but we still see a re-
duction in performance. So, demographic data about
a person affects personality too. Some bias in the data
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
is the most probable cause but since the dataset is
large, in our opinion this is not the case and the in-
ference drawn holds.
In this work, we show that a model for personal-
ity recognition will benefit from more modalities and
data as input. We propose a new handcrafted be-
haviour encoding where each element is the proba-
bility of a low level action relevant to the task. We
show the effectiveness of all the inputs in the data
through ablation studies. We also give our opinion
on the trends shown in the ablation studies. Owing
to the interdisciplinary nature of the project, there are
numerous additions that will further improve perfor-
mance. From intuition, there are some which might
improve performance by a higher margin than others.
Using better backbones for feature extraction would
be interesting. We use the same ones as in the base-
line we choose but there are existing models with bet-
ter performance for similar tasks that can be utilised.
Transformers have been shown to perform better than
LSTMs. In the future, we will try to increase temporal
scale of attention in the transformer rather than using
a separate module for combining information across
chunks. This might tackle the problem that is seen
with neuroticism as discussed in section 4.3. One of
the major drawbacks of multimodal data is that pre-
processing takes a lot of time. Thus, it will be in-
teresting to explore Knowledge Distillation to allow
the model to utilise one or a subset of modalities and
give a similar performance but with lesser inputs. We
would also like to test our approach on other big scale
multimodal datasets, when they are available in the
future. This area of work has a lot of applications in
healthcare which we are exploring and hope that this
work leads to advancement in the area. We also hope
that it motivates other people to work on this interest-
ing problem.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications