Quest-centric Authoring of Stories, Quests, and Dialogues for Computer
Game Modifications
Robin Horst, Micha Lanvers and Ralf D
RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Unter den Eichen, Wiesbaden, Germany
Computer Game Modification, Modding, Story Writing, Layperson Authoring of Real-time Interactive
A computer game modification (mod) is an extension or variation of an already published computer game,
usually developed by hobbyists. Creating computer games requires expertise from different disciplines. For
role-playing games (RPGs), one of them is the development of coherent stories, for example, through quests
and dialogues between characters. Different expert authoring tools exist supporting story writing specialists in
their profession. However, based on the results of our related work analysis and expert interviews with two lead
storywriters of successful mods (Enderal and Legends of Ahss
un), we identified a gap of research regarding
story writing tools suitable for the modding community. In this paper, we introduce quest-centric concepts for
supporting modders in designing and managing quests for RPG mods and illustrate how to use graph-based
visualization techniques for modeling interactive dialogues and dependencies between quest components of
a story. Based on statistically significant results of an expert user study utilizing a reference implementation
of our concepts, we conclude that the quest-centric concepts supported our participants and that the proposed
graph visualizations and automatic optimization suggestions were particularly helpful to them.
In role-playing games (RPGs), such as The Elder
Scrolls: Skyrim or Gothic 2, players experience a
story mainly through completing quests instructed by
non-player characters (NPCs) (Howard, 2008). A
core task of creating RPG game software is the au-
thoring of a story including quests and dialogues. A
storywriter must also plan for potential decision pos-
sibilities of players within the story, what can make
the authoring of stories, quests, and dialogues more
complex. For example, the assessment of a story’s
coherence with its dependencies on the players’ deci-
sions is difficult to overview. To support professional
game developers there already exist software tools,
however, not everyone with a good idea for a story
is a professional storywriter.
A modification (mod) of a computer game is
an expansion or adjustment of an already released
computer game and is generally developed by non-
professionals. Successful examples are Enderal for
Skyrim with an estimated 3,000,000 downloads and
a playtime of 30-100 hours and Legend of Ahss
(LoA) for Gothic 2 with more than 60,000 downloads
and an estimated playtime of 50-200 hours. With a
story-mod’s main goal of providing additional story,
resulting in extra playtime, the story writing is an es-
sential part of the modding process. However, hobby-
ist storywriters face various challenges when devel-
oping a mod.
In this paper, we explore the little-researched
RPG-modding domain and focus on challenges of au-
thoring quests and dialogues. We make the following
We point out requirements and investigate in the
motivation of storywriters for mods within semi-
structured expert interviews with the lead sto-
rywriters of two successful mods (Enderal and
We introduce quest-centric authoring concepts
for supporting modders in designing and man-
aging quests as the most prominent element in
RPG story mods. Furthermore, we propose us-
ing graph-based visualization techniques for mod-
eling interactive dialogues and dependencies be-
tween quest components of a story.
We utilize a reference implementation of our con-
cepts within an expert user study and state lessons
Horst, R., Lanvers, M. and Dörner, R.
Quest-centric Authoring of Stories, Quests, and Dialogues for Computer Game Modifications.
DOI: 10.5220/0010895800003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Authoring procedures of content for real-time interac-
tive systems such as games, virtual realities, etc. can
be highly challenging for layperson authors (Horst,
2021). In his work (Sotamaa, 2010; Sotamaa, 2003),
Sotamaa examines motivations of hobbyists for par-
ticipating in mod projects. He states that first of all,
people contribute in mods for the fun of the original
game itself, as artistic self-expression, being part of a
community, and lastly to get a chance to enter the pro-
fessional gaming industry. However, similar to work
by Hurel (Hurel, 2016), Sotamaa (Sotamaa, 2010; So-
tamaa, 2003) concludes that the modding domain de-
serves and needs more research.
Concerning the design of quests and stories,
Howard (Howard, 2008) elaborates on the differences
between quest games and quest narratives, and puts
a strong focus on the description of entities asso-
ciated with quests such as levels, characters, items,
dialogues, journal/logbook entries, and events. He
makes clear that their design has a significant impact
on the quality of a quest’s design. Howard (Howard,
2008) also points out different quest types in games
with a focus on quests to tell the story. He distin-
guishes types such as kill quests and fetch quests and
states practical tips on quest design.
Smith et al. (Smith et al., 2011) analyzed 20
quest-focused RPGs in their work in order to derive
quest and level design patterns and to gain a better
understanding of the interrelationships between these
areas. This work indicates that the quest design in
such games is highly dependent on the level design.
This conclusion is also supported by work of Aarseth
(Aarseth, 2005). From these works, we derive the
recommendation that quest design and quest man-
agement software should provide the ability to link
quests with information about locations, characters,
and items in order to design them synergistically.
In recent work of Veloso and Prada (Veloso and
Prada, 2021), a debugging application was developed
for storywriters to automatically test designed stories
to detect inconsistencies or predict the outcome of dif-
ferent player types’ playthroughs. The authors con-
clude that such an application encourages authors to
create more complex narratives and thus to develop
artistically without feeling restricted. A user test con-
firms these assumptions and also indicates positive ef-
fects on the efficiency of the story writing process.
A tree visualization was used to prepare the structure
of the story. Overall, the work by Veloso and Prada
(Veloso and Prada, 2021) indicates that storywriters
felt supported by the visual overview of their stories
and automated error checks.
Besides work in academia, several authoring tools
have been introduced in the industry. Articy:Draft
(Articy Software GmbH & Co. KG, 2021) is a com-
mercial software for game writing, planning, and con-
tent management. The core of the application is the
Story Flow, a graphical editor that can be used to
design dialogues and story events again as a graph
(flow graph). Another application is ChatMapper
(LearnBrite, 2021), which also represents dialogue
texts and events as a flow graph. DiaDepp (Sekten-
spinner, 2009) is a dialogue manager specifically for
modifying the game Gothic 2. It can be used to create
dialogues and events that can be stored in their own
folder structure. These contain script code, where dia-
logue lines and frequently used functions like passing
items can be written in a highly simplified syntax. The
export function resolves the simplified syntax so that
created dialogues and events can be used directly in
the game. Other applications with similar approaches
we identified include Twine (Interactive Fiction Tech-
nology Foundation, 2021), Arcweave (Arcweave OU,
2021), Dialogue Designer (radmatt, 2021), and Talk-
erMaker Deluxe (digiwombat, 2021).
Overall, we found a lack of research for studies
and tools applied within the modding domain. Some
mentioned works and authoring applications take a
general approach to story writing. However, RPG
mods typically structure their content into quests,
which in turn are often grouped and presented ac-
cording to importance and game stage. Furthermore,
the ability to manage quest-associated entities varies
across applications. Graphs were found to be suitable
for representing interactive dialogues and can possi-
bly be utilized for quest-specific approaches. For ex-
ample, one feature we found missing existing work
is the automatic generation of a visualization of de-
pendencies between a quest’s individual component,
which was investigated in the work of Veloso and
Prada (Veloso and Prada, 2021) and seems practi-
cal for a better overall view of the story but also for
debugging purposes, that might be crucial for non-
professional authors. At last, further assistance func-
tions for inexperienced storywriters are only little re-
To get more specific insights into story writing within
the modding domain, we conducted two one-hour in-
terviews with the lead storywriters of Enderal (par-
ticipant 1, P1) and LoA (participant 2, P2). In this
section, we briefly state the results. The interviews
were conducted as remote semi-structured interview
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
divided into three main questions that asked them
about their mod projects to gather postmortem infor-
1. Which Tools Did You Use?
Our participants stated that they used particularly
Articy:Draft (P1) and Word (P2) for planning and
writing quests and dialogues for the story-mods. A
key message of the interview with P2 was that the
roles of scripters and storywriters were differentiated
within their mod team and that, from P2’s experi-
ence, ‘scripters were more eager to develop features
than to implement dialogues that have already been
prescribed’. This was the main reason for utilizing
DiaDepp since it facilitates to export prescribed di-
alogues into game-scripts. However, for the sake of
the overall authoring workflow, P2 had to adopt the
dialogue syntax technically determined by DiaDepp,
which was perceived ‘restricting’ within the design
For the design of the interactive dialogues for En-
deral, P1 utilized Articy:Draft. P1 used its export
functionality to provide dialogue texts to voice actors
in a presentable form. However, for the mod itself,
the dialogues had to be integrated manually, by the
storywriter. To plan characters and their backstories,
P2 used common text-formatting tools such as Google
2. How Should a Story Writing Tool Be Designed to
Support Modders in Creating Quests and Dialogues?
Both participants stated features they would add to
their existing tools or wish for novel ones. P2 noted
that quests are essential parts of the overall modding
of game stories and that ‘[...] in DiaDepp, quests
are structured and sorted by chapter of the story and
the location a quest takes place’. Such sorting and
structuring functionality was recommended for future
tools to help novel authors getting a quick overview
over the story and also for finding and adjusting cer-
tain quests more efficient.
Concerning the structures of quests, P1 further de-
mands from future tools to provide story mod authors
with support for the narrative design of quests. For
example, providing typical quest structures (Howard,
2008) such as fetch quests or kill quests as templates
so that the hobbyist authors could use them as a start-
ing point. P1 did also mention a particular opportu-
nity for more assistance functionality for a story writ-
ing tool. Further automated guidance throughout the
authoring process would be appreciated, for example,
regarding the game-play loops of a mod. Assistance
should be an optional element, since P2 noted that in
the initial phase of modding, people will often ‘lack
necessary expertise’ in quest writing.
Both participants mentioned that, for modders
even more than for professional storywriter for
games, technical aspects of a game should be ab-
stracted as much as possible (‘the less technical the
better’, (P1)), since writers within the modding might
not want to deal with the technical aspects in their
free-time (‘I want only to write’ (P1)). Export func-
tionalities for quests and dialogues to game-scripts
should be included similar to DiaDepp, however, the
participants assumed for compatibility for specific
mod kits rather than generic scripts.
Besides a ‘neat graphical user interface’, P1 stated
that the visual representation of quests and specifi-
cally their sub-components such as dialogues, depen-
dencies to other quests, or involved NPCs would help
writers after the initial creation of a quest. A visual-
ization and distinction between such elements could
help ‘especially for [updating and maintaining] non-
linear dialogues’ (P1).
3. What Would You Do Differently in Hindsight?
When asked what they would do differently in
hindsight, P2 replied ‘to put more focus on actual
story writing’. In the initial phase, this was given a
lower priority than the level design, so that the mod’s
game world was already finished before the design of
the main story then had to be strongly oriented to-
wards it. ‘Quests were often developed for the sole
reason that a game location would otherwise have had
too few’ (P2). As a second lesson learned from this,
P2 stated that an option to display information about
specific items and characters and linking them to par-
ticular dialogues was identified a useful feature for fu-
ture tools. This insight is underlined by P1, who fur-
ther demands from a suitable tool to attach pictures
for characters, items, and locations.
Finally, the interviews underlined that story writ-
ing plays a major role in the modding domain and
that existing applications used within successful mod
projects did not entirely fit the modders’ needs. A
corresponding application should support storywrit-
ers in their creative process without restricting their
artistic freedom and pursue a UI design that is as de-
technicalized as possible. Furthermore, the idea of
direct game-script export functionality was consid-
ered useful, as it can lighten the workload of scripters
within a mod team and enables storywriters to cre-
ate their own adjustments to the mod project with-
out in-depth scripting knowledge. Also, both partici-
pants noted that the modding workflow requires writ-
ers to restructure and adjust quests and dialogues of a
story-line multiple times as a story mod project ‘actu-
ally always starts unstructured and with a rough idea
and everything is thrown around 1000 times‘ (P2).
Both writers regarded quests as most essential ele-
ment when creating a story mod of a game.
Quest-centric Authoring of Stories, Quests, and Dialogues for Computer Game Modifications
In the following, we introduce six core concepts (C1
to C6) designed based on the findings from our litera-
ture analysis and expert interviews. The concepts are
then utilized within Questmanager a story author-
ing tool for usage within the modding domain that fo-
cuses on quests as the central part of creating a story
C1 - Quest-centric Structure:
Quests consist of conversations with NPCs (di-
alogues) and events that are executed under certain
conditions (e.g., at a certain location). We define the
following quest components regarding dialogues and
Dialogue line: Text that the player speaks to the
interlocutor, interlocutor speaks to the player, or
player speaks to him/herself
Event: Generally everything game-specific that
can happen in a dialogue or event; e.g. action
of the player/NPCs, starting a quest, generating
a journal/logbook entry.
Condition: Control element to execute dialogue
lines/actions only conditionally; e.g., only after
conducting a dialogue or obtaining a specific item.
Choice: Possibility for the player to accept or re-
ject a quest, for example.
Dialogues and events also have preconditions that
define under which circumstances they can be con-
ducted. Dialogues have additional parameters such
as the dialogue partner and the information if the di-
alogue partner starts the dialogue by himself and if a
dialogue can be repeated. Quests should also be struc-
turable, for example, to distinguish between main and
side quests or to assign quests to individual game sec-
C2 - Game-specific Configuration and Export:
A Mod is always based on exactly one game,
which possesses own functionalities, characteristics
and script syntax. As stated by Howard (Howard,
2008), the consideration of game-specific mechanics
in the design process leads to more immersive quests.
We suggest that actions and conditions from C1 have
their own configuration per supported game, in which
necessary parameters, representation aspects in an au-
thoring tool, as well as information for the script ex-
port can be defined. Through this, quests designed
in an authoring tool can be imported directly into the
game with little effort and scripting experience.
C3 - Dependency Visualization of Quest Components:
Quest components such as dialogues and events
can be dependent on each other in different ways,
which can make it difficult to keep track of them, es-
pecially in complex quests. An example is illustrated
in Fig. 1. Dialogue D3 should only be able to be con-
ducted by a player if the previous D2 was already
held. In this case D3 is directly dependent on D2.
A quest also has a certain status such as not started,
started, done or failed. If D2’s quest status is set to
started and D4 can only be held when Q2 has the sta-
tus started, D4 is directly dependent on D2. Further-
more, variables can be used to represent more com-
plex conditions in interactive dialogues. For example,
if the variable Var is set in D4, and D5 checks for the
value of Var, then D5 is directly dependent on D4.
Figure 1: Dependencies of exemplary dialogues D1-D7.
We differentiate direct and indirect dependencies
of dialogues. While a direct dependency (Fig.1 solid
arrows) determines whether a dialogue or event can
be conducted at all, indirect dependencies only query
conditions within an ongoing dialogue (Fig.1 dashed
By visualizing the pre- and post-conditions of
dialogues and events, authors can identify previous
quests (e.g., in case of D2: dialogue D1 of quest Q1).
By looking at the preconditions of all quest-unrelated
dialogues and events, subsequent quests can be iden-
tified (e.g., dialogue D7 of Q3). The display of such
non-quest dialogues and events should be optional for
extensive quests in order to be able to control the clar-
ity. In such visualizations, also dependency conflicts
can be identified. This includes, for example, circular
dependencies, where a dialogue depends directly on a
second dialogue, and at the same time the second di-
alogue depends directly on the first, which leads to a
deadlock situation. By identifying such conflicts early
on, logic errors can be uncovered and later game er-
rors can be avoided.
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
C4 - Quest Component Visualization:
As examined in Section 2 and apart from dependen-
cies, flow graphs are also a suitable representation for
interactive dialogues themselves. They provide au-
thors with an advantageous overview compared to the
usual text form, particularly when many conditions
and choices are involved. We also illustrate the quest
components proposed in C1 within a graph depicted
in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: A dialogue excerpt of a German mod project.
C5 - Linkage of Quest Components to It’s Entities:
Various studies (Howard, 2008; Smith et al., 2011;
Aarseth, 2005) and applications (Arcweave OU,
2021; Articy Software GmbH & Co. KG, 2021;
digiwombat, 2021; LearnBrite, 2021; Sektenspinner,
2009) illustrate that the design of a quest’s entities
such as characters, items, and locations is strongly re-
lated to the quest design itself. However, results of the
expert interviews suggest that text editing programs
are commonly used to create character profiles etc.
As a result, information may be scattered across mul-
tiple files or software that have no links to each other,
making it difficult to keep track. We propose linking
the entities of a quest with their essential information
to the quest components of a quest within an author-
ing application. If a character is necessary for an ac-
tion/condition (e.g., a query if an NPC is dead) it can
be linked directly to its information. If a character or
location name appears in the text of a dialogue line, a
link is generated automatically.
C6 - Quality and Efficiency Enhancing Assistance
In addition to the visualization of dialogues as a flow
graph, other views can help with designing quests.
For example, a listing of all of a character’s dialogue
lines from different dialogues can help examining a
uniform language style. The information that a cer-
tain character does not yet have a single dialogue line
can also reveal gaps in the quest design. Another ex-
ample is a view specifically for writing dialogue lines.
Other quest components are neglected in this view
and the author is provided with supplementary func-
tions for writing, such as spelling checks, context-
specific word suggestions, or checks for words or
phrases of a character used too frequently. Further-
more, an indication that a dialogue line is too long to
be displayed correctly in the game can save time for
mod project members.
The possibility to add optional data to a quest,
such as a quest type or a start/end location, enables
providing additional assistance functions. For ex-
ample, a visualization of the quest type distribution
across all quests can help preventing designing too
many similar quests, or the mapping of quests to loca-
tions can ensure an even quest distribution throughout
the game world. Furthermore, quest types can be used
to provide authors with templates for the given types
to speed up their development process. However, in-
stead of restricting authors to existing quest templates
of a game, novel quest types can be designed to create
a growing quest type framework for a mod. Authors
may specify parameters of a type necessary for the
template, from which a quest with several dialogues
and events is then generated. This can also give new
authors an idea of how quests can be structured.
We implemented our concepts and evaluated Quest-
manager within a moderated remote expert user study
that involved 11 unpaid and voluntary participants be-
tween 24 and 33 years with Ø 29.0 and SD 2.9. Their
experience in story- and quest-writing as well as expe-
rience in RPG modding were asked using a ten-point
scale. With Ø 7.3 and SD 2.3 (writing) and Ø 7.2 and
SD 3.5 (modding) we classify them as as expert users.
Five participants stated to be part of a permanent mod
The user tests included seven tasks (T1-T7) to be
accomplished by our participants using Questman-
Quest-centric Authoring of Stories, Quests, and Dialogues for Computer Game Modifications
ager. Finally, we asked our participants to fill out a
questionnaire and evaluated four aspects with it:
[A1] Quality Enhancement: Which functions can be
used to enhance the quality of quest design?
[A2] Efficiency: How is efficient creation of dia-
logues achieved?
[A3] Clarity: How can the overview of a story and
its components be ensured?
[A4] Dialogue Graph: How well is the developed
graph suited for representing and creating inter-
active dialogues in the modding domain?
[A5] Product Character: The product character
(Hassenzahl, 2018) is a measure incorporating
both pragmatic and hedonic qualities.
A5 was measured using the standardized abbre-
viated AttrakDiff questionnaire (User Interface De-
sign GmbH, 2021). A single user test was conducted
within the time frame of 1 hour.
Figure 3 (left) shows the value distribution of the
questions answered using the 7-point scale. The box
plots show that all mean values lie above the neutral
value of the scale (3) except for Q9 and Q17. With
regard to the value distributions, Q9, Q17, Q19 and
Q25 show the greatest deviations across the entire
scale. Outliers are present at Q5, Q19, Q20, Q23,
Q24, and Q25. We performed Wilcoxon signed-rank
tests (Wilcoxon and Wilcox, 1964) on the questions
to analyze how Questmanager was rated by our par-
ticipants relative to a hypothetical neutral rating. With
a threshold for statistical significance of 5%, all tests
except for Q9 and Q17 show statistical significant dif-
Figure 3 (right) shows the distribution of values
aggregated for A1-A4. Again, all mean values lie
above 3. A2 shows the highest deviation ranging from
4 to 6. Outliers are present for A1, A2, and A3. We
also performed Wilcoxon signed-rank tests against a
neutral score for A1-A4. All tests confirm statistically
significant differences.
The comments and observations were used to ob-
tain qualitative data and were assigned to A1-A4. Re-
garding A1, it became clear during the tests that the
optimizations suggested on the overview page were
perceived as valuable. Two participants mentioned
that the identification of unfinished quests, characters
without a quest reference, and dialogues that cannot
be conducted due to dependency conflicts would also
be valuable assistance functions. Concerning A2, we
observed that the function to create a quest based on
a template could be used by all participants without
any problems. One participant proposed offering ‘fre-
quent rewards like gold’ as a favorite in the quest to
speed up the creation process. Another one wanted
custom templates to be created, but at the same time
expressed a caution about seeing ‘100 [generic] fetch
quests in front of you’ with this feature. Regarding
A3, we noticed that only six participants were intu-
itively able to create a quest event. Here, one partic-
ipant suggested offering an interactive tutorial to ex-
plain Questmanager’s own concepts. During testing,
it was noticeable that the concept of indirect depen-
dencies was not correctly understood by nine partici-
pants and therefore had to be explained again verbally
for the task. The dependency graph was highlighted
as a particularly positive feature by three participants
in Q26. To this end, we observed that one participant
used it extensively for orientation during T1. Regard-
ing A4, the necessity of integrating drag-and-drop for
rearranging elements in the dialogue graph was fre-
quently highlighted. As an additional feature idea,
one participant mentioned a thumbnail view of the de-
pendency graph right next to the dialogue graph to be
able to switch between dialogues faster.
We analyzed the results of the AttrakDiff ques-
tionnaire to determine the product character (A5) of
Questmanager. The aspects pragmatic quality (pq),
hedonic quality (hq), and attractiveness (att) are illus-
trated in Fig. 4. It shows that Questmanager’s attrac-
tiveness was rated highest, and its pragmatic quality
was rated lowest. The word pairs ‘bad/good and’ ‘im-
practical/practical’ (Fig. 4 right) were rated highest
with values of 5.1 and 4.9, whereas the word pairs
‘complicated/simple’ and ‘confusing/clearly struc-
tured’ were rated lowest with values of 3.7 and 4.2.
Overall, the results of the evaluation show that sto-
rywriters from the modding field could successfully
use Questmanager to design quests. The functional-
ities for improving the quality of quest design (A1)
were rated higher than a neutrally rated quest manage-
ment application, taking into account the mean values
and statistical significance. None of the functions re-
garding A1 were criticized in Q27. However, sugges-
tions were made for further automatic checks (Q22).
The approaches to increase the efficiency of creat-
ing interactive dialogues (A2) were rated lower in re-
lation to the other aspects. However, the results show
that the efficiency is still significantly higher than for
a neutrally rated quest management program. While
the creation using the graph with an initially auto-
mated positioning was perceived as easy (Q3), our
approach of arranging elements exclusively automati-
cally was perceived restricting (Q9-10). Accordingly,
the option of individually structuring the graph ele-
ments of a dialogue should be available. The genera-
tion of a quest based on a template was found helpful
(Q13) and can be optimized by the mentioned sug-
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Box plots for the 7-point scale questions and the aggregated aspects 1-4.
Figure 4: AttrakDiff evaluation: Portfolio representation (left) and description of the word pairs (right).
gestions. The recommended feature of using existing
game-scripts as a basis for an import function to cre-
ate a quest manager project can offer a benefit for mod
projects already in development.
Concerning the clarity (A3), the quest structure
we proposed was rated useful (Q2). Being able to
manage characters, items, and locations was found
an elementary part of our quest-centric approach, as
Q16, Q26 and the desire for further capture options
(questrelevant monsters, lore) indicate. Q17’s results
confirmed the usefulness of the manually creatable
folder structure for quests and entities. This concept
can contribute to a better visibility by an own sort-
ing possibility instead of the currently used alpha-
betical sorting. Furthermore, the automatically gen-
erated links in dialogue lines were perceived helpful
(Q20), but the current algorithm, which only consid-
ers character and location names, is potentially error-
prone. This function should be optional and the con-
cept should be extended by the possibility to link enti-
ties manually. Q24 shows a high willingness to spec-
ify optional information to improve clarity. This indi-
cates that further thought should be given in this di-
The usefulness of the graph-based representation
for interactive dialogues is also supported by the posi-
tive evaluation of A4. The concept of the dependency
graph, which is new to this area, was rated one of the
most valuable aspects of Questmanager, as Q14, Q26
and the qualitative date suggests. At the same time, it
was rated one of the most complex aspects of Quest-
manager, demonstrating the inability of most partici-
pants to understand the concept of indirect dependen-
cies without a verbal explanation or to resolve circular
dependencies correctly around it. Aspects such as as
existing dependency conflicts, the quest affiliation of
dialogues unrelated to the quest, and completely in-
dependent dialogues more visually obvious should be
made more visible to guide our mod authors. Over-
all, the proposed features to extend the functionality
suggest that there is still more potential in this con-
cept. Concerning the dialogue graph, Q7 provided
only few suggestions for further element types, indi-
cating it contains all major functions necessary for the
quest design in the modding domain.
The AttrakDiff results indicate that the proposed
UI for our quest-centric concepts was well received.
Some mentioned usability optimizations, also re-
Quest-centric Authoring of Stories, Quests, and Dialogues for Computer Game Modifications
flected in the lower rated pragmatic quality. How-
ever, despite mentioned improvements, all partici-
pants could imagine using Questmanager for a future
mod project (Q24).
Finally, we derive that our quest management ap-
plication can support storywriters with our quest-
centric approach, providing context-specific views
and automatic optimization suggestions. Questman-
ager provided our participants with a clear entity man-
agement and the dependency graph proved to be valu-
able after initial understanding. Furthermore, the
graph-based display of dialogues was found to be
clearer than continuous text representations.
In this work, we investigated in the little-researched
RPG-modding domain. We pointed out require-
ments and thereupon introduced quest-centric author-
ing concepts that support in designing and managing
quests. We also showed how to utilize graph-based
visualization techniques for modeling interactive di-
alogues and particularly dependencies between quest
components of a story. We implemented our concepts
within Questmanager a lightweight authoring tool.
With the results of our expert user study, we conclude
that our concepts can support storywriters in the mod-
ding domain and also pointed out aspects that should
be included in future applications.
For future work, we see potential to apply our con-
cepts and Questmanager itself outside of the modding
domain, for example, for professional story writing of
interactive media such as computer games. However,
future work should also include novel ideas such as
the notion of game-specific modding aspects. For ex-
ample, we included a JSON configuration file in a Do-
main Specific Language (Fowler, 2010) to define ac-
tions and conditions that the base game actually does
support. However, how can generic dialogues be de-
signed and exported to fit into the format of specific
games? How can the need for external documents be
eliminated by describing domain-specific entities di-
rectly in an authoring application for mods? How can
existing lore of a game be included in an authoring
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HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications