Future Status
Current Situation
Pedestrian Behavior
Judgment of
Vehicle State
Vehicle State
Current State Recognition
Invasion Ratio
into Personal Space
Pedestrian Obstacle
Figure 16: Characteristics of passenger’s comfort recognition.
• Discomfort becomes stronger when a PMV does
not take any actions to avoid approaching pedes-
trians, which will invade the personal space in the
near future, even though it can, and when this sta-
tus continues for a certain time period.
• Passenger’s comfort recognition can be expressed
using the Current Situation and the Future Status
of the situation awareness as inputs.
The experiment conditions and the number of par-
ticipants were limited in this study. Thus, examining
the characteristics of comfort recognition in exper-
iments with more diverse environmental conditions
and larger sample size is our future work. Further-
more, we will propose and develop a comfortable au-
tonomous navigation method based on the character-
istics of passenger’s comfort recognition.
This paper is based on results obtained from a project
(JPNP18010) commissioned by the New Energy and
Industrial Technology Development Organization.
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Passenger’s Comfort Recognition during Autonomous Navigation of Personal Mobility Vehicles in Crowded Pedestrian Spaces