tended to remain almost intact across and unaffected
code versions, and thus tolerate code changes.
We developed a tool for architecture recovery directly
from source code and carried out a study on the results
produced by using different working configurations.
Our method tracks source code dependencies,
prepares incrementally, by parsing and analysing all
source files, a global dependency graph, and then
applies clustering algorithms to compute likely
architectural modules. The foundation of our
approach is modularity theory and the essential
criterial underpinning modular design, requiring
loose coupling across components, with intensive
dependencies appearing only as intra-component
links. We observed good results when switching and
playing with alternative clustering functions and
Finally, we also explored two new ideas: (i) the
notion of dependency patterns, where we identified a
few cases frequently occurring in our study; and (ii)
correlations of clustering output resulting from
successive code versions to capture potential trends in
the software evolution process.
Although our focus on the second topic was more
limited in time, we believe that version-specific
clustered graphs collectively possess a lot of valuable
information for further versioning analysis.
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