Semi-supervised Surface Anomaly Detection of Composite Wind Turbine
Blades from Drone Imagery
Jack W. Barker
, Neelanjan Bhowmik
and Toby P. Breckon
Department of Computer Science, Durham University, Durham, U.K.
Department of Engineering, Durham University, Durham, U.K.
Semi-supervised, Anomaly Detection, GFRP Composite Material, Fault Detection.
Within commercial wind energy generation, the monitoring and predictive maintenance of wind turbine blades
in-situ is a crucial task, for which remote monitoring via aerial survey from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
(UAV) is commonplace. Turbine blades are susceptible to both operational and weather-based damage over
time, reducing the energy efficiency output of turbines. In this study, we address automating the otherwise
time-consuming task of both blade detection and extraction, together with fault detection within UAV-captured
turbine blade inspection imagery. We propose BladeNet, an application-based, robust dual architecture to per-
form both unsupervised turbine blade detection and extraction, followed by super-pixel generation using the
Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) method to produce regional clusters. These clusters are then pro-
cessed by a suite of semi-supervised detection methods. Our dual architecture detects surface faults of glass
fibre composite material blades with high aptitude while requiring minimal prior manual image annotation.
BladeNet produces an Average Precision (AP) of 0.995 across our Ørsted blade inspection dataset for offshore
wind turbines and 0.223 across the Danish Technical University (DTU) NordTank turbine blade inspection
dataset. BladeNet also obtains an AUC of 0.639 for surface anomaly detection across the Ørsted blade inspec-
tion dataset.
Global energy demand is increasing significantly. Be-
tween 1971 to 2010, demand for energy increased
2.4 fold (+134%) and is predicted to increase by
+204.2% by the year 2030 (Yuhji Matsuo, 2013).
The ‘1992 - Kyoto Protocol’, introduced by the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC), entered into force in 2005. The
Kyoto Protocol regulates 192 member countries to
limit and reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions
in line with agreed individual targets.
Renewable energy sources emit negligible CO
emissions and can supply for the increase in de-
mand for power. The Global Wind Energy Council
(GWEC) estimates a 17-fold increase in wind power
generation, providing as much as 25 30% of global
electricity by the year 2050 (GWEC, 2008), equating
to 123 petawatt-hours (PWh) of electricity annually
(Archer and Jacobson, 2005).
Unlike the reliability of fossil fuel-based energy
sources to produce energy on demand however, wind
energy is temperamental. Low wind speeds do not
provide sufficient lift forces for turbine blades to ro-
tate whereas high wind speeds exceeding > 25m/s
2 3 4
Figure 1: Transfer detection of an out-of-dataset turbine
blade illustrating the robust ability of our method 1) Im-
age of wind turbine with marked region on the blade and
nacelle, 2) Cropped region of turbine blade, 3) Raw model
output, 4) Threshold model output producing final blade de-
(90km/h), commonly force many modern turbines to
shut down as a safety measure (Sinden, 2007).
Few locations provide reliable and sufficient sup-
ply of wind to meet energy demands. Offshore
wind farms are now favoured due to factors which
include: the availability of large continuous areas
suitable to major projects, and the reduction of vi-
sual or noise impact. This promotes construction of
broad, widespread wind farms featuring multitudi-
nous, larger turbines at offshore sites which generate
significantly more power than their smaller, onshore
counterparts. An example as to the scale of mod-
ern offshore wind farms is the Hornsea 1 wind farm
which contains 174 turbines spread across an area of
Barker, J., Bhowmik, N. and Breckon, T.
Semi-supervised Surface Anomaly Detection of Composite Wind Turbine Blades from Drone Imagery.
DOI: 10.5220/0010842100003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
. Due to exhaustive usage and weather-related
degradation, turbines must be routinely inspected for
damage. A common cause of failure is turbine blade
damage such as: erosion, kinetic foreign object colli-
sion, lightning or other weather related phenomenon,
and delamination to name only a few.
Wind Turbine Blades are typically made from
fibre-reinforced composites due to such materials ex-
hibiting heterogeneous (Mishnaevsky et al., 2017)
and anisotropic properties (Meng et al., 2020). Typ-
ically they are constructed from Glass Fibre Rein-
forced Plastic (GFRP) materials (Mishnaevsky et al.,
GFRP offers the material properties of being both
strong (able to withstand an applied stress without
failure), and ductile (able to stretch without snap-
ping). These properties are desirable for wind turbine
blades due to the strain of operational forces (con-
stant torque forces from lift and rotation) as well as
natural forces from weather fronts and foreign object
collision during operation. Over time, these forces
can cause damage to the blades which may require
a turbine to halt operation for a period of time, or
even necessitate operational cessation of the turbine,
which are both costly. This is why they must be rou-
tinely and regularly checked to prevent such events
(Anne Juengert, 2009). In the example of the Hornsea
1 farm, each turbine on the farm has 3 blades equat-
ing to 522 total blades each with an approximate sur-
face area of 600 m
. Due to the sheer area, quantity,
and size of turbines in new offshore wind farms, en-
gineers and inspectors experience tremendous strain
to inspect turbine blades for damage to prevent costly
In this work, we propose BladeNet, a dual mod-
ule Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architec-
ture tool for detecting surface faults in wind turbines
while requiring minimal annotation or human inter-
vention during training. BladeNet operates in two
1. Unsupervised blade detection and extraction:
This allows us to remove cluttered background in
a given image by a produced instance segmenta-
tion mask of the blade.
2. Semi-supervised anomaly detection over super-
pixels of the detected blades: To detect anomalous
regions on the surface of the blades.
As a result, a trained engineer can evaluate the
health of the wind turbine blade by observing anoma-
lous blade regions flagged by the anomaly detection
module of BladeNet.
Prior work is considered over three primary areas of
focus for this work: object detection (Section 2.1),
semi-supervised anomaly detection (Section 2.2) and
detection of surface faults in wind turbine blades
(Section 2.3).
2.1 Object Detection
Object detection is the task of recognising, classify-
ing and localising instances of one or many objects in
images. Dominating this field are two contemporary
families of approaches: Region-Based Convolutional
Neural Network (R-CNN) (Girshick et al., 2014; Gir-
shick, 2015; Ren et al., 2015; He et al., 2017) and You
Only Look Once (YOLO) (Redmon et al., 2016; Red-
mon and Farhadi, 2017; Redmon and Farhadi, 2018).
The work of (Girshick et al., 2014) introduces the
usage of CNN for object detection with the R-CNN
method, in which selective search is used to extract
2000 region proposals from an image which are then
individually classified using CNN features and a Sup-
port Vector Machine layer. R-CNN exhibits long in-
ference time due to the large amount of region pro-
posals, meaning that R-CNN cannot be used for real-
time applications. Fast-R-CNN (Girshick, 2015) is
proposed to combat this by generating convolutional
feature maps of an image and identify Regions Of
Interest (ROI). ROI pooling is used to reshape them
into a fixed size to be classified and refined. Faster
R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015) further improves inference
time by replacing selective search with a Region Pro-
posal Network (RPN).
Mask R-CNN (He et al., 2017) is a method which
introduces the notion of producing high-quality seg-
mentation masks for detected object instances. It ex-
tends Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015) by adding a
mask prediction branch in parallel with the existing
branch for bounding box recognition. While Mask R-
CNN (He et al., 2017) can capture instance segmen-
tation well, it is limited by a static threshold on the
Intersection over Union (IoU). To address this, Cas-
cade Mask R-CNN (Cai and Vasconcelos, 2018) im-
plements a set of sequentially trained detectors each
with increasing IoU threshold value.
In the work of (Redmon et al., 2016), a one stage
detector architecture, YOLO is proposed. One limi-
tation of the R-CNN family are that they concentrate
solely on image parts with high probability of con-
taining objects whereas YOLO considers the entire
image. In YOLO, the image is first split into n × n
grid squares and for each grid, YOLO predicts the
bounding box and their respective classification for
Semi-supervised Surface Anomaly Detection of Composite Wind Turbine Blades from Drone Imagery
objects. YOLO9000 (Redmon and Farhadi, 2017)
applies vast improvements to the original YOLO ar-
chitecture including using direct location prediction
to bound location using logistic activation, a 19-
layer backbone, batch normalisation, k-means cluster-
ing over IoU and WordTree which aggregates object
class labels with ImageNet labels using a hierarchi-
cal WordNet (Miller, 1995). Furthermore, YOLOv3
(Redmon and Farhadi, 2018) builds on YOLO9000
with the use of a new 53-layer backbone that utilises
residual connections, as well as improvements to the
bounding box prediction step and a Feature Pyramid
Scheme (Lin et al., 2017) of feature extraction.
The more recent work of YOLACT (You Only
Look At CoefficienTs) (Bolya et al., 2019) is most
similar to our proposed model, BladeNet, imple-
menting a fully convolutional model for real-time
instance segmentation. YOLACT++ (Bolya et al.,
2020) speeds up performance by breaking the in-
stance segmentation task into two parallel, indepen-
dent sub-tasks of: generating sets of prototype masks
and predicting per-instance mask coefficients respec-
In this work, BladeNet utilises a one-class fully
convolutional architecture, based on U-NET (Ron-
neberger et al., 2015) which implements skip-
connections between early features in the encoder
with de-convolutional, up-sampling layers in the de-
coder to carry information forward in the architec-
ture. The up-sampling from latent representation to
image space allows the production of high-resolution
instance segmentation mask which captures detailed
and sharp edges at pixel-level.
2.2 Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection
Anomaly detection is the task of recognising artifacts
in given data which deviate significantly from normal-
ity. Due to the open-bound distribution of anomalous
data, it is impossible to account for all forms in which
an anomaly may present. Semi-supervised anomaly
detection methods (Schlegl et al., 2019; Baur et al.,
2018; Vu et al., 2019; Akcay et al., 2019b; Ak-
cay et al., 2019a; Barker and Breckon, 2021) over-
come this by training solely across the benign/non-
anomalous data. This allows the models to learn be-
spoke representations that maps well to benign data,
but causes large residual values for anomalous re-
AnoGAN (Schlegl et al., 2019) is the first gener-
ative semi-supervised method of anomaly detection.
This method utilises a Generative Adversarial Net-
work (GAN) (Goodfellow et al., 2014) based archi-
tecture which closely approximates the true distribu-
tion of the normal data however, it experiences slow
inference time due to the computational complexity of
remapping to the latent vector space. EGBAD (Zenati
et al., 2018) addresses this inefficiency by simultane-
ously mapping from image space to latent space using
BiGAN (Donahue et al., 2019) which results in faster
inference times. GANomaly (Akcay et al., 2019b)
better approximates the true distribution by jointly
training a generator module together with a secondary
encoder in order to re-map the generated samples into
a second latent space which is then used to better learn
the original latent priors. Generative methods have
been greatly improved by implementing residual skip-
connections (Akcay et al., 2019a). PANDA (Barker
and Breckon, 2021) utilises a dual-feature extraction
method and feature merging together with a bespoke
fine-grained classifier to better account for subtle dif-
ferences between normal and anomalous data.
2.3 Wind Turbine Blade Surface Defect
Several methods of visual surface fault detection on
wind turbine blades using machine-learning based
methods have been proposed (Wang and Zhang, 2017;
Denhof et al., 2019; Reddy et al., 2019; Shihavuddin
et al., 2019). (Wang and Zhang, 2017) detects sur-
face cracks of wind turbine blades using data obtained
from an aerial drone. Performance is poor however,
due to the use of Haar features which are static, manu-
ally determined kernels which exhibit poor rotational
Recent works (Denhof et al., 2019; Reddy et al.,
2019) utilise CNN-based classifiers which greatly
improve the classification capability. (Shihavuddin
et al., 2019) also present their work on deep learning
methods applied to drone inspection footage of wind
turbine blades. In this work, they utilise object detec-
tion using the Faster R-CNN architecture (Ren et al.,
2015) to detect defined anomalous regions within im-
ages. Faster R-CNN however, relies heavily on man-
ual annotation of objects, in this case anomalous parts
and has a set number of discrete classes. Four classes
are included in the study by Shihavuddin et al: lead-
ing edge erosion, vortex generator panel (VG), VG
with missing teeth, and lightning receptor.
Methods by (Wang and Zhang, 2017; Denhof
et al., 2019; Reddy et al., 2019; Shihavuddin et al.,
2019) are all supervised methods. Due to having few,
discrete classes for an open-set anomaly detection
problem, the method outlined in this prior work can-
not generalise to detecting the varying nature of real-
world blade damage. In contrast, our BladeNet ap-
proach provides unsupervised blade detection as well
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(64,128, 128)
(128, 64, 64)
(256, 32, 32)
(512, 16, 16)
(1024, 8, 8)
Anomaly Scoring
UNet Output
Ground Truth
(Opening Operator)
Input Images
Figure 2: Outline of BladeNet Architecture. left: UNet segmentation module which returns the instance segmentation mask
of blades in the input images. right: Super pixel and anomaly detection pipeline.
as semi-supervised anomaly detection which solely
requires healthy blade data which would be trivial to
obtain from factory-new blades. From this, BladeNet
can infer and generalise to detect any future anoma-
lies which may present on any blade surface.
The BladeNet dual pipeline is outlined in Figure 2,
which comprises of operations: blade detection and
extraction (Section 3.1 and Figure 3:A) to extract the
foreground turbine blade from the background. Ex-
tracted blades are then subsequently processed with
Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) (Achanta
et al., 2012) (Section 3.2 and Figure 3:B) to generate
super-pixel clusters which are used to train a semi-
supervised anomaly detection approach (Section 3.3
and Figure 3:C).
3.1 Unsupervised Blade Detection and
BladeNet requires accurate blade extraction due to
the semi-supervised manner in which the anomaly
detection is conducted (Section 3.3). If background
is introduced, or parts of a blade are missing from
the non-anomalous training data, the semi-supervised
anomaly detection methods (Schlegl et al., 2019; Ak-
cay et al., 2019b; Akcay et al., 2019a; Barker and
Breckon, 2021) will not learn adequate, clean repre-
sentations of non-anomalous blade parts.
When detecting large objects such as turbine
blades in high-resolution (6720 × 4480) drone im-
agery, conventional instance segmentation models
(He et al., 2017; Bolya et al., 2019; Cai and Vascon-
celos, 2018) output masks which appear wavy when
placed over the object in the original image. This is
due to resizing of the predicted mask from a small
resolution up to the full image resolution which ex-
acerbates the loose fit of the mask boundary due to
the exaggeration of edges in the small mask. Detec-
tion methods also use discrete polygon annotations
for objects which under-sample and can fail to cap-
ture true curves with enough precision. Our experi-
ments show qualitatively (Figure 4) that the masks of
Mask R-CNN, YOLACT and Cascade Mask R-CNN
all exhibit oscillating detection boundaries around the
straight edges of the blades as well as failing to cap-
ture important sections of the blade such as the tip and
triangular edges of the blades which have the poten-
tial to feature anomalies.
Our approach extracts turbine blade parts from a
given image and discards background and unwanted
artifacts by utilising a Fully Convolutional (FCN) U-
Net (Ronneberger et al., 2015) architecture for one-
class instance segmentation. This architecture is out-
lined in Figure 2. Five convolutional encoders are
used to encode images to a latent representation of
shape 1024×8 ×8. Five convolutional transpose lay-
ers connected in series as well as with residual con-
nections to their encoder counterparts are then used to
decode to a 1-channel mask outlining where a blade is
present in a given image. This process is illustrated in
Figure 1 in which fixed image patches are taken from
the original image (Figure 1: 1 and 2) and then in-
putted into the U-Net module to produce an attention
mask (Figure 1: 3). A threshold is then applied to this
output, producing a clean segmentation mask (Figure
1: 4) of turbine blade parts in the original patch.
To create ‘pseudo ground truth’ for our model, we
utilise morphology operators and negative example
sampling. Using our Ørsted turbine blade inspection
dataset X
; for each x
where x
the Opening Morphology Operator x
S =
}) as a combination of erosion x
S fol-
lowed by dilation x
S provides pseudo ground truth
Semi-supervised Surface Anomaly Detection of Composite Wind Turbine Blades from Drone Imagery
Root Mid Tip Negative
Blade Detection and Extraction Stage Anomaly Detection Stage
Turbine Blade
UNet Output
(extracted blade)
Turbine Blade
UNet Output
(extracted blade)
Extracted Blade SLIC Sections of Blade
SLIC Section
Figure 3: The dual process of detecting surface fault anomalies using BladeNet. A) top: data obtained from Ørsted turbine
blade inspection, bottom: DTU NordTank turbine blade inspection data. B) left: Extracted blade using the UNet detector.
right: The boundaries of SLIC sections processed over the extracted turbine blade. C) The anomaly detection of anomalous
super-pixel sections using the PANDA (Barker and Breckon, 2021) semi-supervised anomaly detection algorithm.
for X
which closely approximates the true edges of
the wind turbine blades in X
. Negative class exam-
ples x
/ X
consisting of images of sky and ground
are introduced during training with a ground truth ten-
sor of zeros of shape R
, indicative of no
blade presence in the image. An example of the neg-
ative sampling is given in Figure 3:A, showing only
sky. In this way, BladeNet learns what it must pay
attention to, and ignore in a given scene.
3.2 Superpixel Extraction
In this work, we implement Simple Linear Iterative
Clustering (SLIC) (Achanta et al., 2012) for gener-
ating sub-region patches of the full blade rather than
using conventional sliding window patches.
Approximately n clusters of neighbouring pixels
are generated by stepping over an image of resolu-
tion N = X ×Y with an interval I = |
| and taking
a set of |n| centre points C = n I,
. Each
centre c
C is refined by taking the best matching
pixels from the neighbourhood of 2S
< X ×Y |S N
surrounding pixels utilising euclidean distance upon
both the pixel colour vector (lab) and the pixel coordi-
nates as: D
+ (a
+ (b
+ (y
+ y
where m is the spatial
proximity factor of the method.
SLIC patches contain pixels which share visual
characteristics to other pixels belonging to the same
super-pixel. Super-pixels increase the likelihood that
an anomalous region in the image, or key region of
interest for a given blade will not be situated across
the edge of two neighbouring patches. If an anoma-
lous region is split across two patches, then it not only
decreases the size of region by the size of the over-
lap, but the edge of the patch restricts the features of
the area surrounding the anomalous region to only the
edge of the image hence the model will not be fully
utilising the spatial information of the anomalous re-
3.3 Anomaly Detection
Semi-supervised anomaly detection is performed by
using those super-pixels which have no visible de-
fects featured to train a generative model to map to
a representation manifold such that when a visual de-
fect presents itself, the representation will differ from
normality and as such, the presented example will be
flagged as anomalous by the model.
In this work, we utilise a number of self-
supervised anomaly detection algorithms (Schlegl
et al., 2017; Akcay et al., 2019b; Akcay et al., 2019a;
Barker and Breckon, 2021) to evaluate which one is
best suited to this task of detecting surface faults in
composite blade materials.
We evaluate the performance of the BladeNet archi-
tecture by individually comparing each component.
We start with the blade detection and extraction (Sec-
tion: 5.1) and then the anomaly detection of anoma-
lous regions on the blade surfaces (Section: 5.2).
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Instance segmentation mask quality comparison between Mask R-CNN (He et al., 2017), YOLACT (Bolya et al.,
2019), Cascade Mask R-CNN (Cai and Vasconcelos, 2018) and BladeNet.
The two datasets used in this paper are Ørsted tur-
bine blade inspection dataset and the DTU NordTank
blade inspection dataset. The Ørsted turbine blade in-
spection dataset consists of drone inspection imagery
of offshore wind turbine blades from the Hornsea 1
wind farm. It contains 2637 images of resolution
6720 × 4480 of offshore turbine blades from varying
perspectives in differing weather and backdrop. The
DTU NordTank dataset is supplied by (Shihavuddin
et al., 2019) and contains drone imagery from 1170
onshore wind turbines. In both datasets we use a
20:80 split for testing and training data respectively.
We evaluate BladeNet against established bench-
mark methods. We train our detection method solely
across the Ørsted turbine blade inspection dataset to-
gether with negative image samples. After training,
we infer across the the DTU NordTank dataset using
the same learned model parameters to demonstrate the
robustness of our approach.
All training was performed on a Titan X GPU.
‘Binary Cross Entropy (BCE) with logits’ loss with a
learning rate of 0.001 was utilised for the U-Net blade
detector along with RMS Prop optimiser with weight
decay of 1e
and momentum of 0.9. Image scaling
by 0.2 was also performed to preserve memory usage
with a batch size of 10. Augmentation of rotation (de-
grees 90, 180, 270), flipping with probability 0.5, and
random crop were used during training.
5.1 Blade Detection and Extraction
The quantitative performance outlined in Table I
shows that Mask R-CNN performed equally in Aver-
age Precision (AP) with YOLACT at 0.983 across the
Ørsted dataset however, YOLACT obtained a greater
AP value of 0.023 on the transfer to the DTU Nord-
Tank dataset. Cascade Mask R-CNN surpassed the
performance of YOLACT across the Ørsted dataset
and achieved the best time efficiency of 520.12 ms of
all models in the study, but performs worse than Mask
R-CNN across the DTU NordTank dataset with AP of
0.002. Our method, BladeNet performs the best quan-
titatively, obtaining an AP of 0.995, 0.1 higher than
the next best performing (Cascade Mask R-CNN)
and an AP of 0.223 on the transfer DTU NordTank
dataset, far out-performing all prior methods bespoke
to the task of object detection.
BladeNet produces clean and sharp masks which
fit the blades closely and manage to detect the sharp
triangular parts of the mid-body blade and the blade
tip with high precision. These masks can be seen in
Figure 4 when zooming in on the edge of the mask
predictions, BladeNet remains tight with the true edge
of the blade. Figure 5 further shows this capability of
BladeNet at detecting numerous Ørsted turbine blade
parts from different poses and angles with high accu-
racy. The other such methods such as Mask R-CNN
Semi-supervised Surface Anomaly Detection of Composite Wind Turbine Blades from Drone Imagery
Table 1: Average precision (AP) at IoU = 0.5, number of parameters in Millions.
Ørsted Dataset Ørsted Model DTU NordTank Dataset
Params AP Time (ms) AP Time(ms)
Mask R-CNN 43.9 0.983 590.36 0.005 537.31
YOLACT 34.7 0.983 549.06 0.023 478.04
Cascade Mask R-CNN 77 0.985 520.12 0.002 314.61
BladeNet 17.3 0.995 3439.21 0.223 1791.43
and Cascade Mask R-CNN outlined in Figure 4, fit the
turbine blades poorly; missing out important sections
of the blade edge which are prone to anomalies (edge
erosion) in their mask predictions. Using these meth-
ods would enable null-categorisation of such parts of
the blade and hence impose false-negative error due
to anomalous regions going undetected.
In Figure 4:A, detection across both the Ørsted
and DTU NordTank dataset can be seen together with
the respective attention mask for the blades. It is
interesting that for the negative sample on the DTU
NordTank dataset, BladeNet mistakenly predicts that
the metal corrugated roof of the building is a turbine
blade due to the colour and straight edges of the roof,
resembling that of a turbine blade.
5.2 Anomaly Detection of Surface
We include a quantitative study of Semi-Supervised
anomaly detection approaches over the extracted
SLIC super-pixel data of turbine blades. It can be
seen in Table II that PANDA gains the highest Area
Under Curve (AUC) value at 0.639 and obtains a
tight 95% Confidence Interval (CI) between 0.631 and
0.648. This is comparatively close to the performance
of Skip-GANomaly which obtains 0.631 however
these models suffer from slower relative inference
time compared to that of the Variational Autoencoder
which obtained 0.625 (0.14 lower than PANDA), but
only took 8.61 milliseconds compared with PANDA
at 50.3. AnoGAN exhibits sluggish inference speed
of over 300ms for prediction and obtains the lowest
AUC value of 0.611 however, the 95% CI is similar
to that of the VAE architecture.
The qualitative results of PANDA across the SLIC
super pixels of the blade data can be seen in Figure
3:C. Note that the edge of the blade is considered
anomalous due to the random shape that SLIC super-
pixels pose however, once thresholded, the anomalous
regions can be seen clearly when overlayed on top of
the original blade super-pixel. The localisation man-
ages to locate the anomalous regions within the super-
Table 2: Area Under Curve (AUC) of ROC curve, infer-
ence time per image in Milliseconds (I/t(ms)) across semi-
supervised anomaly detection methods.
Model AUC
95% CI
VAE 0.625 0.609<x<0.626 8.61
AnoGAN 0.611 0.608<x<0.625 302
GANomaly 0.628 0.61<x<0.634 48.36
Skip-GANomaly 0.631 0.621<x<0.636 97.21
PANDA 0.639 0.631<x<0.648 50.3
Turbine Blade Image
Blade Detection
Segmentation + Bounding Box
Figure 5: Examples of high accuracy instance segmentation
and bounding box prediction of Ørsted turbine blades using
In this work we propose BladeNet, an application-
based approach for detecting surface-fault anoma-
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
lies on composite material-constructed wind turbine
blades using drone imagery. BladeNet utilises an
instance-segmentation method of blade extraction
which is far more precise at fitting the blade edges
than conventional object detection models both qual-
ititively and quantitatively obtaining a Average Pre-
cision (AP) of 0.995 together with a suite of semi-
supervised generative anomaly detection methods
across extracted SLIC super-pixel blade parts to de-
tect anomalies with an AUC of 0.639. We hope that
this work can aid engineers and wind farm inspectors
to detect surface faults of composite wind turbines.
Thank you to EPSRC and Ørsted for funding support
towards this work.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications