In this paper, we have presented an improvement of
the light propagation volumes technique for the par-
ticular case of simulating area light sources direct il-
lumination. This technique requires the approxima-
tion of these sources direct illumination in the form
of a set of VPLs, that are later used as input in the
technique. The method proposed by us in this article
provides an optimal distribution of VPLs on the area
light source surface, which offers an optimal approx-
imation for the light propagation volumes technique.
A further improvement can be represented by the
better approximation of inhomogeneous information
on the surface of intersection areas. The explanation
of the visual errors obtained with our approximation
was provided in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, together with a
theoretical solution to obtain a better approximation.
Based on the light propagation volumes tech-
nique, our method offers plausible visual results for
both diffuse and specular direct illumination. How-
ever, there are other illumination effects that could be
produced, such as shadows, volumetric lighting and
the simulation of supplemental light bounces for area
light sources. These illumination effects are impor-
tant for area light sources and their simulation may be
a topic of interest in the future.
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Area Lights Voxelization for Light Propagation Volumes