Behavioral and Physiological Assessment of a Virtual Reality Version of
the MATB-II Task
Zoe Gozzi
, Vsevolod Peysakhovich
2 a
, Alma Cantu
2,3 b
and Mickael Causse
2 c
Labsoft, Toulouse, France
e de Toulouse, France
School of Computing, Newcastle University, U.K.
MATB-II, Mental Workload, Virtual Reality, Human Factors, Aviation.
The goal of this research was to examine the possible benefits of adapting the Multi-Attribute Task Battery
(MATB-II) in a virtual reality (VR) environment to provide an immersive and ecological platform for studies
on mental workload in the aerospace domain. The original desktop MATB-II has many advantages, but the
level of immersion remains moderate, and the computer screen greatly reduces the spatial dimension existing
in real environments such as the cockpit. Thirty-one participants performed an experiment during which we
compared the original MATB-II with the new virtual version, called “MATB-II VR”. We used subjective,
performance, and cardiovascular measurements. The virtual MATB-II was performed without (“MATB-II VR
No Touch”) and with tactile feedback (“MATB-II VR Touch”). In general, the results showed that mental and
physical efforts were higher and performances lower with the virtual version. Heart rate was higher with the
virtual version, supporting the idea that such environment is more challenging. The individual performance
in the desktop and the virtual environments correlated well, showing that our virtual version engaged analog
physical and cognitive abilities as compared with the original version. Interestingly, performance during
MATB-II VR was well predicted by basic mental rotation performance assessed with a neuropsychological
MATB-II (Multi-Attribute Task Battery II) is a
computer-based task (Comstock & Arnegard, 1992)
that can be used to evaluate operator performance
and workload by providing a set of four concurrent
subtasks (Santiago-Espada et al., 2021), analogous to
ones that aircrews perform in flight. The wide usage
of MATB-II allows comparing results across a great
variety of studies. Indeed, more than 135 research
papers have been published using the MATB-II as
an experimental platform, for example in aerospace
medicine (Chandra et al.,2015), psychology (Daviaux
et al., 2019), human factors (Kennedy et al., 2017),
or alarm system design (Chancey et al., 2015). In the
context of aeronautical research, 2D synthetic tasks
such as MATB-II has many advantages, including
flexibility, cost-efficiency, and the fact that they do
not require complex hardware to be implemented. On
the other hand, their level of immersion remains rel-
atively moderate, and tasks performed on a computer
screen greatly reduce the spatial dimension existing
in real environments. Yet, the spatialization of the in-
struments and the multiple interactions with various
flight controls in the cockpit are an important aspect
of piloting (Letondal et al., 2018), and thus visual
spatial attention is highly solicited. Virtual reality
(VR) offers a solution halfway between desktop sim-
ulations and a full flight simulator. Increasing immer-
sion may be useful to reproduce the three-dimensional
space of the cockpit (Oberhauser et al. 2015). VR set-
tings can create reproducible environments for real-
time experiments, where the participants can sense,
feel, and interact with the virtual world. The technol-
ogy incorporates visual and acoustic stimuli and cre-
ates an immersive and ecological situation that allows
being isolated from distractions that could bias exper-
iments. The entire body may be implicated in the in-
teraction with VR, and the participants can interact
Gozzi, Z., Peysakhovich, V., Cantu, A. and Causse, M.
Behavioral and Physiological Assessment of a Vir tual Reality Version of the MATB-II Task.
DOI: 10.5220/0010912100003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with the virtual content not only through a controller
but also directly with their hands. Not surprisingly,
VR is extensively used as a research tool in differ-
ent professional domains like military training (Lele,
2013), medical training (Falah et al., 2014; Singh et
al., 2020; Smith et al., 2020), or teaching (Symp-
nenko et al., 2020). In the domain of the human fac-
tors in aviation, it provides an easy way to reproduce
complex piloting environments and simulated pilot-
ing scenarios (Labedan et al., 2021; Peysakhovich et
al., 2020).
Given the lower immersion of 2D environments,
the use of virtual reality to reproduce life tasks and
situations has grown rapidly (Hassandra et al., 2018;
Ansado et al., 2021; Zygouris et al., 2017; Soret et
al., 2019). Numerous studies have focused on the dif-
ferences in task performance between VR and Desk-
top environments, and the results are sometimes in-
consistent. Pausch (1997) showed that users with a
VR interface complete a search task faster than users
with a desktop display (the desktop display was im-
plemented in the VR headset to create a ”stationary
monitor”). The authors also found a positive trans-
fer of training from VR to desktop display and a
negative transfer of training from desktop displays
to VR (Pausch et al., 1997). Pallavicini’s (2019) re-
search did not indicate any differences between video
games played in VR and with a desktop in terms
of usability and performance. Whereas the authors
mention that previous literature reported better per-
formances in non-immersive display modalities due
to better usability, the researchers hypothesized that
with the progress in technology, this difference will
no longer exist. In addition, researchers found that
VR enhances emotional arousal thanks to the ”wow-
effect”, the temporary state that new technology trig-
gers in individuals when they are exposed to a new
experience. In aeronautics, Oberhauser (2018) inves-
tigated the functional fidelity of a virtual reality flight
simulator in comparison with a conventional flight
simulator. Their results showed that the deviations in
flight performance (heading, altitude, flight path de-
viations, delays in operating the controls) were sig-
nificantly larger in VR than in the conventional flight
simulation. Yet, most participants could safely and re-
liably complete the flight task. Besides, the pilots re-
ported a higher workload in the virtual environment.
Without substituting to real simulators, VR could be
an interesting and viable tool to perform human fac-
tors research that reproduces immersive, engaging,
and complex tasks such as the MATB-II.
The goal of this exploratory study was to as-
sess the added value of implementing a task close
to the original 2D version of the MATB-II in VR
for aerospace research. We believe that a VR ver-
sion of the MATB-II can provide a more ecologi-
cal platform to perform behavioral and physiologi-
cal measurements (Luong et al., 2020) and can so-
licit more visuospatial skills (Maneuvrier et al., 2020)
than the desktop version. Moreover, the VR envi-
ronment will be a closer simulation of a cockpit en-
vironment. We compared the 2D and 3D versions,
in particular with respect to mental and physical ef-
fort, engagement, and their ability to engage partic-
ular cognitive abilities such as multitasking and vi-
suospatial skills. Thirty-one participants performed
the MATB-II in two different environments: the orig-
inal MATB-II performed on a desktop computer and
the new version of the MATB-II performed in immer-
sive conditions and called the ”MATB-II VR”. Partic-
ipants also performed three neuropsychological tasks,
a multitasking task, a mental rotation task, and a vi-
sual search task. Participants’ outcomes to these tasks
were compared with performances obtained in the 2D
and 3D versions of the MATB-II. All along with the
MATB-II and MATB VR task performance, electro-
cardiogram (ECG) measurements were performed to
better characterize the level of mental effort of the par-
ticipant (Kim et al., 2018), in relation to mental work-
load and task engagement.
We hypothesized that the MATB-II VR should be
more engaging, elicit a higher workload, and perfor-
mance inside this environment should be better pre-
dicted by the result obtained with the neuropsycho-
logical tests, in particular the visuospatial ones, since
VR environments may solicit more theses functions.
We also hypothesized that heart rate should be higher
in the MATB VR versions versus the desktop MATB-
II version since the VR environment create a more
stressful situation. We had no clear hypothesis regard-
ing task performance between the desktop and the im-
mersive environment due to the common issues when
interacting inside a VR environment (Geszten et al.,
2018), especially because the MATB-II task requires
interacting with relatively small elements. In order to
better address this question, the MATB VR was per-
formed two times, one time without a particular de-
vice and another time with the GO VR Touch device.
The GO VR Touch was placed on the left index and
aimed at reproducing the haptic sensation in the VR
environment, in particular when touching the buttons.
When the task was performed with this device, it was
called “MATB VR Touch”. We hypothesized that per-
formance could be better in the MATB VR Touch vs
MATB VR No Touch.
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
2.1 Participants
31 participants (age = 31.2 ± 9.2 years; 19 male, 12
female) took part in the experiment. They were re-
cruited among students and employees. Thirty par-
ticipants were right-handed. 2 participants only had
pilot experience but they were all knowledgeable in
the field of aeronautic. They all had a sufficient level
of English in order to understand the instructions and
the audio communication during the MATB-II tasks.
One participant reported a beginner level of English,
13 intermediary levels, 16 high proficiency, and 1 na-
tive speaker. The participants did not report any heart-
related problems. 17 participants reported to be ”not
at all fatigued”, 11 participants reported to be ”some-
what fatigued” and 3 participants reported to be ”very
2.2 MATB-II Original Task
The original desktop MATB-II is made of four sep-
arate subtasks: the system monitoring (SYSMON)
subtask, the tracking (TRACK) subtask, the commu-
nication (COMM) subtask, and the resource manage-
ment (RESMAN) subtask, see Fig. 1. The SYS-
MON subtask is presented on the top left corner of the
screen (number 1, Fig. 1). It simulates the monitoring
of gauges and warning lights. The participant has to
click with a mouse on one of the six items if an abnor-
mal state occurs. In particular, in case of absence of
the green light, presence of the red light, and if one of
the four moving pointers deviates from the midpoint.
Performance is measured by the reaction time to in-
dicate an abnormal behavior. The TRACK subtask is
presented on the top center of the screen (number 2,
Fig. 1). It simulates manual aircraft control. Using
the joystick, the participant has to keep the target at
the center of the window, which is not easy since it
is moving continuously in an erratic manner. Perfor-
mance is generally measured by the average distance
of the target to the center of the window. The COMM
subtask is presented on the bottom left corner of the
screen (number 3, Fig. 1). It simulates the manage-
ment of air traffic control communications. This sub-
task presents pre-recorded auditory messages to the
operator at selected intervals. However, not all mes-
sages are relevant to the operator. The participant’s
task is to identify the ones that are relevant (accord-
ing to a particular aircraft called sign) and to respond
by selecting the appropriate radio and frequency on
the COMM window with repetitive mouse clicks on
the buttons. No action is required for messages with
other call signs than the one attributed to the partici-
pant. Performance is characterized by the percentage
of correct responses. The RESMAN is presented on
the bottom center of the screen (number 4, Fig. 1). It
simulates fuel management. The six large rectangu-
lar regions are tanks that hold fuel. The green lev-
els within the tanks represent the amount of fuel in
each tank, and these levels increase and decrease as
the amount of fuel in a tank changes. The goal is
to maintain tanks A and B at 2500 units each. This
is done by turning On or Off the eight pumps with
mouse clicks. Pump failures can occur and are shown
by a red area on the failed pump. The performance is
measured by the difference between the average fuel
amount in each tank during the session vs the target
amount (2500 units). The MATB-II task duration was
10 minutes, and it was entirely performed with the
mouse and a joystick.
Figure 1: Interface of the original desktop MATB-II.
2.3 MATB-II VR Task
We developed the MATB VR, a task inspired from
the MATB-II and adapted to benefit the advantages
of the virtual reality environment Fig. 3. It inte-
grates the same four subtasks as the original MATB-
II. They have been spatially distributed to resemble a
real cockpit. For example, the TRACKING subtask is
located approximately where the artificial horizon is
displayed in a real cockpit. Similarly, the SYSMON
subtask is located approximately where the pilots dis-
play the fuel quantity. Some subtasks were slightly
modified in comparison to the original MATB-II. This
was done to better fit with the VR constraints, in
particular regarding the relative difficulty to interact
with objects. The COMM subtask had two channels
instead of four and the SYSMON subtask had two
scales instead of four. The MATB-II VR was per-
formed two times, either with the GO Touch VR, this
variant was called the MATB-II VR Touch, or with-
Behavioral and Physiological Assessment of a Virtual Reality Version of the MATB-II Task
out the GO Touch VR, this variant was called MATB
VR No Touch. When referring to the virtual MATB-
II task in general (without considering the presence
or absence of the Go Touch VR), we simply used
the term MATB VR. The MATB-II VR task duration
was 5 minutes. The participant held the joystick with
the right hand (TRACKING subtask), like during the
original MATB-II, and performed the three other sub-
tasks with the left hand, see Fig. 2.
Figure 2: The experimental setup. The participant is wear-
ing an HTC Vive headset equipped with the Leap Motion
Controller. In her left hand, she is wearing the Go Touch
VR controller. She holds a joystick Cyborg X Flight Stick
in her right hand to perform the TRACK task.
2.4 Calibration of the Difficulty during
the MATB-II Tasks
We used the baud rate formula to set the difficulty of
the two MATB-II environments. The baud rate is used
to obtain a standard evaluation of the workload in a
task (quantity of information over time) (Liu, 2018).
In this way, task designers can qualify tasks as hav-
ing low, medium, or high workloads by applying the
baud formula. This allows for easy replication among
different studies that use the same task and aim to con-
trol the difficulty and workload more efficiently. It is
based on the Information theory of Shannon (1948)
and it is defined as the number of possible tasks in
bits, divided by the time in seconds (Camnden, 2017).
The formula to calculate the baud rate is as fol-
B(i) =
T (i)
In order to make the two environments (MATB-II and
the MATB VR) relatively comparable in difficulty and
feasible, we set the same baud rate, as ”low” across
both of them for the SYSMON, COMM, and RES-
MAN, subtasks. A low baud rate is B(i) < 0.2, where
’i’ was SYSMON, COMM, and RESMAN subtasks.
More precisely, it resulted in having 1 stimulus every
20 seconds in the SYSMON subtask, 7 audio com-
munications every 5 minutes in the COMM subtask,
and 1 stimulus every 40 seconds in the RESMAN
subtask. We could not easily make the TRACK sub-
task comparable in the MATB-II and MATB-II VR,
in particular because the erratic movement of the tar-
get was difficult to reproduce. One performance mea-
sure was considered per subtask: the number of cor-
rect responses during COMM subtask, the difference
between the optimal level of the tank A and B (2500
units) and the fluctuations of the level of fuel during
RESMAN, and the RMSD of the target from the cen-
ter of the window during TRACK.
Figure 3: Interface of the MATB-II VR.
2.5 Neuropsychological Tasks
Three computer-based neuropsychological tests from
the PsyToolkit (Stoet, 2010,2017) were performed by
the participants. The results from these three tests
were correlated with participants’ performances to the
desktop MATB-II, the MATB VR No Touch, and the
MATB VR Touch.
The multitasking task evaluates the ability to
switch between two tasks. The participant is pre-
sented with two types of shapes, diamonds, or rect-
angles, filled with 2 or 3 dots. In the ”shape” con-
dition, the participant has to press ”b” if the shape is
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
a diamond and “n” if the shape is a rectangle. The
participant has to ignore the dots. In the ”filling” con-
dition, the participant has to press “n” if two dots fill
the shape, and “b” if three dots fill the shape. The
participant has to ignore the outer shape here. The
rule to follow (shape or filling) depends on the loca-
tion of the stimuli, on the top of the screen for shape,
on the bottom of the screen for filling. Participants
performed the first block, corresponding to a training
period with 6 stimuli for the shape task and 6 stim-
uli for the filling task. After the training, participants
performed three experimental blocks in the same or-
der, with respectively 20 stimuli for the filling task,
20 stimuli for the shape task, and 40 stimuli in a con-
dition where filling and shape alternate. The interval
between two stimuli was 1 second. We measured the
reaction time of the participants, see Fig. 4.
(1) (2)
Figure 4: Multitasking task. Filling condition (1) and shape
condition (2). A computer-based tasks designed with the
use of PsyToolkit (Stoet, 2010;2017).
The mental rotation task evaluates the capacity
to imagine what a stimulus would look like if it would
be rotated. The participant is presented with three ob-
jects like in the example Figure 5. The participant
has to decide which one of the bottom two matches
the one on the top after rotations. The mental rota-
tion task is a good predictor for visuospatial abilities
and is used in aeronautical training and test batteries
for the pre-assessment of pilot candidates (Kr
uger et
al., 2016; Sladky et al., 2016). The task consists of
a training block with 5 stimuli and then an experi-
mental block with 10 stimuli. The participants had 20
seconds to respond. The tasks took about 2 minutes
to be completed. We measured the reaction time of
the participants.
The visual search task evaluates the ability to find
a target stimulus among distractors. The participant is
presented with 5, 10, 15, or 20 items, consisting in or-
ange and blue letters ”T”. Blue T (always presented
upward) and downward orange T are the distractors,
and must be ignored. The participant has to press the
space bar when an orange and regular upright posi-
tion letter “T” is displayed on the screen. Participants
has 4 seconds to respond, there were 50 search dis-
plays, and the task takes around 5 minutes to com-
Figure 5: Mental Rotation Task. A computer-based tasks
designed with the use of PsyToolkit (Stoet, 2010;2017).
plete. Search time usually increases with large num-
bers of items on the screen. We measured the reaction
time of the participant, see Fig. 6.
Figure 6: Visual Search Task. A computer-based tasks de-
signed with the use of PsyToolkit (Stoet, 2010,2017).
2.6 Procedure
First, participants filled out a consent form and
were then equipped with the ECG. They perform
the three MATB-II tasks (MATB-II, MATB VR No-
Touch, MATB VR Touch) and the three neuropsycho-
logical tasks in pseudo-random order (MATB-II and
neuropsychological tasks were not mixed). After the
performance of each MATB-II task, participants had
to evaluate their level of mental effort, physical effort,
and engagement using a 7 points scale, where 1 was
the minimum level and 7 was the highest level. At
the end of the experiment, the participant filled out
a questionnaire to specify their familiarity with the
virtual reality technology, their sleep habits, and dif-
ferent demographic information (age, gender,...). The
total experiment duration was approximately 1 hour.
2.7 Experimental Material
Virtual Reality Headset and Virtual Environ-
ment. We used an HTC Vive head-mounted dis-
play (1080×1200 pixels per eye, 90 Hz, 110 degrees
field of view). The Unity 3D engine and the C# pro-
gramming language were used to develop the MATB-
II VR. An optical hand-tracking LEAP Motion con-
troller was physically mounted to the front of the VR
headset to allow natural finger motions as input for
the MATB-II VR environment.
Behavioral and Physiological Assessment of a Virtual Reality Version of the MATB-II Task
Haptic Device. In the MATB-II VR Touch variant,
the Go Touch VR controller was placed on the left
index of the participant to reproduce haptic feedback
when interacting with the buttons. The Go VR Touch
controller creates pressure on the fingertip when in-
teracting with the objects. The participants wore a Go
Touch VR controller on the left index.
Joystick. A Cyborg X Flight Stick was used to
perform the TRACK subtask in all versions of the
Electrocardiogram Measurements. Heart rate (in
BPM) was measured with an ECG, using 3 electrodes
placed on the thorax. The BIOPAC MP150 (System
Inc, Santa Barbara, CA) software was used for the
acquisition of the signal. The ECG signal was sam-
pled at 1000 Hz and recorded using the AcqKnowl-
edge software (BIOPAC System Inc, Santa Barbara,
CA). The mean heart rate during each MATB-II vari-
ant was computed with the Kubios® software.
2.8 Statistical Analysis
Behavioral performance was processed using a home-
build python script and all data was analyzed with R
statistical software. As the data was not normally dis-
tributed, in particular subjective evaluations, we used
the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to compare the condi-
tions. Regarding performances comparisons across
the three MATB-II variants, we focused the analysis
on the COMM and RESMAN subtasks. We also con-
ducted correlation and linear regression analyses us-
ing the performance measures of each task (MATB-II
and neuropsychological tasks). For these correlations,
we used TRACK, RESMAN, and COMM subtasks.
SYSMON performance was not used to reduce the
number of variables.
Some participants reported difficulties when equipped
with the Go Touch VR controller. Also, some par-
ticipants reported a delay between the action and the
result while pushing some buttons in the virtual envi-
ronment. These issues are discussed in more detail in
the limitations section.
3.1 Subjective Results
Mental Effort. Participants reported a significant
higher mental effort with the MATB-II VR Touch vs
both the MATB-II VR No Touch (V = 71.5, p = .049)
and the desktop MATB-II (V = 54, p = .023), see
Fig. 7. The difference between the desktop MATB-
II and the MATB-II VR No touch was not significant
(p > .05).
Figure 7: Subjective mental effort assessment across the
three MATB-II variants.
Physical Effort. Participants reported a higher sub-
jective physical effort during the MATB-II VR Touch
vs the desktop MATB-II (V = 192, p = .029). The
other comparisons were not significant (ps > .05), see
Fig. 8.
Figure 8: Subjective physical effort assessment across the
three MATB-II variants.
Engagement. We found no difference across the
three MATB-II task variants regarding the level of en-
gagement (all ps > .05), see Fig. 9.
Figure 9: Subjective engagement assessment across the
three MATB-II variants.
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
3.2 Performances Results
COMM Subtask. The number of correct responses
was 90.8% in the desktop MATB-II, 86.6% in the
MATB-II VR Touch, and 84.3% in the MATB VR
No Touch, Fig. 10. The difference was significant
between the desktop MATB-II and the MATB-II VR
No Touch version (V = 72, p = .044). As a comple-
mentary analysis, we investigated the time taken to
set the radio and the frequency. We observed a gen-
eral longer completion time in the MATB-II VR en-
vironment than in the desktop MATB-II (3.60 ± 2.50
s). This is most probably due to some usability is-
sues with the VR environment and the different inter-
actions (clicking a mouse versus pushing down a vir-
tual button). Interestingly, the completion time in the
MATB-VR Touch (11.86 ± 6.54 s) was faster than in
the MATB-VR No Touch (13.02 ± 8.34 s), possibly
due to the haptic functionality giving feedback after
every correct action.
Figure 10: Performances at the COMM subtask across the
three MATB-II variants.
RESMAN Subtask. We did not find any significant
difference in RESMAN performance across the three
MATB-II variants (p > .05), Fig. 11.
3.3 Electrocardiogram Results
ECG data were rejected for two participants due to
recording issues. We found a significantly higher
heart rate during MATB-II VR No Touch vs the desk-
top MATB-II (V = 310, p-value = .045). The other
comparisons were not significant (p > .05), Fig. 12.
3.4 Correlation Analyses
A correlation analysis was conducted using all perfor-
mance variables from the three MATB-II variants and
the three neuropsychological tasks. The correlations
shown in the Fig. 13 are significant at p < .05. The
results indicated that the MATB-II transposed well in
Figure 11: Performances at the RESMAN subtask across
the three MATB-II variants.
Figure 12: Heart Rate (beats per minutes) across the three
MATB-II variants.
the VR environment since performance with the desk-
top and VR versions were highly correlated. This was
the case for the three analyzed tasks: the TRACK, the
RESMAN, and the COMM subtasks, see Fig 10.
Regarding the neuropsychological tasks, the per-
formance during the mental rotation task correlated
with the RESMAN subtask of the desktop MATB-
II (r(30) = 0.56, p < .05), but this correlation was
stronger with the RESMAN subtask of the MATB-II
VR Touch variant (r(30 = 0.81, p < .05).
The mental rotation task performance also corre-
lated with the TRACK subtask of both the desktop
MATB-II (r(30) = 0.57, p < .05) and the MATB-II
VR No Touch (r(30 = 0.47, p < .05). The mental ro-
tation task performance was also positively correlated
with the COMM subtask performance in the MATB-
II VR No Touch (r(30 ) = -0.52, p < .05), while it was
negatively correlated with the COMM subtask perfor-
mance of the MATB-II VR Touch variant. The mul-
titasking and the visual search tasks did not correlate
significantly with the performance during the MATB-
II tasks.
Behavioral and Physiological Assessment of a Virtual Reality Version of the MATB-II Task
Figure 13: Correlation Matrix of the performances in the
three MATB-II variants and during the three neuropsycho-
logical tasks. Only significant results are displayed.
3.5 Linear Regression
Based on the observed correlations between the men-
tal rotation task and the RESMAN subtask during the
three MATB-II variants, three simple linear regres-
sions were performed to evaluate the possibility to
predict (causal relationship) performance in the RES-
MAN subtask with the mental rotation task perfor-
mance. Significant results were found for all three
variants, the desktop MATB-II, (F(1,29) = 13.19, =
p < .001), = 0.31), the MATB-II VR No Touch,
(F(1,29) = 20.33, p < .001, = 0.41), and the
MATB-II VR Touch (F(1,29) = 53.59, p < .001), R² =
0.64). To summarize high performance in the mental
rotation task predicted high performance in the RES-
MAN subtask and this relationship was higher in the
VR environment, in particular during the MATB-II
VR Touch variant.
In this study, we implemented the original desktop
version of the MATB-II in virtual reality in an at-
tempt to provide an immersive and ecological plat-
form for studies in aerospace. We measured the per-
formance and the cardiovascular activity during the
original MATB-II version and our virtual variant, the
latter was performed with or without tactile feed-
back. We also examined the relationship between the
performances attained during the MATB-II variants
with the performance obtained during three neuropsy-
chological tasks, in order to better understand which
cognitive abilities are engaged during each MATB-
II variant. As expected, the results showed that par-
ticipants evaluated the MATB-II VR environment as
more mentally and physically demanding, in partic-
ular when performed with haptic feedback. These
results are compatible with ones observed by Ober-
hauser (2018) in the context of flight simulation. The
VR environment likely required more mental effort
since participants had to pay more attention to the dif-
ferent tasks because stimuli did not always appear in
the field of view, contrary to the desktop MATB-II
(Wismer et al., 2021). In addition, the more impor-
tant physical effort can be related to the extensive en-
gagement of the body in the task, in particular with
physical actions on the “virtual cockpit”. The fact that
this effect was significant only with the tactile feed-
back is consistent with some reports from the partic-
ipants after the experiment. Some of them reported
that the Go Touch VR controller sometimes provided
feedback with a time delay after pushing the buttons
or was sometimes not functioning. Some participants
also reported that they were bothered about the vibra-
tion due to the haptic feedback. These issues proba-
bly contributed to increase mental and physical efforts
but did not necessarily degrade performance. On the
contrary, while performance in the COMM subtask
was lower in VR when no haptic feedback was pro-
vided (i.e., MATB-II VR No Touch), performance did
not differ between the desktop version and MATB-II
Touch, during which the Go Touch VR controller was
used. In addition, in MATB-II VR, completion times
to the COMM subtask were also better (shorter) when
haptic feedback was provided. Despite some remain-
ing issues, haptic feedback seems promising to im-
prove interaction in VR.
In VR, the COMM subtask was one of the most
difficult because it required interacting with small but-
tons with the finger, which strongly engaged partic-
ipants’ attentional resources. It seems that interact-
ing with the small buttons was even harder without
the tactile feedback due to the above-mentioned is-
sues. Interestingly, the correlation analysis showed
that the COMM performances mostly correlated neg-
atively with all the other tasks. In fact, it means that
better performance to the COMM subtask was done
at the expense of all other tasks. We could some-
times observe some participants disengaging from
the TRACK subtask, stopping acting on the joystick,
while managing the COMM subtask.
Cardiovascular results were consistent with the
idea that the VR environment is more demanding
since the heart rate was higher during the MATB-
II VR No touch vs the desktop MATB-II. The dif-
ference between the MATB-II VR Touch vs desktop
MATB-II was not significant. We can only specu-
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
late that this effect would have been significant with
more statistical power. The correlation analyses per-
formed on the performance during the three different
MATB-II variants suggest a good transposition of the
task from the desktop environment to the virtual one.
All investigated subtasks correlated across the desk-
top MATB-II and the MATB-II VR. In other words, a
participant that demonstrated high performance dur-
ing RESMAN or COMM in the desktop MATB-II
was also very likely to have high performance to the
same subtasks in the virtual environment. This latter
result suggests that the MATB-II VR can be a gen-
uine alternative to the desktop MATB-II for immer-
sive aerospace experiments. Finally, we found that
reaction time during the mental rotation task was a
good predictor of the performances attained during
the RESMAN subtask of the desktop and VR MATB-
II variants, explaining up to 64% of the performance
This study has some limitations mainly due to the
well-known usability problems in VR that were sim-
ilarly observed in different studies like in Pallavicini
(2019) and Santos (2009). Some feedback received
from participants was about the technical issues re-
garding the VR material that sometimes increased
frustration and stress. For example, the LEAP mo-
tion controller could regularly lose the tracking for
some participants, requiring them to move their hand
in front of the controller to recover the tracking. This
has certainly contributed to jeopardizing some results
in the VR environment. This relative difficulty to in-
teract in the VR environment was also observed in the
COMM subtask, with a longer time taken to select the
radio and the frequency in the VR in comparison with
the desktop environment. Additionally, participants
had some problems with the Go Touch VR controller,
which did not always work as expected. The haptic
feedback was not always synchronized with the but-
ton press. In these cases, some participants reported
that they did not know if the button press was taken
into account because they expected synchronized vi-
sual and haptic feedback. This has led some par-
ticipants to push the button several times. Despite
this issue, still in the COMM subtask, we observed
a shorter time taken to select the radio and the fre-
quency when the Go Touch VR controller was used.
Finally, some participants also reported that the VR
headset became heavy and hot. This could be a sig-
nificant issue for very long experiments as physical
pain or unease could bias results. Hopefully, all these
usability issues of VR will be solved in a near future,
and VR represents a very promising tool to elicit men-
tal workload in realistic settings like piloting or car
driving (Galante, 2018) without using costly simula-
tors. According to Santos et al. (2009), global user
performances are generally better for desktop setup,
partly because participants are much more familiar
with this environment. However, in their experiment,
participants with more computer gaming experience
performed better with the VR setup. The authors ar-
gued that increasing the familiarity with the VR envi-
ronment over a longer period of time will eventually
allow enhanced performances.
Our results suggest that a virtual version of the
MATB-II could provide an interesting alternative to
the original 2D version. It could offer a more ecolog-
ical and immersive environment for experiments in
aerospace research while engaging the same type of
cognitive abilities as the original version. In general,
this environment was more challenging, and in some
cases elicited a higher heart rate. The performance of
the MATB-II VR was also very well predicted with
mental rotation abilities, which can be related to the
3D environment characteristics. Some usability prob-
lems still exist in the VR environment, in particular
when interacting with the small buttons of the MATB-
II subtasks, but we can speculate that this issue will
evolve with the improvement of the technology.
This work was supported by a chair from Labsoft
(Toulouse, France).
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Behavioral and Physiological Assessment of a Virtual Reality Version of the MATB-II Task