▪ Albeit group work may increase the productivity
of its members and promote overall job
satisfaction, it also may lead to low productivity
(Campion, M. A et al, 1993) and conflict
(Alderfer, C. P., 1977) within the team.
▪ The USM design session may require up to 20
hours of group work and additional time to
digitize results.
▪ Professionals from various fields should be
present, including those who can effectively
represent clients and end-users. That introduces
some logistical challenges.
▪ The resulting model is relatively low-fidelity, and
designing particular features may require
additional design sessions, validation of technical
feasibility of implementation, or research.
In our robotics laboratory, we had a positive outcome
from employing goal-based modeling of the final
product not only for robots per se but also for robot-
related services. We can recommend it to gather
initial requirements and as a first step in the design
process. It also may be used as a fast way to find out
that robotization is not a feasible solution for
particular processes, and users ’goals can be achieved
by other means. Which may contribute to
negotiations with internal clients in corporate
laboratories and significantly reduce resources
allocated to the project. We recommend using this
method as a design practice combining or
complementing it with persona design and user
journey mapping if necessary.
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