face shape descriptor, referred to as Evolutional Nor-
mal Maps, that assimilates, modifies and optimises a
subset composed of six of these normal map represen-
tations. The proposed descriptor is extensively eval-
uated on three benchmarking 3D face datasets with
very promising results. The descriptor is computa-
tionally efficient and most importantly, it outperforms
the state of the art methods in 3D face recognition.
The proposed Evolutional Normal Maps have
many potential applications, apart from 3D face
recognition. For instance, can can be used for data
augmentation and in generative adversarial networks
to render and develop synthetic 3D data. The future
plans also include their use for 3D face reconstruc-
tion and 3D face analysis for emotion, pose and age
Part of the research in this paper uses the CASIA-3D
FaceV1 collected by the Chinese Academy of Sci-
ences Institute of Automation (CASIA).
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BMWi ZIM program, no. ZF4029424HB9.
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