Graph-based Shot Type Classification in Large Historical Film Archives
Daniel Helm
, Florian Kleber
and Martin Kampel
Computer Vision Lab, Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology, TU Wien,
Favoritenstraße 9/193-1, Vienna, Austria
Historical Film Preservation, Film Archives, Deep Learning, Automated Film Analysis, Film Shot
Classification, Cultural Heritage, Graph Neural Network.
To analyze films and documentaries (indexing, content understanding), a shot type classification is needed.
State-of-the-art approaches use traditional CNN-based methods, which need large datasets for training
(CineScale with 792000 frames or MovieShots with 46K shots). To overcome this problem, a Graph-
based Shot TypeClassifier (GSTC) is proposed, which is able to classify shots into the following types:
Extreme-Long-Shot (ELS), Long-Shot (LS), Medium-Shot (MS), Close-Up (CU), Intertitle (I), and Not Avail-
able/Not Clear (NA). The methodology is evaluated on standard datasets as well as a new published dataset:
HistShotDS-Ext, including 25000 frames. The proposed Graph-based Shot Type Classifier reaches a classifi-
cation accuracy of 86%.
Film shot retrieval in large film archives is an ongo-
ing problem for film archivists, historians, or com-
puter vision researchers (Zechner and Loebenstein,
2019; Helm et al., 2020). Different challenges such as
the large available number of different recordings or
the broad spectrum of content (documentary/feature
films or amateur/professional films) make it not trivial
to find specific situations in those collections. How-
ever, retrieving specific recordings is one crucial ob-
jective of historians or film archivists to provide new
visual representations of specific domains of the hu-
mans’ cultural history such as the time of the Second
World War (Zechner, 2015; Zechner and Loebenstein,
2016). A fundamental process for experts is to search
and annotate interesting situations manually, which is
time-consuming and cost-intensive. Therefore, auto-
mated tools are needed to provide experts efficient
and innovative ways for sustainable preservation of
large historical film archives. One fundamental step
for automated film shot retrieval is to understand ba-
sic cinematographic settings used to record a situa-
tion such as Shot Type Classification (STC) or Cam-
era Movements Classification (CMC).
This work focuses on efficient classification of
shot types (or shot sizes) in large film archives. Shot
types are used to give a film shot a specific charac-
teristic. This setting is a kind of representation of
the distance between the subject of interest (e.g., a
person) and the camera lens. There are several def-
initions of shot type categories, and there is no de-
fined unique standard. However, one common def-
inition of shot type categories is: Extreme-Close-
Up (ECU), Medium-Close-Up (MCU), Full-Close-
Up (FCU), Wide-Close-Up (WCU), Close-Shot (CS),
Medium-Shot (MS), American Shot (AS), Medium-
Full-Shot (MFS), Full-Shot (FS) and Extreme-Long-
Shot (ELS). A schematic illustration of the shot type
borders is demonstrated in Figure 1b. Each type is
used to give a professionally recorded shot a spe-
cific characteristic. For example, an FCU is used
to point out strong emotions, whereas an ELS lets
the observer dive into the depth of a scene-setting
(panorama view). Some examples of historical films
as well as of modern film productions are given in
Figure 1a. Current state-of-the-art shows the ap-
plicability of graph representation learning in differ-
ent research domains such as scene graph generation
(Marino et al., 2016) or graph-based image retrieval
(Yoon et al., 2020). Traditional CNNs need an enor-
mous number of training samples and take a lot of
training duration. They try to learn meaningful fea-
tures from each image in order to generalize to un-
seen data (Russakovsky et al., 2015; Simonyan and
Helm, D., Kleber, F. and Kampel, M.
Graph-based Shot Type Classification in Large Historical Film Archives.
DOI: 10.5220/0010905800003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a) b)
Figure 1: Background about the cinematographic film set-
ting: Shot-Type (Shot-Size). (a) Some examples of different
shot-types (Kahle, 1996) (b) Schematic visualization of dif-
ferent shot type categories with respect to a human actor.
Zisserman, 2015). The idea of graph neural networks
is to represent a complex data structure such as a large
image database or film archive as a graph (Misraa
et al., 2020). One data point in a graph is represented
as a so-called node. edges are used to concatenate
related nodes. All nodes and edges in a graph can
have individual attributes. The most significant bene-
fit of graph representation learning for image classifi-
cation is that the neighborhood of an image (Node) in
a graph is considered to learn an aggregation function
which is finally able to classify the target node into a
specific category (Wu et al., 2019).
In this paper, a novel approach to classify film shot
types in large historical film archives is presented.
The pipeline consists of three stages: Shot-based
Keyframe Selection & Feature Extraction, Graph
Generator and the Graph-based Shot Type Classifier
(GSTC) and is able to classify frames into one of the
six shot type categories. The best classification re-
sult (Accuracy=86%) is reached by using Resnet152
features in combination with a Graph Attention Net-
work (GAT). The GSTC is trained and evaluated with
a self-generated dataset based on the Historical Film
Shot Dataset (Helm et al., 2022) called HistShotDS-
Ext and includes about 35000 samples of about 130
different films. The results point out the effectiveness
of the proposed graph-based pipeline compared to tra-
ditional Convolutional Neural Network classifiers.
The contribution of this paper is summarized as
We provide a novel approach based on Graph
Neural Networks to classify film shot types into
the categories: Extreme-Long-Shot (ELS), Long-
Shot (LS), Medium-Shot (MS), Close-Up (CU),
Intertitle (I), and Not Available/Not Clear (NA).
Moreover, a baseline for graph-based node clas-
sification in large film archives is given to the re-
search community.
An extension to the Historical Film Shot Dataset,
called HistShotDS-Ext is provided to promote fur-
ther research on historical film analysis. The
dataset includes about 35000 annotations from
about 130 different films.
For reproducibility, the source code, as well as
the annotations and film sources, are published on
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: The
state-of-the-art and related work is described in Sec-
tion 2. A detailed description of the methodology is
presented in Section 3. The experimental setup and
details about the dataset used in this investigation are
described in Section 4. All results are presented and
discussed in Section 5. Finally, the paper concludes
with Section 6.
Image classification tasks are mainly solved by using
standard CNN architectures such as the Resnet50/152
(Sangeetha and Prasad, 2006), or VGG16 (Simonyan
and Zisserman, 2015) with a specified classification
header to predict customized class categories. Results
over 90% accuracy are reached on different datasets
such as Cifar10 (Krizhevsky, 2009), ImageNet (Rus-
sakovsky et al., 2015) or MS COCO (Lin et al., 2014).
The major drawback is that those models need a lot
of pre-labeled training data, e.g., in the size of 50000
images (Cifar10) or up to 1.2M images (ImageNet).
However, current state-of-the-art methods have es-
tablished graph representation learning (Zhang et al.,
2019), which is used in different domains such as
scene understanding (Liang et al., 2020), knowledge
graph learning (Marino et al., 2016), image classifi-
cation (Avelar et al., 2020; Nikolentzos et al., 2021)
and image similarity measures (Yoon et al., 2020) and
show superior results. The authors of (Marino et al.,
2016) propose a method for multi-label image classi-
fication by using graph-based representations of im-
ages. (Long et al., 2021) propose a Graph Attention
Network and (Nikolentzos et al., 2021) follow a simi-
lar approach using a kings graph and coarsened graph.
Work on classifying cinematographic settings,
such as shot types, is presented by (Savardi et al.,
2021; Rao et al., 2020) or (Savardi et al., 2018). All
authors focus on traditional CNN-based techniques
such as GoogleLeNet, AlexNet, or VGG16 and use
manually labeled datasets with up to 792000 image
frames (CineScale) or 46K shots (MovieShots). (Vre-
tos et al., 2012) present a shot classification method
based on the centric actors’ face. The ratio between
height and width of the detected face bounding box
and the frame is used to assign the frame to one out of
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
seven class categories: ECU (Extreme Close Up), CU
(Close Up), MCU (Medium Close Up), MS (Medium
Shot), MLS (Medium Long Shot), LS (Long Shot)
and ELS (Extreme Long Shot). Therefore, an SVM
classifier is applied to the extracted features. The ma-
jor drawback of this solution is that it assumes that in
each image, you see at least one person otherwise, no
classification is possible.
Contrary to standard approaches in classify-
ing cinematographic settings, this paper proposes a
Graph-based Shot Type Classifier (GSTC). Based on
discussions with film experts and archivists, the shot
categories (ELS, LS, MS, CU, I, NA) have been cho-
sen as the most descriptive shot types for analysis.
The proposed approach in this paper consists of sev-
eral stages: Shot-based Keyframe Selection & Fea-
ture Extraction, Graph Generator and Graph-based
Shot Type Classifier (GSTC). Figure 2 illustrates a
schematic overview of the entire pipeline.
3.1 Shot-based Keyframe Selection &
Feature Extraction
The proposed approach classifies individual frames
corresponding to a film shot. Thus, the first step is to
split a given film in a database into its shots. We use
a deep learning-based technique provided by (Helm
and Kampel, 2019) to detect hard cuts in given films,
and as a next step, select a representative keyframe
of each individual shot. This keyframe should rep-
resent the most significant information of the entire
sequence. A manual evaluation of individual shots
demonstrates a broad diversity in terms of recording
technique or the content. For example, a shot can be
recorded using different camera movements such as
a Pan or a Tilt. It can be observed that shots often
start with a mixed camera movement (pan-tilt) until
the target object (e.g., a person) is in the cameras’ fo-
cus. Furthermore, recordings often show highly dy-
namic situations, e.g., many objects (e.g., vehicles,
persons, etc.) move through a scene. It is not clear
which object is the subject of interest during the shot.
However, it has been shown that the center frame is a
valid choice for shot classification (Helm et al., 2022)
since it represents the most significant content of a
shot recording and is therefore used in the proposed
After selecting valid keyframes (center frames)
from individual shots, we need to extract meaning-
ful visual image features as a base for our pro-
posed graph-based classifier. Therefore, different
pre-trained backbone Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN) is used to get a feature vector. The focus
in this investigation is on Resnet152 and Resnet50,
which are already pre-trained with the ImageNet
dataset (Russakovsky et al., 2015). The last layer
of the pre-trained model is dropped, and the output
of the Average-Pooling-Layer represents the 2048 di-
mensional feature vector corresponding to a specific
keyframe (see Figure 2).
3.2 Graph Generator
The next stage in the proposed pipeline is the Graph
Generator. The strategy by (Misraa et al., 2020) has
been used where each node in the graph represents
one keyframe corresponding to a specific shot. Fur-
thermore, each node is described with a node feature
vector. The feature vector of the shot-based keyframe
selection and feature extraction stage is assigned to
the corresponding node in the graph in contrast to
(Misraa et al., 2020). The k-Nearest-Neighbors Graph
(kNN-Graph) is used to find edges between individual
nodes. The kNN-Graph finds the k nearest neighbors
of a target node based on the given node feature vec-
tors. As distance measure, the euclidean distance is
used, and the parameter k is selected empirically. The
output of the kNN-Graph is an adjacency matrix that
represents the binary node connections of the entire
graph. Additionally, the euclidean distances between
the node feature vectors are used as edge attributes.
Figure 2 illustrates a simplified graph including node
features and 1-dimensional edge attributes. The adja-
cency matrix includes self-loops and is represented as
an undirected graph.
3.3 Graph-based Shot-Type-Classifier
The last stage in the pipeline is the Graph-based
Shot-Type-Classifier (GSTC) based on a Graph Neu-
ral Network architecture. In this work, experiments
with different layer architectures such as the standard
Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCN) (Kipf
and Welling, 2016), Graph SAmple and aggreGatE
(GraphSAGE) (Hamilton et al., 2017), and Graph At-
tention Network (GAT)(Veli
c et al., 2018) are
evaluated. The model consists of three layers and is
trained to solve a node classification task. The in-
put of GSTC is a sub-graph sampled from the en-
tire database graph. The graph sampling strategy
used is introduced in the GraphSage paper (Hamil-
ton et al., 2017). It demonstrates better generaliza-
tion for inductive representation learning and an effi-
Graph-based Shot Type Classification in Large Historical Film Archives
Frame-based Node/Image Classification
Film Archive
vid: 1
vid: 2
vid: 4
vid: 5
vid: 3
vid: 6
vid: 7
Shot-based Keyframe Selection
sid: 5
fid: 10
sid: 5
fid: 10
vid:4, sid: 15, fid: 22
sid: 1
fid: 65
Feature Extraction
Process fid X, sid: Y, vid:Z
Pre-Trained Backbone CNN
Node Feature Vector
Matrix (N, 2048)
Graph Generator
Node Features
Edge Attributes
Shot Type Classifier (GSTC)
Target Node
(e.g. CU)
Node Embeddings
Node Features
Figure 2: Schematic overview of the Graph-based Shot-Type Classifier using a Graph Neural Network for node classification.
cient way to sample data from large graphs (Hamilton
et al., 2017). After the sampled graph is fed into the
GNN, the final node embedding for the target node is
calculated by aggregating the nodes’ neighborhood.
After each layer except the output layer, a Recti-
fied Linear Unit (ReLU activation) and a Dropout
Layer with a probability of 0.5 are applied. Finally,
the target node embedding is used to classify the
corresponding node into one out of the six possible
classes: Extreme-Long-Shot (ELS), Long-Shot (LS),
Medium-Shot (MS), Close-Up (CU), Intertitle (I), and
Not Available (NA). A schematic overview of the
model architecture is given in Figure 3.
The following subsections describe the datasets used,
training details, and a general description of the ex-
4.1 Dataset
All experiments are based on the Historical Film
Shot Dataset (HistShotDS) (Helm et al., 2022).
This dataset includes 1885 frames extracted from 57
original digitized film reels stored in the U.S. Na-
tional Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
(Government, 1934), Film Archive of the Estonian
Film Institute (EFA)
and the Library of Congress
2 - last visit: 2021/10/28
3, 4
. In order to simulate a large film archive
the HistshotDS is extended with further frames ex-
tracted from different feature and documentary films
stored in the Internet-Archive (Silent Films Collec-
tion, The Video-Cellar Collection) (Kahle, 1996),
EFilms (Zechner, 2015) and Imediacities(Zechner
and Loebenstein, 2016). Finally, the entire train-
ing dataset (HistshotDS-Ext) includes 25000 frames
extracted from about 100 different historical films
mainly related to the Second World War and the time
of National Socialism. The films show real-world
situations, including many different objects such as
persons or vehicles in a highly dynamic environment.
The 25000 frames are gathered by extracting the cen-
ter frames of each shot because the center part of
a shot holds the most significant information (Helm
et al., 2022). This set of images is used for the training
and validation procedure. A separate dataset is gen-
erated for testing, including 10857 frames extracted
from 30 films not included in the training set. Due
to copyright constraints, HistshotDS-Ext can not be
published. However, the information, including film
title, origin, and frame numbers, is made available
on Github to provide a reproducibility of the pro-
posed dataset. Moreover, to get a basic understand-
3, Collection: World War
II color footage, Director: George Stevens, between 1943-
1945, United States. - last visit: 2021/10/28
4, Collection: World War
II black and white footage/Special Coverage Motion Picture
Unit - U.S. Army Signal Corps, Director: George Stevens,
between 1944-1945, United States. - last visit: 2021/10/28
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Layer 1
Sage, GCN: (1024,)
GAT: (128,)
Layer 2
Layer 2
Sage, GCN: (512,)
GAT: (64,)
Sage, GCN: (128,)
GAT: (32,)
Sage, GCN: (6,)
GAT: (6,)
Sage, GCN: (2048,)
GAT: (2048,)
Figure 3: A schematic overview of the Graph-based Shot-Type Classifier using Graph Neural Network for node classification.
In this paper the focus is on GraphSage, GCN and GAT.
ing of how the proposed Graph-based STC approach
works on state-of-the-art datasets, the benchmark set
Movienet (Huang et al., 2020) is evaluated. The
Movienet-Version1 published by (Rao et al., 2020)
includes about 22401 frames from different film trail-
ers corresponding to the categories: Extreme-Close-
Shot (ECS), Close-Shot (CS), Medium-Shot (MS),
Full-Shot (FS), and Long-Shot (LS). This dataset is
split into a training set (17920) and a separate test
set (4481). All proposed results are evaluated on the
test set. Moreover, standard metrics such as Precision,
Recall, F1-Score, and Accuracy are used to evaluate
the classification task.
4.2 Training Details & Inference Mode
Training Details: For all experiments, the Adam op-
timizer in combination with the Cross-Entropy loss
function is used. Furthermore, a batch size of 128 and
a maximum training time of 500 epochs are config-
ured. In order to avoid overfitting, early-stopping and
learning rate decay (patience of 25 epochs) are im-
plemented. Moreover, Dropout (probability: 0.5) and
weight decay (GCN: 0.002, GraphSage: 0.005 - GAT:
0.0005) are applied in training mode. More details
about the implementation can be found in the GitHub
Inference Mode: In inference mode, a new data sam-
ple is added to the entire graph by calculating the k-
nearest-neighbors. Finally, the class category is pre-
dicted by calculating the new node embedding of the
corresponding node. In Test Mode, all test samples
(10587) are induced in the entire database graph by
using the same strategy as previously described. The
test evaluation is done by calculating all new node
embeddings and the classification performance.
4.3 Experiments
The following experiments have been conducted:
Classification Performance: In order to evaluate
the classification performance of shot types by us-
ing graph representations, several combinations of
CNN backbone features and GNNs are defined. In
our investigation, the combination of Resnet152 and
Resnet50, pre-trained on ImageNet, with Graph Con-
volutional Networks (GCN), Graph Sample and Ag-
gregate (GraphSage), and Graph Attention Networks
(GAT) are evaluated. Additionally, to compare
the results of the proposed Graph-based Shot-Type-
Classifier (GSTC) with state-of-the-art methods, tra-
ditional CNN classifiers (Resnet50 and VGG16) are
trained on the HistShotDS-Ext.
Influence of Neighborhood: A further experiment
is the evaluation of different sizes of neighborhoods.
The nodes in large graphs are sampled by selecting
a target node and the corresponding k-hop neighbor
nodes. The assumption is that more selected neighbor
nodes of a target node yield higher classification ac-
curacy because more neighborhood information can
influence the final model performance.
Classification Performance: In Table 1 an overview
of the gathered results are demonstrated. All
models are pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset
and used without further fine-tuning on the target
image domain (HistshotDS-Ext). The experiment
Resnet152(ImageNet)+GCN with the corresponding
neighborhood k:[10, 5, 2] demonstrates an accuracy
of 78.52%. The GraphSage model, in combination
with the Resnet152 features, shows a significantly
better classification performance and reaches an
accuracy of 84.31% with a neighborhood of k:[1, 1,
1]. The combination Resnet152+GAT demonstrates
the best result with the three-level neighborhood
(k: 15, 7, 2). This combination predicts newly
added nodes to the entire database graph with an
accuracy of 85.6%. In order to compare the results
of the proposed approach in this work, the tradi-
tional CNN architectures Resnet50 and VGG16 are
fine-tuned on the HistshotDS-Ext and accuracies
Graph-based Shot Type Classification in Large Historical Film Archives
Table 1: This table visualizes the results of different combinations of CNN backbone features and GNN layers compared to
traditional CNN image classifiers.
Experiment Acc Prec Rec F1 N
CNN-Resnet50(HistShotDS-Ext) 0,83 0,80 0,81 0,80 10857
CNN-VGG16(HistShotDS-Ext) 0,87 0,84 0,85 0,85 10857
GSTC-Resnet152(IN)+GCN [k: 10, 5, 2] 0,79 0,76 0,77 0,76 10857
GSTC-Resnet152(IN)+Sage [k: 1, 1, 1] 0,84 0,81 0,81 0,81 10857
GSTC-Resnet152(IN)+GAT [k: 15, 7, 2] 0,86 0,83 0,84 0,83 10857
GSTC-Resnet50(IN)+GCN [k: 10, 5, 2] 0,77 0,73 0,74 0,74 10857
GSTC-Resnet50(IN)+Sage [k: 1, 1, 1] 0,82 0,79 0,79 0,79 10857
GSTC-Resnet50(IN)+GAT [k: 15, 7, 2] 0,83 0,81 0,81 0,81 10857
GSTC-Resnet50(HistShotDS-Ext)+GAT [k: 15, 7, 2] 0,84 0.81 0.83 0.81 10857
(a) CNN (MN). (b) GSTC (MN). (c) CNN (HS-Ext). (d) GSTC (HS-Ext).
(e) UMAP - CNN (MN). (f) UMAP - GSTC (MN). (g) UMAP - CNN (HS-Ext). (h) UMAP - GSTC (HS-Ext).
Figure 4: This Figure illustrates the classification performance of individual class categories and the corresponding UMAP
plots of extracted feature embeddings: (a)(e) CNN-Resnet50(MovieNet), (b)(f) Resnet152(ImageNet)+GAT-testset:MovieNet,
(c)(g) CNN-Resnet50(HistShotDS-Ext), (d)(h) Resnet152(ImageNet)+GAT-testset:HistShotDS-Ext-Test.
of 86.7% and 82.89% are achieved. Moreover, the
model GTSC-Resnet152(ImageNet)+GAT is trained
and tested on the state-of-the-art dataset Movienet
(Huang et al., 2020) (more details are mentioned
in Table 2). The result demonstrates an accuracy
of 84%. The final assumption in this work is that
the best results are reached by using the fine-tuned
Resnet50 on the HistShotDS-Ext in combination with
the Graph Attention mechanism. This combination
demonstrates an accuracy of 84% with k:[15, 7, 2]
and outperforms the traditional CNN-based classifier,
Resnet50(HistShotDS-Ext)+GAT (Accuracy=83%).
Compared to the CNN-VGG16(HistShotDS-Ext)
with the classification performance of 87%, the
proposed GSTC-Resnet152(IN)+GAT and GSTC-
Resnt50(IN)+GAT demonstrate adequate results
(Note that the VGG16/Resnet50 are trained on
the HistShotDS-Ext, while the GSTC has no a
priori knowledge of the dataset). The evaluation
of the benchmark dataset Movienet shows that the
fine-tuned Resnet50 with the Movienet dataset in
combination with the GAT (GSTC-Resnet50[MN]-
GAT) outperforms the traditional CNN-based
classifier (CNN-Resnet50[MN]). Figure 4 points out
the class category performance (confusion matrices
& UMAP plots) of the GSTC approach in comparison
to the traditional CNN-based shot type classifier.
Moreover, the results on the separately evaluated
benchmark dataset Movienet are demonstrated.
Influence of Neighborhood: In this experiment,
the influence of different neighborhoods is eval-
uated. Therefore, the proposed GSTC with the
Resnet152(ImageNet)+GAT/SAGE/GCN are trained
with different neighborhoods. Figure 5 illustrates the
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Comparison between traditional CNN-based clas-
sifier and our proposed Graph-based Shot-Type-Classifier
(GSTC) trained and tested on the Movienet dataset. (MN)
Movienet, (IN) ImageNet. (k-neighborhood) [k: 15, 7, 2].
Experiment Acc Prec Rec F1 N
CNN-Resnet50(MN) 0,88 0,89 0,88 0,88 4482
GSTC-Resnet152(IN)+GAT 0,84 0,85 0,85 0,85 4482
GSTC-Resnet50(MN)+GAT 0.89 0.90 0.90 0.90 4482
k-Neighbors per layer
HistShotDS-Ext: GTSC-Resnet152 (ImageNet)+GCN(max)
HistShotDS-Ext: GTSC-Resnet152 (ImageNet)+GCN(add)
HistShotDS-Ext: GTSC-Resnet152 (ImageNet)+Sage (add)
HistShotDS-Ext: GTSC-Resnet152(ImageNet)+GAT(add)
MovieNet: GTSC-Resnet152(ImageNet)+GAT(max)
MovieNet: GTSC-Resnet152(ImageNet)+GAT(add)
Figure 5: This Figure illustrates the test accuracies by using
different k-neighborhood configurations.
accuracies on the HistShotDS-Ext testset on six dif-
ferent configurations by using the Summation (ADD)
and Maximum (MAX) aggregation function. All ex-
periments, using the aggregation ADD, demonstrate
no significant increase of the accuracy if more neigh-
bors are loaded. Compared to this aggregation, the
MAX function points out a significant decrease in
the classification performance by increasing the tar-
get nodes’ neighborhood. The reason for this ob-
servation is the information loss by using the max-
imum operator. It drops potential ”good” informa-
tion from the neighborhood, while the ADD func-
tion sums up all available feature information. This
effect can also be observed in the experiment with
the MovieNet dataset. The overall best classifica-
tion result (accuracy = 86%) is reached with GSTC-
Resnet152(ImageNet)+GAT in combination with the
configuration k: [15, 7, 2].
A novel baseline approach to classify shot types in
large film archives is presented based on modern
graph representation learning strategies. Different
combinations of visual features extracted from tra-
ditional pre-trained CNNs in combination with dif-
ferent Graph Neural Network architectures (GCN,
Sage, GAT) are established. The Resnet50/152 ar-
chitectures fine-tuned on the ImageNet dataset in
combination with a Graph Attention Network illus-
trate accuracies of 83% and 86% on the Histori-
cal Film Shot Dataset (Extended) and reach com-
parable results to traditional CNN-based classifiers
(VGG16: 87% & Resnet50: 83%) trained on the pro-
posed dataset. The most impressive result is demon-
strated by using a Resnet50 model (pre-trained on
the benchmark dataset MovieNet) with the Graph At-
tention Network (GAT). This combination reaches
a classification accuracy of 89% and outperforms
the traditional state-of-the-art CNN classifiers (CNN-
Resnet50[MovieNet]). This investigation points out
the potential power of using graph-based representa-
tions for analyzing large film archives.
However, it can be concluded that shot type clas-
sification is not a trivial task for humans as well as
machines and is not solved (Helm et al., 2022). One
reason is the complexity of real-world film scenar-
ios (e.g., a large number of objects, highly dynami-
cally environment), which gives the observer room for
interpretation. Computational archival systems need
clear conditions to produce accurate results. Differ-
ent factors in interpreting a recorded frame correctly
are mandatory. For example, interpreting the ratio be-
tween the area of the subject and the background as
well as the depth of a scene are crucial for classify-
ing shot types. Moreover, a significant question is,
which object(s) is(are) the most interesting one(s) in a
scene?. Therefore, future investigation can be on de-
signing a model that can take all the previously men-
tioned aspects into account.
Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation
in the Digital Age (Zechner and Loebenstein, 2019).
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gram under the Grant Agreement 822670.
Avelar, P. H., Tavares, A. R., Da Silveira, T. L., Jung, C. R.,
and Lamb, L. C. (2020). Superpixel Image Classifi-
cation with Graph Attention Networks. Proceedings
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications