are located with orange peaks. In Figure 7, by
using the weighted MSE with the foreground map
combining YOLOv5 and KNN, the as-
cending peaks in (a), (c), and (e) accurately detect the
anomalies, yet the conventional MSE curves in (b),
(d), and (f) are entirely dominated by time-induced
influences for example the fall of a cliff due to the
seasonal transition between August 2020 and January
2021. We therefore believe that the extended experi-
ments on a much larger dataset also prove the effec-
tiveness of the proposed weighted MSE in anomaly
This paper proposes a weighted reconstruction er-
ror in autoencoder-based anomaly detection for long-
term surveillance systems. The method aims to make
the calculated error more focused on the region where
anomalies are assumed in and thus reduces the influ-
ence of time-induced environmental drift.
We apply three selected autoencoders to three-
month datasets to test the anomaly detection per-
formance. With synthesized anomalies, the autoen-
coder with proposed weighted reconstruction error al-
ways gets a much higher detection rate (more than
twice) than the conventional reconstruction error ver-
sion where each pixel contributes the same, which
proves the usefulness of the proposed strategy.
This method is implemented as a flexible module,
therefore we expect it can be integrated into and veri-
fied by more frameworks. Besides, as a study at har-
bor fronts, in the future we will use this method to de-
tect emergencies and potentially dangerous incidents
like traffic accidents, drowning accidents, crowds in
coronavirus days, etc., so that timely controls or res-
cues by polices, safeguards, and other professionals
can be provided for a safer life.
This work is funded by TrygFonden as part of the
project Safe Harbor.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications