TVNet: Temporal Voting Network for Action Localization
Hanyuan Wang
, Dima Damen
, Majid Mirmehdi
and Toby Perrett
Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K.
Action Detection, Action Localization, Action Proposals.
We propose a Temporal Voting Network (TVNet) for action localization in untrimmed videos. This incor-
porates a novel Voting Evidence Module to locate temporal boundaries, more accurately, where temporal
contextual evidence is accumulated to predict frame-level probabilities of start and end action boundaries.
Our action-independent evidence module is incorporated within a pipeline to calculate confidence scores and
action classes. We achieve an average mAP of 34.6% on ActivityNet-1.3, particularly outperforming previous
methods with the highest IoU of 0.95. TVNet also achieves mAP of 56.0% when combined with PGCN and
59.1% with MUSES at 0.5 IoU on THUMOS14 and outperforms prior work at all thresholds. Our code is
available at
While humans are capable of identifying event bound-
aries in long videos (Zacks et al., 2001), in a re-
markably consistent fashion, current approaches fall
short of optimal performance (Zhao et al., 2017; Chao
et al., 2018; Lin et al., 2018; Zeng et al., 2019; Lin
et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2020; Lin et al., 2020; Su
et al., 2021) despite being trained on large and var-
ied datasets (Jiang et al., 2014; Caba Heilbron et al.,
2015), primarily due to varying action durations and
densities (Lin et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019; Su et al.,
Current state-of-the-art action-recognition meth-
ods attach equal importance to each frame when de-
termining where action boundaries occur (Lin et al.,
2018; Lin et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019; Su et al.,
2021). Intuitively, a frame near the start of an action
should be better suited to predicting the start point of
the action than a frame in the middle of the action,
and similarly for end points. One would expect this
to result in more accurate boundary locations. In this
paper, we incorporate this intuition, while still util-
ising all frames in the untrimmed video, such that
each and every frame can contribute evidence when
predicting boundary locations. Distinct from previ-
ous approaches, we weight this evidence depending
on its distance to the boundary. We propose the Tem-
poral Voting Network (TVNet), which models rela-
tive boundary locations via contextual evidence vot-
ing. Specifically, this contains a proposed Voting Evi-
dence Module to locate temporal boundaries based on
accumulating temporal contextual evidence.
Our key contributions can be summarized as fol-
lows: (1) We introduce a novel voting network,
TVNet, for accurate temporal action localization. (2)
We evaluate our method on two popular action lo-
calization benchmarks: ActivityNet-1.3 and THU-
MOS14. Our method achieves significant improve-
ments, especially at high IoU thresholds, demonstrat-
ing more precise action boundaries. (3) We perform
a detailed ablation, finding that both temporal context
voting and attention learning are crucial to TVNet’s
Methods for action recognition assume trimmed
videos as input, which they directly classify (Si-
monyan and Zisserman, 2014; Tran et al., 2015;
Carreira and Zisserman, 2017; Feichtenhofer et al.,
2019). Instead, temporal action localization works
aim to locate actions in untrimmed videos as well as
classify them. Most works, like ours, investigate pro-
posal generation and proposal evaluation (Zhao et al.,
2017; Chao et al., 2018; Lin et al., 2018; Lin et al.,
Wang, H., Damen, D., Mirmehdi, M. and Perrett, T.
TVNet: Temporal Voting Network for Action Localization.
DOI: 10.5220/0010868900003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2019; Liu et al., 2019; Long et al., 2019; Xu et al.,
2020; Bai et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2020; Su et al.,
2021), but some just focus on proposal evaluation,
such as (Zeng et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2021).
Notable studies include MGG (Liu et al., 2019),
which uses frame-level action probabilities to gener-
ate segment proposals. BSN (Lin et al., 2018) and
BMN (Lin et al., 2019) generate proposals based on
boundary probabilities, using frame-level positive and
negative labels as supervision. However, their proba-
bilities are calculated independently and each tempo-
ral location is considered as an isolated instance, lead-
ing to sensitivity to noise. Therefore, several works
focus on exploiting rich contexts. G-TAD (Xu et al.,
2020) proposes a model based on a graph convo-
lutional network to incorporate multi-level semantic
context into video features. GTAN (Long et al., 2019)
involves contextual information with the feature using
Gaussian kernels. The recently introduced BSN++
(Su et al., 2021) uses a complementary boundary
generator to extract both local and global context.
However, these works ignore that different contextual
frames have different degrees of importance, which
may lead to insufficient exploitation of context, and
generate imprecise boundaries, especially in complex
In contrast, a context-aware loss function for ac-
tion spotting in sports videos is proposed in (Cioppa
et al., 2020), which treats frames according to their
different temporal distances to the ground-truth mo-
ments. This method is designed to detect an event
has occurred, and does not perform as well as spe-
cialist action localization methods when adapted to
predict precise starting and ending boundaries. Our
work is inspired by the notion of voting to incorporate
contextual information, which was used for the task
of moment localization in action completion (Hei-
darivincheh et al., 2018; Heidarivincheh et al., 2019).
However, these works aim to recognise a single mo-
ment for retrieval, rather than start and end times of
actions. We thus offer the first attempt to incorporate
voting into action localization. We detail our method
Our proposed method, TVNet, takes a feature se-
quence as input. It produces a set of candidate propos-
als using a Voting Evidence Module (VEM), where
each frame in the sequence can contribute to boundary
localization through voting, whether itself is a bound-
ary frame or not. We then calculate confidence scores
and classify these candidate proposals with an action
classifier. An overview of TVNet is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1.
Section 3.1 offers a formal problem formulation.
Section 3.2 introduces our main contribution, the Vot-
ing Evidence Module. Finally, Section 3.3 discusses
how the VEM is used within the full proposal gener-
ation process.
3.1 Problem Definition
Given an untrimmed video V with length L, the fea-
ture sequence is denoted as F =
with length
T , extracted at rate
. Annotations of action instances
in video V can be denoted as Ψ = {(s, e, a)}
where K is the total number of ground truth action in-
stances, and s, e and a are starting time, ending time
and label of action instance, respectively. The goal of
the temporal action localization task is to predict a set
of possible action instances
Φ =
( ˆs, ˆe, ˆc, ˆa)
Here, ˆs and ˆe are the starting and ending boundaries
of the predictions, ˆc is a confidence score for the pro-
posal, ˆa is the predicted class, and M is the number
of predicted action instances. The annotation set Ψ is
used to calculate the loss for training. The predicted
instance set
Φ is expected to cover Ψ with high over-
lap and recall, so M is likely to be larger than K.
3.2 Voting Evidence Module (VEM)
Our premise is that each frame in the sequence offers
information that would assist in locating the start and
end of nearby frames. For each frame, we aim to pre-
dict its relative signed distance (in frames) to the start
of an action of interest. Assume a frame is 5 frames
past the start of the action. We denote this relative dis-
tance ‘-5’, indicating the start of the action is 5 frames
ago. In contrast, when a frame precedes the start of
the action by say 2 frames, we denote ‘+2’. Simi-
larly, we can predict the relative signed distance from
a frame to the end of an action. To better understand
our objective, we consider two cases. First, if a frame
is within an action, the optimal model would be able
to predict the relative start frame and the end frame of
the ongoing action, from this frame. The second case
is when the frame is part of the background. The opti-
mal model can still predict the elapsed time since the
last action concluded as well as the remaining time
until the next action starts.
Evidently, a single frame’s predictions can be
noisy, so we utilise two techniques to manage the
noise. The first is to only make these predictions
within local temporal neighbourhoods, where evi-
dence can be more reliable, and the second is to accu-
mulate evidence from all frames in the sequence. We
TVNet: Temporal Voting Network for Action Localization
Figure 1: Overview of our proposed TVNet. Given an untrimmed video, frame-level features are extracted. Our main
contribution, the Voting Evidence Module, takes in this feature sequence and outputs sequences of starting and ending voting
scores. Local maxima in these voting scores are combined to form action proposals, which are then scored and classified.
Figure 2: Illustration of our proposed Voting Evidence
Module. We accumulate evidence from all frames to cal-
culate boundary scores for starting.
describe these next.
Voting Evidence Encoder. Given the feature se-
quence F, we use a sliding window of length J. Ac-
cordingly, we only use neighbourhood of size J in
support of temporal boundaries. This is passed to one-
dimensional temporal convolutional layers, in order
to attend to local context, as well as an LSTM of past
input for sequence prediction. The network construc-
tion is illustrated in Figure 2. The output prediction
at each frame would be
R =
, ˆr
, and it de-
notes the relative distance ˆr to the closest start/end to
frame j.
We supervise the training of the VEM from the
ground-truth. For each window, we use the relative
distance between the current temporal location and
the ground-truth boundaries as training labels. As
shown in Figure 3, we have a ground-truth relative
Figure 3: Supervision for relative distances of starting and
ending action boundaries within a sliding window, from
ground truth.
distance set R =
. The values of r
, r
reflect the distance between location j and the closest
start location s
as well as the closest end e
. There-
fore, the ground-truth relative distance is defined as
= j s
for starting, and r
= e
j for ending.
We normalize the relative distance value to -1 to
1. We train the VEM for starting and ending sepa-
rately, using the following MSE losses, shown here
for a single window:
and L
Voting Accumulation. We accumulate the predicted
relative distance votes from all frames in the sequence
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
) +
where v
, v
are the voting scores for our predictions,
N is the number of windows sliding over location t for
which we are voting, r
is the j
relative distance in
the n
window, and similarly for r
, with t
the corresponding location of frame t in window n.
The higher the voting score at location t, the more
likely t is to be a boundary location. The sequences
of voting scores for starting and ending are denoted as
and V
From V
, V
, we can generate action proposals,
explained next in Section 3.3.
3.3 Proposal Generation and
Now that we have introduced our main contribu-
tion, the Voting Evidence Module, we explain how
it is used within our proposal generation pipeline to
Φ. This requires combining our predicted
start/end boundaries to form proposals as well as
score and classify these proposals. We describe this
Proposal Generation. Given the voting scores V
and V
, we consider all start/end times above a pre-
defined threshold, ξ, and then consider local maxima
as candidate start/end times. We form proposals from
every valid start and end combination, i.e. start occurs
before end and below a maximum action duration τ.
We assign these proposals confidence scores and ac-
tion classes as follows.
Proposal Confidence Scores. We begin by process-
ing the feature sequence F with a learned Tempo-
ral Evaluation Module (TEM), as used in (Lin et al.,
2018; Lin et al., 2019). We make slight modifications
to the architecture, as shown in Figure 4, by using two
1D-convolutional branches, which performed better
experimentally. TEM outputs naive boundary start-
ing (B
) and ending (B
) scores, as well as actionness
scores (B
). These scores use only local information,
attaching the same importance to each frame. We use
the actionness score B
as background suppression,
using element-wise multiplication with the feature se-
quence. This gives a filtered feature sequence which
is the input to VEM. Additionally, we calculate con-
fidence in the proposal directly from its feature se-
quence p( ˆs, ˆe), using the Proposal Evaluation Module
from (Lin et al., 2019).
Figure 4: Temporal Evaluation Module from (Lin et al.,
2018; Lin et al., 2019) (left) and our improved version
(right). They take in a feature sequence F and output se-
quences of naive starting (B
) and ending (B
) boundary
scores and actionness scores (B
), denoted as B.
We fuse V
and p( ˆs, ˆe) to calculate con-
fidence scores which are used to rank proposals. The
confidence for a single proposal is:
ˆc = (v
+ αb
+ αb
)p( ˆs, ˆe) (3)
where α is a fusion weight, b
is the starting
boundary score for ˆs, and b
is the ending bound-
ary score for ˆe from TEM.
Redundant Proposal Suppression. Like other ac-
tion localization works (Lin et al., 2018; Lin et al.,
2019; Su et al., 2021), we use Soft-NMS (Bodla
et al., 2017) to suppress redundant proposals using the
scores ˆc.
Proposal-to-Proposal Relations. We also ex-
plore relations between proposals as proposed by
PGCN (Zeng et al., 2019), through constructing an
action proposal graph. We evaluate with/without
PGCN, for direct comparison to published works.
Classification. We classify each candidate proposal
to obtain the class label ˆa and obtain the final pre-
diction set
Φ =
( ˆs, ˆe, ˆc, ˆa)
. Note that action
classification is performed after proposal generation,
making our proposal generation action-independent.
4.1 Experimental Setup
Datasets. We conduct experiments on two
temporal action localization datasets: Activi-
tyNet1.3 (Caba Heilbron et al., 2015) and THU-
MOS14 (Jiang et al., 2014) as in (Lin et al., 2018; Lin
et al., 2019; Zeng et al., 2019). ActivityNet-1.3 con-
sists of 19,994 videos with 200 classes. THUMOS14
contains 413 untrimmed videos with 20 classes for
the action localization task.
TVNet: Temporal Voting Network for Action Localization
Table 1: Action localization results on ActivityNet-1.3 and THUMOS14. Bold for best model and underline for second best.
Method Publication
ActivityNet-1.3 (mAP@IoU) THUMOS14 (mAP@IoU)
0.5 0.75 0.95 Average 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
SSN (Zhao et al., 2017) ICCV2017 43.26 28.70 5.63 28.28 51.9 41.0 29.8 - -
TAL-Net (Chao et al., 2018) CVPR 2018 38.23 18.30 1.30 20.22 53.2 48.5 42.8 33.8 20.8
BSN (Lin et al., 2018) ECCV 2018 46.45 29.96 8.02 30.03 53.5 45.0 36.9 28.4 20.0
BMN (Lin et al., 2019) ICCV 2019 50.07 34.78 8.29 33.85 56.0 47.4 38.8 29.7 20.5
MGG (Liu et al., 2019) CVPR 2019 - - - - 53.9 46.8 37.4 29.5 21.3
GTAN (Long et al., 2019) CVPR 2019 52.61 34.14 8.91 34.31 57.8 47.2 38.8 - -
G-TAD (Xu et al., 2020) CVPR 2020 50.36 34.60 9.02 34.09 54.5 47.6 40.2 30.8 23.4
BC-GNN (Bai et al., 2020) ECCV 2020 50.56 34.75 9.37 34.26 57.1 49.1 40.4 31.2 23.1
BSN++ (Su et al., 2021) AAAI 2021 51.27 35.70 8.33 34.88 59.9 49.5 41.3 31.9 22.8
TVNet - 51.35 34.96 10.12 34.60 64.7 58.0 49.3 38.2 26.4
Comparative Analysis. We compare our work to all
seminal efforts that evaluate on these two standard
benchmarks (Zhao et al., 2017; Chao et al., 2018; Lin
et al., 2018; Lin et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019; Long
et al., 2019; Zeng et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2020; Bai
et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2020; Su et al., 2021). As
in previous efforts (Zeng et al., 2019; Chen et al.,
2020; Xu et al., 2020), we perform an additional
test when combining our work with the additional
power of proposal-to-proposal relations from PGCN
(Zeng et al., 2019) and the temporal aggregation from
MUSES (Liu et al., 2021).
Evaluation Metrics. We use mean Average Preci-
sion (mAP) to evaluate the performance of action lo-
calization. To compare to other works, we report the
same IoU thresholds. On ActivityNet-1.3 these are
{0.5, 0.75, 0.95}, and on THUMOS14 they are {0.3,
.., 0.7}, as well as the average mAP of the IoU thresh-
olds from 0.5 to 0.95 at step size of 0.05.
Implementation Details. For feature extraction, we
adopt the two-stream structure (Simonyan and Zisser-
man, 2014) as the visual encoder following previous
works (Lin et al., 2018; Paul et al., 2018; Lin et al.,
2019; Su et al., 2021). We parse the videos every 16
frames to extract features as in (Lin et al., 2018; Paul
et al., 2018; Lin et al., 2019). To unify the various
video lengths as input, following previous work (Lin
et al., 2018; Paul et al., 2018), we sample to obtain a
fixed input length, which is T = 100 for ActivityNet-
1.3 and T = 750 for THUMOS14. The sliding win-
dow length is set to J = 15 + 5 for ActivityNet-1.3
and J = 10 + 5 for THUMOS14. We first train the
TEM, then the PEM following the process in (Lin
et al., 2018). We then train the Voting Evidence Mod-
ule using the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014)
with a learning rate 0.001 for the first 10 epochs and
0.0001 for the remaining 5 epochs for THUMOS14,
and 0.0001 and 0.00001 for ActivityNet-1.3. The
batch size is set to 512 and 256 for ActivityNet-1.3
and THUMOS14.
For proposal generation, we set the threshold
ξ = 0.3, the maximum action length τ = 100 for
ActivityNet-1.3, and τ = 70 for THUMOS14. To
ensure a fair comparison for classifying our propos-
als, we use the same classifier as previous works (Lin
et al., 2018; Lin et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2020). We use
the top video classification from (Xiong et al., 2016)
for ActivityNet-1.3. On THUMOS14, we assign the
top-2 video classes predicted by (Wang et al., 2017)
to all the proposals in that video. For Soft-NMS, we
select the top 200 and 400 proposals for ActivityNet-
1.3 and THUMOS14, respectively.
4.2 Results
Main Results. We compare TVNet with the state-
of-the-art methods in Table 1. TVNet achieves com-
parable performance on ActivityNet-1.3, with a mAP
of 10.12% at an IoU of 0.95, which outperforms all
previous methods and shows that our temporal vot-
ing can distinguish the boundaries more precisely. On
THUMOS14, we exceed all other methods across the
range of IoUs commonly reported, for example reach-
ing 49.3% mAP at 0.5.
Similar to other works, such as (Xu et al., 2020;
Chen et al., 2020), in Table 2 we provide results on
THUMOS14 for the PGCN (Zeng et al., 2019) pro-
posal evaluation scheme applied to our proposals. We
also provide results combining our proposals with the
recently-introduced MUSES evaluation scheme (Liu
et al., 2021). We report strong performance outper-
forming all prior works.
Qualitative Results. We also present qualitative
results of TVNet on on both datasets. Figure 5 shows
challenging examples on long THUMOS14 videos
contain dense (top) and sparse (bottom) short actions.
Figure 6 shows two examples from ActivityNet-1.3.
A success case is shown, where long actions are de-
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Action localization results on THUMOS14 for methods combined with proposal-to-proposal relations from PGCN
(Zeng et al., 2019) and MUSES (Liu et al., 2021). Bold for best and underline for second best.
Method Publication
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
BSN + PGCN (Zeng et al., 2019) ICCV 2019 63.6 57.8 49.1 - -
Uty + PGCN (Chen et al., 2020) BMVC 2020 66.3 59.8 50.4 37.5 23.5
G-TAD + PGCN(Xu et al., 2020) CVPR 2020 66.4 60.4 51.6 37.6 22.9
TVNet + PGCN - 68.3 63.7 56.0 39.9 24.2
BSN + MUSES (Liu et al., 2021) CVPR 2021 68.9 64.0 56.9 46.3 31.0
TVNet + MUSES (Liu et al., 2021) - 71.1 66.4 59.1 47.8 32.1
Figure 5: Qualitative results on THUMOS14, where TVNet detects multiple dense (top) and sparse (bottom) actions with
accurate boundaries. The green bars indicate ground truth instances and the orange bars indicate TVNet detections. The
green, orange, blue and grey lines are ground truth boundaries, weighted boundaries scores, voting scores and boundary
scores respectively.
tected with accurate boundaries. A failure case is also
shown, where two actions are mistaken as one, but
the overall start and end times are accurate. In all ex-
amples, note how the orange boundary curves do not
look identical to the peaks in the ground truth. This
is desired behaviour, as they are designed to be prob-
abilities found by voting, and their maxima are used
to form action proposals which are then evalu-
ated for fused confidence scores.
To investigate the behaviour of our model, we con-
duct several ablation studies on ActivityNet-1.3 and
TVNet: Temporal Voting Network for Action Localization
Figure 6: Qualitative TVNet results on ActivityNet. Left: a success case, where the actions are detected with boundaries
closely matching the ground truth. Right: a failure case, where the wrong start/end times are matched forming one long
Table 3: The effect of actionness scores (B
) and boundary
scores (B
) on ActivityNet-1.3. The top row indicates
neither, which equates to the model with the TEM removed.
0.5 0.75 0.95 Average
% % 50.45 34.26 7.97 33.55
! % 51.30 34.89 8.90 34.40
% ! 51.14 34.74 9.68 34.35
! ! 51.35 34.96 10.12 34.60
THUMOS14 (as in (Lin et al., 2019; Su et al., 2021)).
Effectiveness of TEM. We test two contributions of
the TEM. These are the actionness score B
and the
boundary scores B
and B
. Table 3 shows small im-
provements when using either, and best results when
using both. All parts demonstrate an improvement
over using neither, which can be considered as the full
model without the TEM.
Voting and boundary scores. We fuse the voting
scores and the boundary scores to calculate the final
boundaries score for each proposal, which is used for
ranking. Table 4 evaluates the importance of these.
Just using the voting score outperforms the boundary
score, but the combination of the two is best, suggest-
ing they learn complementary information. Figure 7
shows how performance can be improved by combin-
ing these with a suitable weighting. We tried different
values from 0 to 1 at step size 0.1 for α in Equation 3,
the best is α = 0.6.
Sliding Window Length. A larger sliding window
length in the VEM could lead to more context in-
formation being used for voting at the expense of
some missed boundary locations, especially for small
action instances. Table 6 and Table 6 shows that
TVNet results are actually relatively stable with re-
spect to sliding window lengths between 5 and 20,
with best results at 15+5 for ActivityNet-1.3 and 5+10
Table 4: The effect of different combinations of boundary
score (B), voting scores (V ) and proposal generation (G)
based on V on ActivityNet-1.3. All results are from our
implementation, apart from *, which denotes the original
B from (Lin et al., 2019), and can be considered as TVNet
without the VEM.
0.5 0.75 0.95 Average
!* % % 50.13 33.18 9.50 33.15
! % % 50.64 34.30 8.93 33.84
! ! % 50.68 34.17 9.73 33.87
% ! ! 51.30 34.89 8.90 34.40
! ! ! 51.35 34.96 10.12 34.60
Figure 7: Performance of different weights used to fusion
on ActivityNet1.3.
for THUMOS14.
Maximum Action Length. This hyperparameter de-
termines the maximum length of candidate proposals.
Table 8 shows results on ActivityNet-1.3, where all
video sequences are scaled to have length less than
100, following standard practice (Lin et al., 2018; Lin
et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2020; Su et al., 2021). Table
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 5: The effect of different sliding window lengths J on
0.5 0.75 0.95 Average
5 50.84 34.57 9.47 34.08
10 50.97 34.61 9.84 34.24
15 51.11 34.63 10.00 34.36
20 50.97 34.57 10.03 34.29
15 + 5 51.35 34.96 10.12 34.60
15 + 10 51.27 34.87 9.94 34.52
15 + 20 51.01 34.65 10.13 34.42
Table 6: The effect of different sliding window lengths J on
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
5 64.6 57.9 48.6 38.0 25.6
10 63.9 56.4 47.9 36.2 25.5
15 63.6 56.3 47.3 35.4 24.5
20 61.9 54.8 46.2 34.8 24.0
5 + 10 64.7 58.0 49.3 38.2 26.4
5 + 15 63.8 56.9 48.5 37.3 25.7
5 + 20 64.0 57.0 47.8 36.3 25.0
Table 7: The effect of different maximum action lengths τ
on ActivityNet-1.3.
0.5 0.75 0.95 Average
60 35.88 9.60 0.76 14.44
70 42.92 14.29 1.02 20.21
80 47.55 27.67 1.70 26.62
90 50.42 33.50 3.12 32.10
100 51.35 34.96 10.12 34.60
Table 8: The effect of different maximum action lengths τ
on THUMOS14.
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
40 53.2 44.2 32.9 22.0 13.7
50 57.8 50.4 40.5 29.0 18.8
60 60.7 53.6 42.8 33.5 23.7
70 64.7 58.0 49.3 38.2 26.4
80 64.3 57.7 48.3 37.1 25.9
Table 9: The effect of different score threshold ξ on
0.5 0.75 0.95 Average
0.1 51.34 34.94 10.09 34.60
0.3 51.35 34.96 10.12 34.60
0.5 51.08 34.73 9.49 34.27
0.7 50.72 34.27 9.54 33.96
8 shows results on THUMOS14, where the average
video sequence is longer and most action instances
are short. The best maximum action length on this
dataset (τ = 70) is very similar to others (τ = 64 for
Table 10: The effect of different score threshold ξ on THU-
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
0.1 64.8 57.6 48.4 36.9 25.5
0.3 64.7 58.0 49.3 38.2 26.4
0.5 64.5 57.4 48.5 37.0 25.6
0.7 63.7 56.9 47.7 36.6 25.9
Table 11: Ablation studies of the impact of LSTM on
ActivityNet-1.3. SRF: Small Receptive Field. SLL: Single
Linear Layer.
0.5 0.75 0.95 Average
SRF 47.59 31.20 3.32 29.93
SLL 50.29 34.38 9.56 33.97
LSTM 51.35 34.96 10.12 34.60
(Lin et al., 2019; Xu et al., 2020; Su et al., 2021)). We
stop at τ = 80 due to GPU memory constraints.
Score Threshold. Table 10 and Table 10 show the
effect of varying the threshold ξ, which is used to re-
ject potential start and end points if they have low
confidence before forming proposals. We use 0.3
for the main experiments, but results are stable for
0.1 < ξ < 0.5.
Effectiveness of LSTM. To demonstrate the effect
of the LSTM when accumulating evidence, Table 11
shows results when the LSTM is replaced with differ-
ent architectures. First is a method with a receptive
field of 1 (i.e. no temporal accumulation). Second
is a single linear layer with the same receptive field
as the LSTM. Finally, results from the full LSTM are
shown, which performs best across all IoUs. Note that
the small receptive field performs very badly on the
high IoU.
This paper introduced a Temporal Voting Network
(TVNet) for temporal action localization. TVNet in-
corporates a novel Voting Evidence Module, which
allows each frame to contribute to boundary local-
ization through voting, whether or not it is a bound-
ary itself. On ActivityNet-1.3, TVNet achieves sig-
nificantly better performance than other state-of-the-
art methods at IoU of 0.95, highlighting its ability
to accurately locate starting and ending boundaries.
On THUMOS14, TVNet outperforms other meth-
ods when combining its proposals with the powerful
PGCN proposal-to-proposal relations and MUSES.
We provide qualitative examples, as well as a detailed
ablation, which showcases the benefits of our voting-
based approach.
TVNet: Temporal Voting Network for Action Localization
We use publicly-available datasets. Hanyuan Wang
is funded by the China Scholarship Council. Toby
Perrett is funded by the SPHERE Next Steps EPSRC
Project EP/R005273/1.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications