Using Contrastive Learning and Pseudolabels to Learn Representations
for Retail Product Image Classification
Muktabh Mayank Srivastava
ParallelDots Inc, Gurugram, India
Transfer Learning, Semi Supervised Learning, Few Shot Classification, Retail Product Classification.
Retail product Image classification problems are often few shot classification problems, given retail product
classes cannot have the type of variations across images like a cat or dog or tree could have. Previous works
have shown different methods to finetune Convolutional Neural Networks to achieve better classification accu-
racy on such datasets. In this work, we try to address the problem statement : Can we pretrain a Convolutional
Neural Network backbone which yields good enough representations for retail product images, so that training
a simple logistic regression on these representations gives us good classifiers ? We use contrastive learning
and pseudolabel based noisy student training to learn representations that get accuracy in order of the effort of
finetuning the entire Convnet backbone for retail product image classification.
Retail product image classification is a computer vi-
sion problem frequently encountered in applications
like self checkout stores, retail execution measure-
ment, inventory management and manufacturing. A
retail product, for example Nutella jar, will hardly
have variations among individuals unlike say the cat-
egory cat, where each individual looks different, so
the expectation in most such problems is to be able to
train on a minimal number of images. Common real
world retail product recognition datasets are often one
shot or few shot classification datasets.
In our previous work, we had proposed methods to
finetune Convolutional Neural Network backbones to
classify retail product images. However, given retail
products have the property of all individuals of a class
looking the same and most of the task of Convnets in
such classification problems is to remove real world
distortions and noise, one might wonder if a Convnet
can be trained to create noise invariant image repre-
sentations that can just be passed through a Logistic
Regression or any other simple Machine Learning al-
gorithm to learn recognizing the product. In our work
we show that contrastive feature training on a large
dataset of image pairs of different retail products [not
containing and unrelated to the products we need to
train the final classifier on] followed by a noisy pre-
Figure 1: Previous works need to finetune the entire back-
bone for training model on a retail image classification
dataset. In our work using representations of images from
a pretrained model we get equivalent or better accuracy by
training just a simple Machine Learning classifier.
training on a large dataset of unannotated retail prod-
ucts, we get a Convolutional backbone whose repre-
sentations can be passed through a simple Logistic
Regression model for classification accuracy almost
as good as finetuning a Convnet on images of prod-
ucts we need to classify. Figure 1 shows difference
between training of between previous works and cur-
rent method.
In our previous work, we have proposed different
tricks to better the accuracy while finetuning Con-
Srivastava, M.
Using Contrastive Learning and Pseudolabels to Learn Representations for Retail Product Image Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0010911000003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
volutional Neural Networks on Retail Product Image
Classification. (Srivastava, 2020) We proposed a new
layer Local Concepts Accumulation [LCA] layer ap-
plied on the output feature map of the Convolutional
backbone, which represents an image as a combina-
tion of local concepts. There are also published works
which finetune GAN-like backbones to recognize Re-
tail Product images using Information Retrieval tech-
niques((Tonioni and Stefano, 2019)). Previously, key-
point matching methods like SIFT ((Lowe, 2004) and
(Leutenegger et al., 2011)) have also been used to rec-
ognize retail products.
ResNext Convolutional Neural Network back-
bones ((Xie et al., 2017)) pretrained weakly on insta-
gram hashtags and then finetuned on Imagenet [also
called ResNext-WSL] ((Mahajan et al., 2018)) have
been shown to get better results on Imagenet and on
Retail Product images ((Srivastava, 2020)).
In more recent times, Contrastive Learning
learned representations have shown to perform well
for Image classification ((Zbontar et al., 2021), (Chen
et al., 2020), (Khosla et al., 2020), (Chen and He,
2021)). Even better, these visual representation learn-
ers don’t require an annotated dataset and can learn by
using an image and its augmentation as training pairs
for contrastive learning. However, these algorithms
require very large unannotated datasets and need to
load a lot of images in GPU memory in a single batch
to be able to work. SimSiam which tries to optimize
these contrastive learning models to bring down the
batchsize can make work at batchsize of 256 as op-
posed to over 4096 of SIMCLR.
Noisy student training where a teacher algorithm
is used to generate pseudolabels and a student is
trained on these pseudolabels has also been used with
great results in Computer Vision problems both image
classification and object detection ((Xie et al., 2020)
and (Zoph et al., 2020)).
We take the best performing architecture from our
experiments in finetuning convnets for retail product
image classification which is a ResNext-WSL (Maha-
jan et al., 2018) with a LCA layer (Srivastava, 2020)
and Maximum Entropy loss and try to create a back-
bone using it which can be used to learn retail prod-
uct image representations. Because, it is not possible
for us to load large batchsizes of even 256 and train
for long periods of time, we use supervised contra-
tive learning with hard example mining on a dataset
of annotated image pairs to learn features in the first
step as a teacher model. This teacher model is used
to produce pseudolabels on a large dataset of unan-
notated retail product images. In the second step of
learning representations, we train a student model as
a multitask learning model to learn representations.
Figure 2: Samples from TEACHER-PAIRS dataset. This
dataset contains product image pairs crawled from internet
and annotated by inhouse annotation team.
The two losses in the multitask learning of the stu-
dent are supervised contrastive loss on an annotated
dataset with hard example mining like its teacher and
the pseudolabels the teacher algorithm produces on a
large unannotated dataset. The representations learnt
by both teacher and student are independently ana-
lyzed for their performance as input to a Logistic Re-
gression classifier on standard datasets.
We first give a description of various datasets used in
our work. The first dataset we call TEACHER-PAIRS
is an annotated dataset of 250,000 retail product im-
age pairs. This dataset is mined from many other
proprietary datasets and crawled from various ecom-
merce websites. Figure 2 shows some samples from
this dataset.
There are no negative annotations, so to train
for negative samples, we take random images from
outside the pair as a negative sample. A teacher
model is trained to learn representations using con-
trastive loss combined with hard example mining on
the TEACHER-PAIRS dataset. The teacher model
is then run over 2 Million unannotated retail prod-
uct images to generate representations of these im-
ages which are treated as pseudolabels. The dataset
of unannotated images and their corresponding la-
bels is called STUDENT-PSEUDO. Student model is
then trained on TEACHER-PAIRS with contrastive
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Unannotated samples from STUDENT-PSEUDO
Figure 4: Train test sample pair from Grozi-120 dataset.
loss and STUDENT-PSEUDO with Smooth L1 loss
as Multi-Task Learning. Figure 3 shows some sam-
ples from dataset.
The representations learnt by both teacher and stu-
dent are tested by creating representations of images
in classification subsets of Grozi-120 ((Merler et al.,
2007) and CAPG-GP (Geng et al., 2018)) datasets and
training logistic regression classifier on the represen-
tations generated. Both Grozi-120 and CAPG-GP are
one-shot datasets. Figures 4 and 5 show sample train-
test pairs from Grozi-120 and CAPG-GP dataset re-
As noted earlier there are two models we train to learn
visual representation. Both have the same Convolu-
tional architecture, which is a Resnext-101 32X8 ar-
chitecture. The feature maps of the output of this ar-
chitecture are passed through a Local Concepts Accu-
mulation layer. Local concepts accumulation (LCA)
layer average pools its input feature maps on all rect-
angular and square sizes larger than 1X1 and creates
representations for different local concepts which are
then averaged to the representation of the image. The
final 2048 dimensional embedding is treated as the
representation for the image. LCA layer is same as
proposed in our previous work (Srivastava, 2020) and
Figure 5: Train test sample pair from CAPG-GP dataset.
Figure 6: LCA layer is placed on a a ResNext architec-
ture output feature map to create the representation learning
is shown in Figure 6.
In the first step of training, the model is trained
on the TEACHER-PAIRS dataset using a contrastive
loss function. We use hard example mining to
make sure the features learnt are not too simple.
The representations this model produces are called
Teacher Representations. Figure 7 shows training of
teacher model.
In the second step of training, the model is trained
as a multitask learner on both TEACHER-PAIRS
and STUDENT-PSEUDO models. That is, while
training, a part of the batch has image pairs from
TEACHER-PAIRS and the other part of the batch has
images and their representations from STUDENT-
PSEUDO. The loss is a weighted average of the con-
trastive loss on pairs from TEACHER-PAIRS and
Smooth L1 loss on STUDENT-PSEUDO representa-
tions. The representation from this model is called
Student Representations. Figure 8 shows training of
student model.
Now for training classifiers for Grozi-120 and
CAPG-GP datasets, we first get representations of
dataset images from teacher and student models and
then pass these representations through a Logistic Re-
gression model to train for classification. We reem-
phasize that the teacher and student modules are not
finetuned, just used to extract representations here.
We compare the accuracy of the simple Logistic re-
gression model trained on both the teacher and the
student representations with our best results on fine-
tuning Convnets for retail product image recognition.
From our previous work (Srivastava, 2020), we
take the accuracy of finetuning ResNext-WSL (Ma-
hajan et al., 2018), finetuning ResNext-WSL with
Using Contrastive Learning and Pseudolabels to Learn Representations for Retail Product Image Classification
Figure 7: Teacher model is trained on the annotated pairs of
TEACHER PAIRS dataset using contrastive loss and hard
example mining. Negative sample for an image is sampled
randomly from images outside its pair.
Figure 8: Student model is trained on 250 k pairs using con-
trastive loss and hard example mining and on pseudolabels
generated by teacher models on over 2M images. A batch of
student model while training half contains supervised image
pairs and other half contains unannotated images and their
a LCA layer and finetuning a ResNext-WSL with a
LCA layer and Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) loss as
an additional loss component as baselines.
From our experiments, we conclude that Lo-
gistic Regression (LR) classifiers trained on the
representations derived from the features we learn
datasets work quite competitively as compared to
finetuning entire Convolutional backbone [Tables 1
and 2]. For Grozi-120 dataset, using pretrained fea-
tures works much better than finetuning [Table 2].
Table 1: Results of various Models on CAPG-GP Dataset.
The first 3 are results when full backbone is finetuned.The
4th and 5th results are results on training a Logisitic Re-
gression (LR) model on the representations yielded by
backbones pretrained on TEACHER PAIRS and STU-
DENT PSUEDO dataset respectively.
Model Name Accuracy [CAPG-GP]
ResNext-WSL 84.1%
layer+MaxEnt Loss
Teacher Representations
+ LR
Student Representations
+ LR
Table 2: Results of various Models on Grozi-120 Dataset.
The first 3 are results when full backbone is finetuned.The
4th and 5th results are results on training a Logisitic Re-
gression (LR) model on the representations yielded by
backbones pretrained on TEACHER PAIRS and STU-
DENT PSUEDO dataset respectively.
Model Name Accuracy[Grozi-120]
ResNext-WSL 60.4%
ResNext-WSL + LCA
ResNext-WSL + LCA
layer + MaxEnt Loss
Teacher Representations
+ LR
Student Representations
+ LR
We show that a visual representation learner which
learns on data annotated on any different datasets or
crawled from e-commerce websites, modelled as im-
age pairs and combined with unannotated data can be
used to learn image representations which can help
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
train very simple and yet accurate classifiers. Re-
tail products keep changing in appearance with new
packaging and offers. Finetuning a classifier every-
time with addition of new products is costly process.
A image representations that allows us to just train lo-
gistic regression classifier makes accommodating new
product additions very simple.
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Using Contrastive Learning and Pseudolabels to Learn Representations for Retail Product Image Classification