In conclusion, our work shows that machine learning
is capable of making a short-term prediction of the
OGTT glucose values. The outcomes of the study
may provide useful support to health care providers
in early detection of diabetes, making more informed
decisions for the prevention of serious consequences
and overall management of diabetes.
A limitation of this research paper is its small sam-
ple of historical OGTT data. Hence, to establish a
more accurate and reliable prediction model follow-
up OGTT data should be considered in the analysis.
As future work, we aim to evaluate the perfor-
mance of more regression models like Support Vector
Machine (SVM) and Neural Networks. Furthermore,
our purpose is to investigate the OGTT data from in-
dividuals diagnosed with either diabetes or IGT. Fi-
nally, it would be challenging to study the usefulness
of machine and/or deep learning on the same prob-
lem on elderly individuals, women with gestational
diabetes (de Wit et al., 2019) and, also emphasize the
shape of the OGTT glucose curves since the shape
has been used as a predictor of treatment outcomes
(Jagannathan et al., 2020).
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European Union’s H2020 research and innovation
programme SmartWork under grant agreement No
826343, SC1-DTH-03-2018 - Adaptive smart work-
ing and living environments supporting active and
healthy ageing and GATEKEEPER under grant
agreement No 857223, SC1-FA-DTS-2018-2020 -
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