on a fixed-resolution image. Finally, SDBM has virtu-
ally no parameters to tune (apart from the resolution of
the desired final image) which makes it easier to use
than DBM.
Future work can target several directions. We be-
lieve a very relevant one to be the generation of maps
for multi-output classifiers, i.e., classifiers that can out-
put more than a single class for a sample. Secondly,
we consider organizing more quantitative studies to
actually gauge which are the interpretation errors that
SDBM maps generate when users consider them to
assess and/or compare the behavior of different clas-
sifiers, which is the core use-case that decision maps
have been proposed for. Thirdly, we consider adapting
SDBM to help the understanding of semantic segmen-
tation models. Last but not least, the packaging of
SDBM into a reusable library that can be integrated
into typical ML pipelines can help it gain widespread
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de Aperfei
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Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001, and by FAPESP
grants 2015/22308-2, 2017/25835-9 and 2020/13275-
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IVAPP 2022 - 13th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications