Starting from Xavier initialised weights then do-
ing self-training, results in higher mIoU (by +0.47%)
than starting from ImageNet pre-trained weights and
also doing self-training. Still model initialisation us-
ing ImegeNet pre-trained weights outperforms Xavier
initialisation by 1.8% in the mIoU score.
Xavier initialisation of the Batch Normalisation
layers instead of using the self-trained ones improves
the mIoU by +2.66%.
Using the same machine, the same dataset and
same image input size (1024 × 64), our best gener-
ated model outperforms the SalsaNext by +5.53% in
the mIoU score. For approximately the same mIoU
score, the segmentation network initialised using self-
trained weights generates less average PPNLL than
the network initialised using Xavier. This shows that
self-training reduces the epistemic uncertainty of the
model. For the same architecture and same self-
training, the lower segmentation validation loss is, the
lower the model’s epistemic uncertainty.
The recipe that generated the best results was, us-
ing the TransUnet architecture, keep the Transformer
block but with replacing the CNN ResNet and de-
coder blocks with those in the SalsaNext architec-
ture, use the self-supervision training with input re-
construction objective, use the pre-trained weights to
initialise the segmentation network except the batch
normalisation layers which are randomly initialised
and use Cross entropy loss plus the Lovasz-Softmax
loss as the semantic segmentation loss.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications