encouraging and confirms the generalization poten-
tial that RL offers as a framework, even when using a
relatively simple off-the-shelf algorithm. We believe
these factors suggest that reinforcement learning ap-
proaches to critical driving events deserve further in-
This paper proposes a deep reinforcement learning
approach for self-driving in pre-accident scenarios,
with the aim of investigating its effectiveness and
safeness specifically in critical circumstances, when
damage minimization should be the only priority.
The control system is based on an end-to-end de-
sign that directly maps raw sensory data, coming from
a single RGB camera, to vehicle commands. The im-
ages gathered by the camera are subjected to feature
extraction by means of a pre-trained ResNet and then
fed into the RL algorithm for the learning process
that takes place in a virtual environment. Model up-
dates are driven by an hand-crafted reward function,
specifically designed to encourage emergency maneu-
vers in critical situations, taking into account colli-
sion damage and other minor factors, namely speed
control, road following and covered distance. Experi-
ments were carried out on several typical pre-accident
scenario recreated in the CARLA simulated world,
where the autonomous vehicle showed promising per-
formance, managing, in the vast majority of cases, to
avoid collisions with the other vehicle in the scene.
Despite these encouraging results, the work leaves
room for future improvements. First, as previously
stated, our model is designed to be embedded in a
broader system involving a module that takes care of
driving in ordinary circumstances. To this aim, a neu-
ral network could be trained to identify critical scenar-
ios and act as a switch between the two driving sys-
tems, passing the control to the emergency one when
danger is detected.
Furthermore, the use of a more advanced rein-
forcement learning algorithm is also worth consider-
ing. Algorithms like Deep Deterministic Policy Gra-
dient (DDPG) (Lillicrap et al., 2015) or Soft Actor-
Critic (SAC) (Haarnoja et al., 2018) have recently
shown good performances and their ability to deal
with continuous action spaces could favour a more ac-
curate and smooth driving style.
This work was partially funded by the H2020 project
AI4Media “A European Excellence Centre for Media,
Society and Democracy” under GA 951911.
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