Table 5: Statistics for the determinant of distress.
Mental distress Social distress Legal distress Medical distress Family distress Geometric mean
Mean 19.8 32.2 1.7 1.64 2.73 10.84 27.43 37.48 1.39 1.16 3.23 4.63
Std 28.6 41.4 1.73 1.68 11.24 32.2 34.9 55.67 1.44 0.79 2.36 4.5
Min 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
25% 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 9 1 1 1.61 1.94
50% 9 17 1 1 1 1 13 17 1 1 2.43 3.65
75% 21 40 1 1 1 1 37 37 1 1 3.92 5.12
Max 121 169 9 9 81 169 169 233 9 5 13.37 22.08
P-value 0.03 0.4 0.003 0.2 0.2 0.03
Our study is consistent with previous works but
provides more comprehensive review of different
interventions affecting the result of the treatment in
OTP (Malta, M., 2019; Carrell, D. S., 2019). In the
future, we’ll increase the sample size for the groups
to develop predictive models using the identified risk
In this study we explored the feasibility and
effectiveness of NLP strategy for identifying legal,
social, mental and medical determinates of health
along with source of distress rooted in family
environment from clinical narratives of patients with
opioid addiction, and then used this information to
find its impact on OTP outcomes. Five lexicons were
generated for all five determinants of distress. The
lexicons generated in this study combine standard
concepts and domain expert knowledge. To the best
of our knowledge this paper is the first one that
studies a comprehensive review of dimensions of
information extracted through NLP from the notes
taken by different authors in OTP and explores their
impact on the effectiveness of the treatment in OTP.
Our preliminary analysis showed that mental and
legal distress significantly impact the result of the
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