method retains information from both tasks with a
loss in performance up to 2%.
In this paper, we proposed a novel and simple proof-
of-concept transfer learning approach that inherently
allows for selective forgetting. Our training method
enables for network aggregation at test time, i.e. the
weights of two networks (trained on two different
datasets) are aggregated together, such that the result-
ing network can work on both datasets without any
further training/adaptation step.
We achieve that by introducing an aggregation
regulariser, that enables the networks to also learn
the aggregation operation in an end-to-end training
framework. We used the sum as aggregation operator,
as it is invertible and differentiable. VGG-like archi-
tectures were used as feature extractors, using Group
Normalisation in lieu of Batch Normalisation.
Our experimental results demonstrated that the
proposed approach allows for test-time transfer learn-
ing without any further training steps. Furthermore,
we showed that our training procedure is commuta-
tive: the aggregated network N
⊕ N
obtains the same
performance of N
⊕ N
. Moreover, we demonstrated
that our method allows for selective forgetting (at the
cost of up to 2% testing performance).
The proposed method has some limitations: (i) it
requires that all the networks involved in the training
share the same architecture; (ii) the selective forget-
ting does not allow to forget a subset of the dataset;
(iii) we evaluated it on just two benchmark datasets
(although the proposed framework can easily accom-
modate for multiple datasets). As future work, we will
generalise our approach exploring the training with N
deep neural networks, for i = 1, ...,n, with n being the
number of datasets, in a federated learning scenario.
This work was funded by the Edinburgh Napier Uni-
versity internally funded project “Li.Ne.Co.”
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications