Combining Text and Image Knowledge with GANs for Zero-Shot Action
Recognition in Videos
Kaiqiang Huang, Luis Miralles-Pechu
an and Susan Mckeever
School of Computing, Technological University Dublin, Central Quad, Grangegorman, Dublin, Ireland
Human Action Recognition, Zero-Shot Learning, Generative Adversarial Networks, Semantic Knowledge
The recognition of actions in videos is an active research area in machine learning, relevant to multiple domains
such as health monitoring, security and social media analysis. Zero-Shot Action Recognition (ZSAR) is a
challenging problem in which models are trained to identify action classes that have not been seen during the
training process. According to the literature, the most promising ZSAR approaches make use of Generative
Adversarial Networks (GANs). GANs can synthesise visual embeddings for unseen classes conditioned on
either textual information or images related to the class labels. In this paper, we propose a Dual-GAN approach
based on the VAEGAN model to prove that the fusion of visual and textual-based knowledge sources is an
effective way to improve ZSAR performance. We conduct empirical ZSAR experiments of our approach on
the UCF101 dataset. We apply the following embedding fusion methods for combining text-driven and image-
driven information: averaging, summation, maximum, and minimum. Our best result from Dual-GAN model
is achieved with the maximum embedding fusion approach that results in an average accuracy of 46.37%,
which is improved by 5.37% at least compared to the leading approaches.
Over the last decade, the problem of Human Action
Recognition (HAR) has been addressed by a vari-
ety of supervised learning approaches. For example,
identifying whether a video belongs to a given trained
class (e.g. Jumping) (Wang and Schmid, 2013). Re-
cently, challenging research problem termed Zero-
Shot Action Recognition (ZSAR) has been studied to
recognise video instances of unseen classes (i.e. not
used during the training process) by transferring se-
mantic knowledge from the seen classes to the unseen
ones in the HAR field.
Most approaches in the early research stage to
achieving ZSAR have used projection-based meth-
ods. The methods learn a projection function to map
the visual embedding of seen classes to their corre-
sponding semantic embeddings. For example, a pro-
jection function can be used to map the visual fea-
ture of the Running class to the Word2Vec embed-
ding of the Running class label. The learned projec-
tion function is then applied to recognise novel un-
seen classes by measuring a similarity-based metric
between the ground-truth embeddings and the pre-
dicted embeddings on the testing videos (Liu et al.,
2011; Xian et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2021a). How-
ever, the video samples of seen and unseen classes
are totally different. Therefore, the projection-based
approaches without developing any adaptation tech-
niques between seen and unseen classes can lead to
the problem of largely variational mismatching dur-
ing the test phase. To mitigate this problem, recent
ZSAR approaches have introduced a key approach
for synthetic data generation called Generative Ad-
versarial Networks (GANs) which is a natural candi-
date for the zero-shot learning task involving new un-
seen classes. ZSAR approaches using GANs aim to
synthesise visual embeddings of unseen classes based
on their corresponding semantic embeddings to mit-
igate the discrepancy between seen and synthesised
data. After the synthesised data is generated for un-
seen classes, a classifier is trained with the real seen
and the synthesised unseen data in a fully-supervised
fashion to make predictions for a given test sample
(Mandal et al., 2019; Narayan et al., 2020; Huang
et al., 2021b).
In this work, we propose a Dual-GAN approach
based on the VAEGAN model (Narayan et al., 2020)
that fuses two semantic embeddings obtained from
different knowledge sources (i.e. text and image)
Huang, K., Miralles-Pechuán, L. and Mckeever, S.
Combining Text and Image Knowledge with GANs for Zero-Shot Action Recognition in Videos.
DOI: 10.5220/0010903100003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: High-level perspective of the pipeline for the proposed Dual-GAN approach based on VAEGAN model.
for the ZSAR task. For our experiments, we used a
commonly-used benchmark dataset in the HAR field
named UCF101. In our paper, we answer the follow-
ing two research questions: (1) Can image-based se-
mantic embeddings, which have not been applied to
the GAN-based model yet, have a higher ZSAR per-
formance than the existing approaches based on text-
based semantic embeddings? and (2) Can our pro-
posed Dual-GAN approach incorporating two knowl-
edge sources get higher accuracy than a Single-GAN
approach (using either text or image)? Our main hy-
pothesis is that combined semantic embeddings pro-
duced from two knowledge sources (e.g. text and im-
age) that contain complementary information could
improve the ZSAR performance in the GAN-based
We summarise our contributions as follows:
1. We investigate two different knowledge sources
(i.e. texts and images) that can be used to repre-
sent semantic meaning for action classes.
2. We propose a Dual-GAN approach based on the
VAEGAN model to generate high-quality visual
embeddings for unseen classes by fusing seman-
tic embeddings obtained from two knowledge
sources (i.e. texts and images). The fusion meth-
ods include averaging, summation, maximum and
3. Our Dual-GAN model outperforms the existing
ZSAR approaches that use a GAN-based ap-
proach to synthesising unseen class representa-
tions. To the best of our knowledge, there are no
previous works that employ a method of combin-
ing semantic embeddings derived from two differ-
ent knowledge sources in the context of the GAN-
based framework.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2, we provide a literature review of various
approaches for the ZSAR. In Section 3, we introduce
our proposed Dual-GAN approach based on the VAE-
GAN model using two knowledge sources for ZSAR.
In Section 4, we describe the methodology, which in-
cludes the process of collecting images and feature
fusion methods. In Section 5, we explain the exper-
imental configurations and implementations in more
detail. In Section 6, we show the results and key find-
ings. Finally, in Section 7, we conclude the paper and
propose a few ideas for future work.
In this section, we review the related literature on the
approaches in the early stage of the ZSAR research, as
well as on the generative approaches based on GANs.
In addition, we summarise the existing works that
propose different types of semantic embedding, es-
pecially in the GAN-based framework.
In the early stage of research on ZSAR, several
works (Xu et al., 2015; Li et al., 2016) proposed pro-
jection functions to map from a visual representation
of video instances to a semantic representation of the
class prototype that the video belongs to (i.e. typically
an embedding space of a class label). These learned
projection functions encode the relationship between
visual embeddings and semantic embeddings using
seen data. The learned projection function is then
used to recognise new unseen classes by measuring
the likelihood between the ground-truth and the pre-
dicted semantic representations of the video instances
in the embedding space. However, classes with simi-
lar semantic knowledge may have large variations in
the visual space. For example, both action classes
of Diving and Swimming have the same description
such that outdoor activity and has water, but their
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
video samples would look very different since Diving
and Swimming have quite different body movements.
Therefore, building a high-accuracy projection func-
tion is a big challenge, which may cause ambiguity in
the visual-semantic mapping due to the large variation
in the visual embedding.
Recently, advanced generative-based methods
have been used to synthesise visual embeddings of
unseen classes according to their semantic embed-
dings. Some authors (Xian et al., 2018) proposed a
conditional Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) model using
classification loss to synthesise visual embeddings of
unseen classes. The visual embeddings of the un-
seen classes are then synthesised using a trained con-
ditional WGAN and used together with the real vi-
sual embeddings of seen classes to train a discrimi-
native classifier in a fully-supervised manner. There
are other authors (Mandal et al., 2019; Narayan et al.,
2020; Mishra et al., 2020) who also apply extra com-
ponents to enforce a cycle-consistency constraint on
the reconstruction of the semantic embeddings dur-
ing training. The extra components assist to produce
a higher quality generator to synthesise semantically
consistent visual embeddings of unseen classes. Al-
though these generative-based methods show promis-
ing results for the ZSAR task, they still struggle to
generate higher quality and more satisfying visual
embeddings of unseen classes since the generated un-
seen data is directly used to train a supervised-based
classifier along with seen data.
Also, as mentioned in Section 1, if we can ob-
tain richer and more representative knowledge incor-
porated into the semantic embedding of the actions,
intuitively we should improve downstream ZSAR ac-
curacy when identifying unseen classes. The authors
of the paper (Wang and Chen, 2017) enhanced the
word vectors of the label by collecting and modelling
textual descriptions of action classes. The contextual
information (e.g. textual descriptions related to ac-
tion classes) would remove the ambiguity of the se-
mantics to some extent in the original word vectors
of action labels. For example, the class Haircut has a
description that A hairstyle, hairdo, or haircut refers
to the styling of hair, usually on the human scalp’.
Sometimes, this could also mean an editing of facial
or body hair. In that same work (Wang and Chen,
2017), the authors also proposed a method to collect
images related to the action labels for representing
visually discriminative semantic embedding. How-
ever, the work only evaluated the proposed semantic
embeddings in a project-based approach, not on the
GAN-based one. Similarly, the authors (Hong et al.,
2020) proposed a description text dataset whose def-
inition was taken from the official Wikipedia website
Table 1: Dataset used for evaluations.
Dataset #Class #Instances
UCF101 101 13320 51/50
for the UCF101 action dataset and evaluated it in the
GAN-based model.
In this section, we explain our Dual-GAN approach
for Zero-Shot Action Recognition and how it fuses
semantic embeddings from two knowledge sources:
text and images, shown in Fig. 1.
As shown in Fig. 1, the high-level perspective
of the pipeline for the proposed Dual-GAN approach
contains two steps. Step 1 aims to synthesise the vi-
sual embeddings of unseen classes conditioned on the
corresponding semantic embeddings obtained from
two different knowledge sources (i.e. texts and im-
ages) through the two VAEGAN components: Text-
VAEGAN and Image-VAEGAN. After that, the out-
puts of both image-driven and the text-driven unseen
visual embeddings are combined by a fusion opera-
tion (e.g. averaging) to form a new dataset that con-
tains the original seen data and the synthesised un-
seen data along with their respective labels. Step 2 fo-
cuses on training a classifier in a supervised learning
fashion with the new dataset generated in the previous
step. It is noted that the generator of each VAEGAN
component is only trained with seen data (i.e. video
instances and labels). Each VAEGAN component
is able to synthesise semantically visual embeddings
conditioned on a semantic embedding (e.g. either the
Word2Vec of the action label or the image-based rep-
resentation of the action label) without having access
to any video instances of the unseen classes.
To expand the high-level pipeline described
above, we implemented the VAEGAN component
with a similar structure to the work proposed in
(Narayan et al., 2020) and shown in Fig. 2. To keep
this paper self-contained, we describe the VAEGAN
component, which recently yielded promising results
for the ZSAR task, in more detail. As mentioned in
Section 1, GANs can synthesise visual embeddings
that are close to the distribution of real instances, but
they can suffer from an issue termed mode collapse
(Arjovsky and Bottou, 2017), which leads to the prob-
lem of having low diversity of synthesised visual em-
Similar to GANs, variational autoencoders
(VAEs) (Kingma and Welling, 2013) are another
generative model that employs an encoder to repre-
Combining Text and Image Knowledge with GANs for Zero-Shot Action Recognition in Videos
Figure 2: The details of one VAEGAN component (Huang et al., 2021b).
sent the input as a latent variable with a Gaussian
distribution assumption and a decoder to transform
the input from the latent variable. The generation
of unseen visual embedding with VAE gives more
stable outputs than with GANs (Verma et al., 2018).
Hence, the architecture of the VAEGAN component
combines the advantages of VAE and GAN by
assembling the decoder of the VAE and the generator
of the GAN to ultimately synthesise semantically
consistent visual representations.
As shown in Fig. 2, the real visual embedding of
seen classes x extracted from a deep neural network
along with the semantic embeddings a are the input
to the encoder E. The output of E is the latent code
z that compresses the information from visual repre-
sentations x, optimised by the Kullback-Leibler diver-
gence. The random noise and semantic embeddings
a are the input of the generator G that synthesises
the visual representation x', and the synthesised visual
representations x'and real visual representations x are
compared using a binary cross-entropy loss.
The discriminator D takes either x or x 'along with
the corresponding semantic embeddings a as the in-
put, and determines whether the input is real or syn-
thesised. The WGAN loss is applied to the output
of D to distinguish between the real and the synthe-
sised visual representations. Additionally, both the
Semantic Embedding Decoder SED and the feedback
module F improve the process of visual represen-
tation synthesis and reduce ambiguities among ac-
tion classes during the zero-shot classification pro-
cess. The SED inputs either x or x'and reconstructs
the semantic embedding a', which is trained using a
cycle-consistency loss.
The feedback module F transforms the latent em-
bedding of SED and puts it back to the latent represen-
tation of G which can refine x'to achieve an enhanced
Table 2: The details of knowledge sources and semantic
Semantics Source Embedding Dimensions
Labels Text Word2Vec 300
Descriptions Text Word2Vec 300
Collected Images Image GoogleNet 1024
Collected Images Image ResNet101 2048
visual representation synthesis. It is worth noting that
the generator G transforms the semantic embeddings
to visual representations, while SED transforms the
visual representations to semantic embeddings. Con-
sequently, the G and the SED include supplementary
information regarding visual representation and the
supplementary information can assist to improve the
quality of the visual representation synthesis and re-
duce ambiguity and misclassification among action
The key approach to achieving ZSAR is to trans-
fer semantic knowledge containing enriched and dis-
criminative information from seen action classes to
unseen action classes. Semantic embedding derived
from multiple knowledge sources can potentially de-
liver better discriminative representation than only us-
ing a single source (Xiang et al., 2021). In this pa-
per, we propose two improvements for ZSAR. First,
we believe it is possible to improve the ZSAR per-
formance by introducing a combination of text-based
descriptions and images to represent semantic embed-
ding for the corresponding action class. Therefore,
we use two GANs rather than one, and we combine
the generated features of each GANs by generating
a new array that is calculated applying the following
methods: average, maximum, minimum, or summa-
tion. Second, for extracting textual features, we em-
ploy an approach that uses textual descriptions for the
action rather than the action class label itself. Intu-
itively, a textual description should contain more in-
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: Experimental configurations for comparing text-
driven semantic embedding to image-driven semantic em-
bedding in the Single-GAN model.
Text (baseline)
Action Class
Image GoogLeNet
Image ResNet101
formative and contextual semantic meaning than just
the class label. For the visual information, we use im-
ages related to the action class that provide enriched
visual cues for representing the semantic meaning.
In this section, we describe our methodology to per-
form the ZSAR task based on the proposed Dual-
GAN model on the UCF101. We also introduce the
method for collecting images for each action class and
the method for extracting visual-based and text-based
semantic embeddings in more detail.
Dataset. We select the UCF101 (Soomro et al.,
2012) dataset that is widely used as benchmark to
evaluate the ZSAR performance. The details of the
dataset is described in Table 1. Followed by the works
(Mandal et al., 2019; Narayan et al., 2020), we use the
same split for model training and evaluation. Each
dataset has 30 independent splits and each split is
randomly generated by keeping the same seen/unseen
proportion so that all splits contain different seen and
unseen classes for training and test. In other words,
some classes are seen classes in one split, but these
classes can be unseen ones in other splits.
Image Collection. We apply a similar strategy to
collect images to the one proposed by (Wang and
Chen, 2017) in which the following steps are fol-
lowed. First, we consider the action labels as the key-
words to search related images by the image search
engines (i.e. Google Image Source).
For example,
we use the keyword Playing YoYo for searching im-
ages for the class YoYo. Then, after collecting the im-
ages, we remove the irrelevant and small-size images
for each class. As a result, we obtain 15,845 images
(157 images per class on average).
Image scraping tool is available at
Visual & Semantic Embeddings. To extract real
visual embedding x in Fig. 2, we adopted the off-the-
shelf I3D model for visual feature extraction provided
by (Mandal et al., 2019). I3D was originally proposed
by (Carreira and Zisserman, 2017) and it contains
RGB and Inflated 3D networks to generate appear-
ance and flow features from the Mixed 5c layer. For
each video instance, the outputs from the Mixed 5c
layer for both networks are averaged through a tem-
poral dimension, pooled in the spatial dimension, and
then flattened to obtain a 4096-dimensional vector for
appearance and flow features. In the end, both appear-
ance and flow features are concatenated to represent a
video with an 8192-dimensional vector.
We produce four types of semantic embedding a
that can be used to condition the VAEGAN as shown
in Fig. 2. The summary of semantic embedding is
given in Table 2. The semantic embedding of ac-
tion labels is extracted by Word2Vec. Word2Vec
(Mikolov et al., 2013), which is built upon a skip-
gram model that was pre-trained on a large-scale text
corpus (i.e. Google News Dataset), is used to deliver
a 300-dimensional vector for each action class label.
The text-based description per class are provided by
the work (Wang and Chen, 2017), motivated by the
fact that a class label is not adequate to represent the
complex concepts in human actions. The idea is that
each label is transformed into a description of that la-
bel and then we use Word2vec to represent each word
of that description. Then, we simply average all the
generated arrays by Word2vec, which also delivers a
300-dimensional vector for each class.
To extract features for collected images, we ap-
ply two off-the-shelf models: GoogLeNet (Szegedy
et al., 2015) and ResNet101 (He et al., 2016) which
were both pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset. The
average pooling layer that is before the last fully con-
nected layer is used as the deep image features for
both pre-trained models. Finally, all the extracted im-
age features are averaged for each action class.
Embeddings Fusion. As shown the Step 1 in Fig.
1, we aim to synthesise and combine different vi-
sual embeddings for unseen classes using various
knowledge sources in the proposed Dual-GAN ap-
proach. We have considered four methods to fuse the
pseudo unseen visual embeddings conditioned by the
text-based and the image-based knowledge sources
that are averaging, summation, maximum and min-
imum. For averaging, we calculate the mean of
the unseen visual embedding from the text-based se-
mantic knowledge source and the unseen visual em-
bedding from the image-based semantic knowledge
source. For summation, the same position of each el-
Combining Text and Image Knowledge with GANs for Zero-Shot Action Recognition in Videos
Table 4: Comparing our results to the TF-VAEGAN.
(Narayan et al., 2020)
UCF101 41.00% 38.42%
Table 5: Results from the Single-GAN approach for
UCF101 dataset. Acc denotes mean average accuracy and
Std denotes standard deviation. W2V denotes Word2Vec.
Action Class W2V 28.02% 3.04%
Description W2V 29.09% 2.61%
GoogLeNet 44.35% 2.87%
ResNet-101 45.87% 3.42%
ement for both synthesised unseen visual embeddings
is summed up. For maximum, the larger value in
each position between two synthesised visual embed-
dings is selected. Similarly, for minimum, the smaller
value in each position is selected. All four embedding
fusion methods will be empirically evaluated on the
dataset using the proposed Dual-GAN approach.
Evaluation Metrics. Class accuracy is a standard
metric in the ZSAR field. To represent the perfor-
mance of the methodologies, we use the average per-
class accuracies introduced by the work (Xian et al.,
2017). The mean per-class accuracy averaged over
30 independent splits will be reported along with the
standard deviation.
In this section, we present the experimental config-
urations for comparing our proposed Dual-GAN ap-
proach that incorporates two knowledge sources (i.e.
texts and images) with other state-of-the-art method-
ologies. The implementations are then described in
Experiments and Baseline. For answering the first
research question described in Section 1, we aim
to investigate whether the synthesised visual embed-
dings conditioned on the image-driven knowledge
source can lead to better ZSAR accuracies than those
from the text-driven knowledge source using a Single-
GAN model. The Single-GAN model follows only
one line of the Dual-GAN pipeline (using either Text-
VAEGAN or Image-VAEGAN depending on which
knowledge source is used) without the process of em-
bedding fusion illustrated in Fig. 1. Table 3 shows
that two text-driven knowledge sources (i.e. class
label and description) and two image-driven knowl-
edge sources (i.e. GoogLeNet and ResNet101) will
be evaluated for each dataset. As the baseline, we use
the Word2Vec of action class label to represent the
semantic embedding for the UCF101.
For answering the second research question intro-
duced in Section 1 about if two sources can work
better than just one, we aim to investigate and eval-
uate which embedding fusion method is the best.
The embedding fusion methods are averaging (Avg.),
summation (Sum.), maximum (Max.) and minimum
(Min.). The results from Dual-GAN experiments are
compared to the results from the Single-GAN to in-
vestigate whether Dual-GAN can deliver better ZSAR
performance than Single-GAN.
Implementation. Similar to our last work (Huang
et al., 2021b), the structures of discriminator D, en-
coder E, and generator G are designed as fully con-
nected networks in two layers along with 4096 hidden
units. The semantic embedding decoder SED and the
feedback module F have the same structure as D, E
and G. Leaky ReLU is used for each activation func-
tion, except in the output of G, where a sigmoid acti-
vation is applied to calculate the binary cross-entropy
loss. The whole framework is trained using an Adam
optimiser with 10
learning rate. The supervised-
learning classifier is a single-layer fully connected
network with equal output units to the number of un-
seen classes. We apply the same hyper-parameters as
our last work and the work (Narayan et al., 2020),
such as α, β and σ are set to 10, 0.01 and 1, respec-
tively. As explained in the work (Xian et al., 2019),
α is the coefficient for weighting the WGAN loss,
β is a hyper-parameter for weighting the decoder re-
construction error in the semantic decoder embedding
SED, and σ is used in the feedback module F to con-
trol the feedback modulation. The gradient penalty
coefficient λ is initially set to 10 for training a GAN.
All experiments were conducted on Google Colab
that provides Tesla P100 GPU with 25 GB memory
Additionally, the number of synthesised visual
embeddings is a hyper-parameter in the experiments.
Therefore, for efficiently conducting the experiments,
we synthesised 400 visual embeddings for each un-
seen class for the UCF101, which can yield decent
results within a reasonable time duration. Our code
is available online, which is compatible with Pytorch
1.9.0 and CUDA 11.1 version
2 gnn gan
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 6: A comparison of Dual-GAN model with different fusion methods for UCF101. Acc and Std denote mean average
accuracy and standard deviation (in %), respectively. * denotes the best result among all cases.
Avg Sum Max Min
Dual Semantic Embedding
Acc Std Acc Std Acc Std Acc Std
Action Class Word2Vec
41.20% 3.21% 41.14% 3.17% 41.84% 3.22% 41.06% 3.19%
Action Class Word2Vec
41.29% 3.34% 41.05% 3.38% 41.95% 3.37% 41.24% 3.33%
Description Word2Vec
45.01% 2.78% 44.73% 2.71% 45.59% 2.77% 44.85% 2.66%
Description Word2Vec
45.58% 3.00% 45.57% 3.12% 46.37% * 3.10% 45.37% 3.00%
In this section, we present and analyse the results of
empirical experiments for all configurations described
in Section 5. For each configuration, the mean aver-
age accuracy is reported along with the standard de-
Verification of Experimental Baseline. Our first
experimental run is to confirm that we have set up
the TF-VAEGAN experimental pipeline correctly. We
compare our results to the work (Narayan et al., 2020)
that our model is built upon, using identical semantic
embeddings. The result is shown in Table 4. For the
UCF101, the annotated class-level attributes provided
by the work (Liu et al., 2011) is used and our result
is decreased by 2.58%. Note that, due to the scaling
limit of using annotated attributes in other datasets,
attribute-based semantic information will not be used
for further experiments and comparisons.
Is Image Source Better than Text Source? Ta-
ble 5 shows the results of evaluating the text-based
(i.e. action class and textual description) and image-
based (GoogLeNet and ResNet101) semantic embed-
dings on our Single-GAN implementations. As can
be seen, the Single-GAN results for the UCF101
are expected to our hypothesis as the image-based
ResNet101 semantic embedding outperforms action
class Word2Vec, description Word2Vec and image-
based GoogLeNet by large margins of 17.85%,
16.78% and a small margin of 1.52%, respectively.
The video instances from UCF101 have a clean back-
ground with single and centred actors, which can be
accurately represented by either textual descriptions
or relevant images. Moreover, ResNet101 can deliver
Figure 3: A comparison of Dual-GAN using different fu-
sion methods in UCF101.
a slight boost than GoogLeNet due to better model
capability of generalisation. In addition, we suggest
that using textual descriptions for action classes has
the potential risk of reducing the model performance,
which depends on how well representative video sam-
ples are.
Is the Dual-GAN Approach Better than the Single-
GAN? As can be seen in Table 6, the Max. fusion
method obviously surpasses others for all Dual Se-
mantic Embeddings cases in the UCF101 where the
Max. fusion of descriptions and ResNet101 delivers
the best performance at 46.37%, which surpasses the
baseline (i.e. action class Word2Vec in the Single-
GAN model) by a large margin of 18.35%. We sug-
gest that the textual descriptions used to represent the
semantic embedding of the class has a positive impact
on performing the ZSAR. Additionally, as shown in
Fig. 3, the Max. also performs the best on average
Combining Text and Image Knowledge with GANs for Zero-Shot Action Recognition in Videos
Table 7: A comparison of ZSAR performance among our best results and the existing approaches (generative-based) for the
UCF101 dataset.
(Mishra et al., 2018)
(Xian et al., 2018)
(Mandal et al., 2019)
(Xian et al., 2019)
(Narayan et al., 2020)
UCF101 20.3% 37.5% 38.3% 38.2% 41.0% 46.37%
For further investigations, we compare our best re-
sults to the existing approaches that follow the GAN-
based framework on the UCF101 dataset, presented
in Table 7. Our Dual-GAN model outperforms other
approaches up to 5.37% for the UCF101. There is no
doubt that fusing embeddings derived from different
knowledge sources (i.e. texts and images) delivers a
performance boost in the ZSAR. Note that, we do not
re-implement and evaluate other approaches, but di-
rectly report the results from the work (Narayan et al.,
As a result, we summarise our main findings
as follows: (1) The image-driven semantic embed-
ding is not absolutely better than the text-driven one,
which depends on how the quality of video sam-
ples is. (2) All cases of using the Dual-GAN model
outperform their counterpart cases of using Single-
GAN since the fused semantic embedding obtained
from two knowledge sources is capable of producing
more representative semantics to the classes. (3) The
Max. fusion method generally performs better than
other methods in most cases. Additionally, the lim-
itation of this work is that we do not fine-tune the
proposed Dual-GAN model by optimising the hyper-
parameters, such as the number of synthesised visual
embeddings of unseen classes.
In this work, we have empirically evaluated the ZSAR
performances using either text-driven or image-driven
semantic embeddings related to the action classes in
the GAN-based framework on UCF101. We also have
investigated the impact of combining both text and
image knowledge by applying different fusion meth-
ods (i.e. averaging, summation, maximum, mini-
We have proven that applying the image-driven
semantic embedding can deliver significant boosts
against the text-driven one within a range be-
tween 15.26% (GoogLeNet against Description) and
17.85% (ResNet101 against Action Class) in the
Single-GAN framework for UCF101. Furthermore,
our proposed Dual-GAN model outperforms the base-
line (i.e. action class in the Single-GAN model) by
large margin of 18.35%, as well as against the exist-
ing GAN-based approaches improved by 5.37%.
As future work, we aim to investigate generalised
ZSAR which is a more challenging task that tests both
seen and unseen classes together in the classification
stage. Also, we will explore other approaches to pro-
duce more enriched and meaningful semantic embed-
ding that can also mitigate the problem of the seman-
tic gap between classes and video samples. We are
also planning to use other fusion methods such as con-
catenation or using two different classifiers and cal-
culating the predicted class as a combination of both
classifiers. Lastly, we plan to use other supervised
methods such as Random Forest, Support Vector Ma-
chines, or Deep Learning to see if they are able to
deliver better results.
This project is funded under the Fiosraigh Scholarship
of Technological University Dublin.
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Combining Text and Image Knowledge with GANs for Zero-Shot Action Recognition in Videos