of participants still performed each standing and sit-
ting at about 1 to 2 seconds using the pushbutton, and
the overall duration statistics of these two activities
are approximately normally distributed. Such phe-
nomenons may involve a variety of topics such as
behavioral science and natural psychological rhythm,
which will not be expanded due to the different re-
search fields.
Relying on the rigorous acquisition protocol design
and execution, as well as the well-segmented data
corpus of the recently released multimodal wearable
sensor-based human activity dataset CSL-SHARE,
this paper analyzes the duration statistics and distri-
bution of 22 basic single motions of daily activities
and sports, providing research references for human
activity studies, such as segmentation, feature extrac-
tion, modeling, and recognition.
Through the big data statistical analysis of each
activity’s duration, we discovered that one single-
motion activity or one cycle in the activities of cycli-
cal motions has an average duration in the interval
from about 1 second to 2 seconds.
Furthermore, the duration distribution histograms
of each studied human daily activity or simple sports
activity evince interindividual similarities and natu-
rally obey a normal distribution. Even the two pos-
tures, standing and sitting, for which participants ar-
bitrarily decided each segment’s length, also conform
to this observation unpredictably.
As a classic case of applying activity duration
statistics in ML, (Liu and Schultz, 2019) used the pre-
vious dataset of CSL-SHARE with the same equip-
ment and investigated the transition from the offline
HAR modeling research to a real-time HAR system.
The activity duration was utilized as one of the ref-
erences to find the optimal balance between the on-
line decoding window length, the window overlap
length, and the recognition delay, endowing the real-
time demonstration with a satisfactory performance
and user experience.
We have noticed that different types of falling ac-
tivities also show interindividual similarity in terms
of duration, which is of great significance for human
activity research based on internal sensing and exter-
nal sensing, such as adopting HAR modeling for fall
detection and recognition (Xue and Liu, 2021). Dura-
tion analysis of typical falling activities will be a valu-
able topic to explore in the future, given appropriate
and adequate research materials.
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How Long Are Various Types of Daily Activities? Statistical Analysis of a Multimodal Wearable Sensor-based Human Activity Dataset