
plies the ground plane as its normal coincides with the
gravity vector. The second algorithm filters the van-
ishing points close to the horizon and computes the
correction homography.
The accuracy of the algorithms are quantitatively
compared with the synthesized data. It is also demon-
strated that they are applicable for images of real
vehicle-mounted cameras.
Future Work. The proposed methods have been ap-
plied in this paper only for tilt correction. However,
the estimated vertical directions can be used for other
purposes. If the road is non-totally planar, it can be
detected. IMU sensors can measure the vertical di-
rection via gravity force, thus the proposed methods
can help in camera-IMU calibration. LiDAR-camera
calibration is also possible as the ground plane can be
estimated from LiDAR point clouds as well. These
are our research directions for the future.
Our work is supported by the project EFOP-3.6.3-
VEKOP-16-2017- 00001: Talent Management in Au-
tonomous Vehicle Control Technologies, by the Hun-
garian Government and co-financed by the Euro-
pean Social Fund. L. Hajder also thanks the sup-
port of the ”Application Domain Specific Highly
Reliable IT Solutions” project that has been im-
plemented with the support provided from the Na-
tional Research, Development and Innovation Fund
of Hungary, financed under the Thematic Excellence
Programme TKP2020-NKA-06 (National Challenges
Subprogramme) funding scheme.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications