network to be attacked is a deep neural network de-
signed to classify heart rhythms using electrocardio-
grams (Hannun et al., 2019).
Adversarial examples, initially introduced in the con-
text of computer vision, are images or other input vec-
tors containing perturbations that alter the label as-
signed to them by a target classifier from their true
label. These perturbations do not alter a human’s
original classification of the image and are often con-
sidered imperceptible. Introduced in 2014 (Szegedy
et al., 2014), a number of different methods for creat-
ing adversarial examples have arisen in recent years.
The original attack used the L-BFGS optimization
method to minimize a cost function. This cost func-
tion represents the distance of the adversarial example
to the original input vector and if its outputted label
differs from the true label. The L-BFGS optimization
method requires the ability to calculate the gradient
of the cost function, or how much the cost function
changes with respect to each element of the input vec-
tor. An advantage of the L-BFGS method is that it
does not require calculations of the second derivative,
or the Hessian matrix, of the cost function. Methods
like this are known as quasi-Newton methods and can
save a large number of calculations.
A second, faster attack known as the Fast Gra-
dient Sign Method was introduced the following
year (Goodfellow et al., 2015). It only used the sign
from the gradient and a chosen step size to update
the adversarial image. These first adversarial exam-
ples are known as white-box attacks and require full
knowledge of the internal workings of the network.
The practicality of these attacks is limited since they
require knowledge of the derivative of the cost func-
tion with respect to each input and thus full knowl-
edge of the network architecture.
The core issue that research on black-box attacks
addresses is the estimation of a network’s gradient
from only the input and output vectors. One of the
first black-box attacks (Papernot et al., 2017), where
the adversary has no knowledge of the internals of the
network, creates a substitute network using a training
set of images labelled by the target network. Then,
white-box adversarial attacks are used to generate ad-
versarial examples on the substitute network. These
examples have been found to be capable of fooling
the target network, thus proving the viability of trans-
fer attacks.
Another black-box adversarial attack relies on the
scores or probabilities the model assigns to the input
image. The attack (Narodytska and Kasiviswanathan,
2017) uses the scores to numerically approximate the
gradient of the network, then finds a subset of pixels
to perturb in order to place the adversarial example in
one of the network’s “blind spots”. However, this can
also be thought of as a partial knowledge attack, since
the adversary may not always get access to the full list
of probabilities and scores for inputs, but only to the
final decision.
A more recent class of attacks are decision-based
adversarial attacks, which rely solely on the final out-
put or the highest probability labels predicted by the
classifier. These are the most practical attacks, as
most publicly available classifiers will only give users
a single, final decision. One decision-based attack
known as Boundary Attack (Brendel et al., 2018)
starts with a large adversarial perturbation. This per-
turbation is then minimized while still remaining ad-
versarial, essentially estimating the location of the
boundary between an adversarial input and a correctly
labelled input, then finding the closest point on that
boundary to the original image.
Building off of Boundary Attack, Chen et al.
(Chen et al., 2020) introduced an improvement to
boundary attack that uses a new technique to esti-
mate the gradient and requires fewer queries to the
model. This attack was named Boundary Attack++
or HopSkipJumpAttack. A reduction in the number
of queries is important as publicly available models
may have some cost associated with each query, such
as a time or monetary cost. Thus, practical evasion
attacks in the future will likely need to reduce the re-
quired number of queries as much as possible or else
they reduce their probability of success.
Another aspect of these evasion attacks is that they
have all mostly been tested in the computer vision
field. Very little research on evasion attacks has at-
tempted to attack models unrelated to image recogni-
tion. One study (Zhao et al., 2019) applied adversarial
examples to object recognition and found that, while
the attack was successful, object detectors posed an
extra challenge. Object detectors had to accomplish
two tasks: predicting the existence of an object as
well as the label of the object. Their inputs were
also typically video feeds instead of image vectors,
so constantly changing backgrounds, distances, view-
ing angles, and illumination added to the difficulty of
creating adversarial examples. This seems to imply
that it may not be a given that all neural networks
are vulnerable to evasion attacks. It is possible that
some applications of neural networks may be natu-
rally more robust to adversarial examples. This paper
seeks to investigate whether ECG models are vulner-
able to evasion attacks.
HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics