Table 2: NEMA-22 statistics.
(a) Visibility.
min(v) max(v) µ(v) ± σ(v)
35.20% 60.76% 46.76 ± 04.35 %
35.26% 61.51% 48.33 ± 04.33 %
32.18% 41.19% 36.67 ± 01.09 %
95.38% 98.44% 96.77 ± 00.46 %
81.84% 87.87% 84.78 ± 01.36 %
32.33% 98.44% 62.72 ± 23.80 %
(a) Depth error.
) ± σ(δ
) µ(|δ
|) ± σ(|δ
|) Outliers
−2.275 ± 3.676 mm 3.108 ± 6.165 3.834 %
−0.671 ± 4.803 mm 2.686 ± 5.251 3.664 %
0.819 ± 1.836 mm 1.527 ± 1.487 30.078 %
1.143 ± 4.162 mm 3.163 ± 3.564 11.652 %
1.369 ± 2.595 mm 2.078 ± 2.189 2.628 %
1.089 ± 3.048 mm 2.235 ± 2.606 10.371 %
(a) Bottom (b) Body (c) Top (d) Shaft
Figure 11: NEMA on-screen locations.
(a) Bottom (b) Body (c) Top (d) Shaft
Figure 12: NEMA points of views.
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save time that can fail for some images.
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for fast and robust image + label semi-automatic ac-
quisition. It can be applied to any camera. Other hard-
ware pieces are mostly 3D printed. We make the 3D
CAD models, printing settings, software to record the
dataset and the complete dataset available to anyone
for free. We hope people will contribute to the dataset
our create their own using our tools and protocol.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications