replace the 2 dimensions’ grids with a matrix that
contains all combinations in one selection. In the
categorical emotion annotation, some users suggested
that the emotions could be represented by emojis or
images, as they are quite pervasive nowadays; and
they confirmed the need for some adjustments in the
timeline zoom, influencing their optimal experience.
For continuous annotation they were unanimous
about the wheel is the most useful, satisfactory and
easy to use, and the SAM the least adequate with 2
values to input. Regarding gamification, users were
quite fond of the daily challenges and notifications,
then the scores and leaderboards. In particular,
someone mentioned getting motivated when
accessing the global leaderboard, as an incentive to
continue and annotate more movies.
For the future, in the ReView we want to make
possible for the users to compare their annotations
with other users and even with those of the movie
director or other relevant people in this context, like
the actors or movie experts. Also, adding annotation
by content would be a relevant perspective, allowing
to find out, for example, the emotional impact of
scenes with screams, I hate/love you declarations or
specific music moods. For gamification, an
administration profile would enrich and ease creating
new achievements and daily challenges.
We believe that these emotional features could be
a service for everyone interested in movies and in
contributing with their annotations, while increasing
emotional awareness about the movies they watch
over time, and keeping the ones they treasure the most.
This work was partially supported by FCT
through funding of the AWESOME project,
ref. PTDC/CCI/ 29234/2017, and LASIGE Research
Unit, ref. UIDB/00408/2020.
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