we use the templates for all locomotion speeds avail-
able for a given subject, keep the head motion trans-
lation to the natural scale τ = 1 and rotation rate to
ρ = 2. The speeds used are 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12
km/h, in the same four maps.
We show the performances of DSO, ORB-
SLAM3 and DeepV2D in Figure 12. DSO lost track-
ing in many cases at higher speeds, which further
highlights its sensitivity to fast camera motion. Re-
call that all subjects started running (resulting in a
greater amplitude of headset motion) at the limit of
8 km/h, which is close to the average speed at which
DSO starts to fail in our sequences (7.5 km/h). The
performance of ORB-SLAM3 corresponds to previ-
ous observations: increased viewpoint changes lead
to a deterioration of the performance.
With our headset motion model and synthetic dataset
generator, we performed experiments on image se-
quences exhibiting various aspects of headset motion
parameterized to test the limits of monocular visual
odometry methods. Our three main findings are:
1. The main challenge for monocular visual odome-
try on headsets is rotation. Even slight rotations
can have important negative effects on the per-
formance of the three classes of algorithms that
we have studied. The head translation induced by
walking does not significantly deteriorate the per-
formance of monocular visual odometry.
2. Among the three methods that we have evalu-
ated, the feature-based ORB-SLAM3 is by far the
most robust. Deep learning-based methods such
as DeepV2D have a strong potential, for example
with their ability to estimate dense depth maps,
but it is critical to implement systems to ensure
that the properties of conventional features such as
invariance to translation or rotation, high localiza-
tion accuracy or robustness to image degradations
(noise, motion blur, etc.) are conserved.
3. Developing a robust measure of uncertainty for
the predicted poses is critical for deep learning-
based methods, since by default they will always
produce a prediction and not fall into a “tracking
lost” state, thereby failing silently.
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