(a) (b)
Figure 3: Classification of the anomaly image region us-
ing two different techniques for the Platanus sp. wood: (a)
SVM with LBP descriptor (region contour in green); (b)
CNN with SDDMobileNetV2 architecture (bounding box
mography images. Our dataset consists of images ob-
tained from ultrasound tomography, a non-destructive
method capable of evaluating the wood log internal
characteristics without causing any damage to it.
In order to identify whether or not an image has
anomalies, we applied three different image classi-
fication methods: k-NN, SVM and CNN. The per-
formance of these methods were evaluated according
to Accuracy, Precision and Recall metrics, computed
from a confusion matrix built based on the annotated
images. We also performed an image region classifi-
cation task, in order to obtain the region correspond-
ing to the wood anomaly.
Our first experiments showed that the best results
are obtained by the CNN classifier, regardless the
metric. The accuracy, precision and recall values are
higher than 85%. A last experiment carried out in this
work was dedicated to identifying the region in the
image associated with the internal defect.
Our contribution is also associated with the cre-
ation of a dataset with about 5000 images using data
augmentation techniques. Now, our efforts will be to-
wards characterizing and balancing the dataset, avoid-
ing possible biases.
There are several possible suggestions as future
works. First one, in order to improve the variability
of the dataset, we need more wood tomographic im-
ages, and different species and anomalies.
The use of texture descriptors of different types,
such as those provided by Fourier and Wavelet Trans-
forms, should be the object of further studies. We
also intend to combine different descriptors in order
to verify the classification performance.
In addition to classifying the wood image as
healthy or with an internal defect, we would like to
properly identify the anomaly, its location and dimen-
This study was financed in part by the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior –
Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications