A System for Remote Monitoring of Pregnant Women's Health State
and Pregnancy Complications Prediction
Inna Korneeva
, Kristina Kramar
, Evgeniia Semenova
and Zafar Yuldashev
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", 5, Professora Popova St., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: Remote Monitoring, Instrumental Methods, Complex of Biomedical Signals and Indicators, Assessment of
the Current State, Dynamics Analysis, Short-Term Predicting, Pregnancy Complication.
Abstract: The development results of the system for remote monitoring of pregnant women's health state and pregnancy
complications prediction are discussed. A set of diagnostically significant indicators has been substantiated
and formed to assess the current state, monitoring and control of pregnant women health and prediction of
pregnancy complications. Four groups of indicators showing the functioning of cardiovascular and endocrine
systems of the body, biochemical urine indicators, and indicators taking into account subjective assessment
of the pregnancy course have been identified. To assess these indicators, a set of biomedical signals is
proposed, signal acquisition tools and an automated questionnaire of a pregnant woman was suggested
according to experts’ recommendations. A method for forming an integral assessment by groups of indicators,
considering the risk of pregnancy complications and weight of a diagnostically significant indicator, and a
method for short-term predicting of pregnancy complications based on the dynamics analysis of various
groups of integral indicators are developed. An experimental sample of the system was developed and its
individual functions were clinically tested in order to assess the correctness of the proposed solutions. The
results of the approbation are discussed.
The problem of remote health monitoring has become
very important for pregnant women due to the
negative impact of viral diseases on the course of
pregnancy. Against the background of the risks of
pregnancy complications due to existing chronic non-
infectious diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes,
chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, in the
context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the risks of
pregnancy complications increase sharply (Villar et
al, 2021). The combined impact of negative factors
has caused increased maternal mortality in almost all
countries of the world. This trend has especially
intensified in countries with a high incidence of
Covid-19. The WHO statistics show the increase in
maternal mortality in a number of countries up to 30%
(Yap et al, 2020). Under the current conditions, the
most effective way to reduce maternal mortality is to
use remote monitoring of pregnant women's health
state outside a medical institution and prediction of
pregnancy complications for emergency medical care
(Ryu et al, 2021; Hema et al, 2020). The remote
dynamics monitoring of a pregnant women's health
state using instrumental methods and tools and an
automated questionnaire designed to quantify the
dynamics of subjective feelings of a pregnant woman
about her state of health, allows identifying negative
trends in the health state of a pregnant woman and
predicting pregnancy complications in the short term.
The study objective is to develop instrumental
methods and system structure for remote monitoring
of a pregnant women's health state outside a medical
institution in conditions of active life and predicting
pregnancy complications.
The tasks of the study are as follows:
1. Justification and selection of a set of
diagnostically significant indicators and signs
Korneeva, I., Kramar, K., Semenova, E. and Yuldashev, Z.
A System for Remote Monitoring of Pregnant Women’s Health State and Pregnancy Complications Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0011011500003123
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2022) - Volume 1: BIODEVICES, pages 306-314
ISBN: 978-989-758-552-4; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
showing the health state and the course of
2. Justification and selection of a complex of
biomedical signals required for the assessment
of diagnostically significant indicators, methods
of their acquisition and registration in remote
monitoring conditions outside the medical
3. Development of a method for remote
monitoring of pregnancy and complications
4. Justification and development of the structure of
the remote monitoring system and prediction of
pregnancy complications;
5. Clinical approbation of methods for recording
signals outside a medical institution and
predicting health state conditions using an
experimental sample of the developed system.
Methods and materials of the study. To assess,
monitor and control pregnant women's current health
state, instrumental research methods were used with
small-sized portable devices: a biochemical analyzer
for evaluating 11 urine indicators, a device for
assessing blood sugar levels, an automatic
coagulometer, a blood pressure meter, a spirometer
and a pulse oximeter. When monitoring and
controlling the health state of a pregnant woman and
predicting the risk of pregnancy complications, the
assessment frequency of the current health state was
determined based on the significant indicators
dynamics. To ensure high accuracy of the short-term
prognosis of pregnancy complications, the trend
equations of indicators were determined, after each
next stage of assessing the current state, the trend
equation was corrected. The experimental
approbation of the proposed methods and remote
monitoring system was carried out under the
supervision of doctors with the involvement of
patients who were at risk of pregnancy complications.
2.1 Justification and Selection of a Set
of Diagnostically Significant Health
State Indicators
To carry out remote monitoring of a pregnant
women's health state and predict pregnancy
complications, a number of diagnostically significant
indicators of the state of vital body systems were
selected, changes in which primarily signal the
presence of pathological processes in the pregnant
woman's body. These indicators were selected
considering the opinion of practicing specialists in the
field of obstetrics and gynecology.
After studying of a pregnant women's health state
parameters which must be monitored during
pregnancy, a set of diagnostically significant
indicators was formed. They can be divided into four
1. The first group includes information about the
health of a pregnant woman, parameters of her
body, information about bad habits, allergic
reactions, past illnesses, family and obstetric
and gynaecological history. This information is
necessary in order the doctor has a general
vision about the health of a pregnant woman and
characteristics of her body. This knowledge will
make it possible to conduct pregnancy more
effectively, consider cause-and-effect
relationships, as well as prescribe medications,
considering all characteristics of the patient.
2. The second group includes the results of
analytical studies. Conducting a biochemical
blood test allows to detect health disorders at an
early stage. The key indicators are the level of
haemoglobin, platelets, leukocytes, glucose and
the level of blood clotting. These indicators help
to identify such common diseases in pregnant
women as anaemia, thrombosis, and gestational
diabetes mellitus. It is also extremely important
to conduct a biochemical analysis of urine
which allows determining the level of protein in
the urine (Korneeva, 2021). Proteinuria is one of
the symptoms of such a dangerous disease as
preeclampsia, which is associated with high
maternal and perinatal mortality. Also, the
biochemical analysis of urine determines the
level of glucose, bilirubin, leukocytes, and
relative density of biological fluids. These
indicators contribute to the early identification
of other dangerous diseases and clarify
(supplement) the results of a biochemical blood
3. The third group includes indicators obtained
during instrumental studies of the functional
state of the main body systems. First of all, it is
necessary to monitor the dynamics of changes in
the performance of the cardiovascular system.
During pregnancy, significant changes occur in
the cardiovascular system, its load increases
significantly, therefore it is necessary to monitor
the reaction of blood vessels and the heart,
especially in the case of various cardiovascular
diseases before pregnancy. Blood pressure and
A System for Remote Monitoring of Pregnant Women’s Health State and Pregnancy Complications Prediction
heart rate measurements are used for daily
monitoring, and if deviations are detected,
extended ECG studies are performed to make a
diagnosis (Semenova et al, 2020). Due to the
increase in oxygen demand, the load on the
respiratory system also increases; this justifies
the need to monitor the dynamics of the
respiratory system state, primarily the lungs
vital capacity. Together with the study of
functional state indicators of the respiratory
system, it is necessary to register the oxygen
level in the patient's blood, since its decrease is
one of the main symptoms of an ongoing
infectious disease. In addition, it is necessary to
monitor the body temperature of a pregnant
woman, since its increase is an adverse
symptom that may indicate the onset of
4. The fourth group includes indicators of a
pregnant women's current health state, which
cannot be quantified using medical devices.
Monitoring of these indicators is necessary
when the results of an instrumental examination
do not reveal conditions that threaten life and
health of a pregnant woman, although she draws
the doctor's attention to a feeling of discomfort.
To eliminate uncertainty in such situations, the
doctor tries to assess the subjective feelings of
the pregnant woman's condition. An example of
such indicators is the degree of swelling, which
may be a sign of thrombosis or preeclampsia,
the severity of toxicosis and the presence of
gynaecological discharge, which may be a
symptom of miscarriage.
The selected set of diagnostically significant
indicators and signs will be used for the integral
assessment of a pregnant women's health state, it will
help to identify the presence of diseases in the early
stages and predict pregnancy complications.
2.2 Justification and Selection of a
Complex of Biomedical Signals
Necessary for the Assessment of
Diagnostically Significant
To form a complex of diagnostically significant
indicators characterizing a pregnant women's current
health state, data from analytical and instrumental
studies are required.
Analytical studies in the clinic include the
assessment of the biochemical studies complex of the
blood and urine of a pregnant woman. During the
research, the presence of markers of various pregnancy
complications is analyzed, as well as the risks are
calculated. In the conditions of remote monitoring, it is
possible to conduct express analysis of biochemical
parameters, namely: general biochemical analysis of
urine by dry chemistry, as well as analysis of blood
glucose, analysis of blood clotting indicators based on
coagulometry. Analytical studies are used primarily to
assess metabolic processes in the body and to identify
disorders at early stages.
Instrumental research methods are used to assess
the functional state of the main body systems of a
pregnant woman. To assess the functional state of the
cardiovascular system, a multifunctional wearable
heart monitor is used, which provides the acquisition
and registration of the ECG signal, blood pressure
monitoring. It is used to assess the heart rate and heart
rate variability at different levels of physical activity,
the dynamics of blood pressure. A portable spirometer
and pulse oximeter are used to study the state of the
respiratory system. They provide an assessment of
characteristics of the respiratory cycle and the
dynamics of blood oxygen saturation. The assessment
of the endocrine system state is based on glucose levels
in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman and their
comparison with reference indicators.
An important condition when choosing measuring
channels and technical means for implementation of
measurements is their compliance with the standards
to the equipment for the provision of medical services
in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology, which are
regulated by regulatory documents, the certificate
availability of state registration of a medical device
on the territory of the country.
In accordance with the requirements, the
following medical devices are used in the measuring
-portable biochemical urine analyzer;
-portable biochemical blood clotting analyzer;
-portable heart monitor with automatic tonometer;
-portable spirometer and pulse oximeter;
-portable blood glucose meter.
The listed devices together provide monitoring
and control of a pregnant women's health state
according to the indicators listed above.
2.3 Development of a Method for
Remote Monitoring of Pregnancy
and Complications Predicting
Remote monitoring and control of a pregnant women's
health state is carried out by periodically taking and
registering biomedical signals and data outside the
RMHM 2022 - Special Session on Remote Management and Health Monitoring
medical institution, assessing the current condition of a
pregnant woman by groups of diagnostically
significant indicators showing the state of
cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems,
biochemical indicators and markers of specific
complications of pregnancy. Additionally, the
assessment of the health state dynamics of a pregnant
woman is carried out using an automated questionnaire
developed on the basis of the approved form of a
pregnant woman examination recommended by
medical experts (Kramar et al, 2021).
Monitoring of a pregnant women's health state is
carried out using the adaptive sampling method. The
method consists in changing the frequency of data
collection and subsequent assessment of the
condition, based on the dynamics analysis of a
complex of diagnostically significant health
indicators, as well as the combined manifestation of
signs of pregnancy complications (Adaptive
sampling. US patent US2011/0066053A1). As soon
as any of the monitored indicators reaches the norm
limit it must be carefully monitored and the time
intervals between successive measurements should
be shortened. This approach is used to correct the
trend equation in a timely manner and ensure high
accuracy in predicting pregnancy complications.
Algorithms for processing the received data and
subsequent assessment of the current state and
dynamics monitoring of the pregnant woman's
condition are based on the use of distributed signal
processing technology. The first part of calculations
is performed on a pregnant woman's wearable
computer (smartphone), which is an aggregator of
biomedical signals recorded from the patient from
various sources of acquisition and registration of
biomedical signals and data. The pregnant woman's
wearable computer structures information and
transmits it to the server of a medical institution. The
second part of calculations related to the assessment
of the patient's current condition, monitoring and
control of the health state, and predicting pregnancy
complications is performed on the server of the
medical institution, and the results are transmitted to
the wearable computer of the doctor in charge.
To assess the current health state of a pregnant
woman the significance of each indicator is
preliminarily assessed according to a set of
diagnostically significant indicators. To do this, the
method of hierarchy analysis is used, which consists in
a hierarchical representation of a group of indicators
that determine the health state of a pregnant woman.
The decomposition of each group of indicators into
simpler components is performed, i.e. into point
indicators, and further pairwise comparison of specific
medical indicators by a specialist in obstetrics and
gynaecology. As a result, the relative intensity of the
indicators interaction in the hierarchy is expressed
numerically, i.e. the influence of each indicator on
general health of a pregnant woman is indicated. The
chosen method has high universality, it is easy to use
but it requires deep involvement of experts in solving
the problem, which reduces the likelihood of errors
when using this method.
The algorithm for calculating weight coefficients
using the hierarchy analysis method consists of the
following steps (Schmidt et al, 2015):
1. Formation of goals hierarchy. A hierarchy is
formed, the top of which is the goal to be
achieved, or the essence of the problem. In our
case, the top of the hierarchy is the assessment of
a pregnant women's health state. The following
levels present criteria that directly affect the
achievement of the goal, i.e. groups of
diagnostically significant indicators and specific
indicators included in these groups.
2. Pairwise comparison of indicators by importance.
For comparison, a ten-level scale of relative
importance of elements is used, with the help of
which the expert alternately compares the
significance of each indicator relative to the
3. Calculation of local priority vectors. At this stage
of the calculation, a preliminary conclu-sion is
made about which of indicators is the most
significant for assessing the health state.
4. Checking the consistency of local priorities. At
this stage, the consistency ratio (CR) is
calculated. If CR > 0.1, it is stated that the expert's
judgments, on the basis of which the comparison
of indicators was carried out, are inconsistent,
which means that the second comparison should
be carried out. Otherwise, the expert's judgments
are accepted and the weight coefficients obtained
in paragraph 3 are used for further operation of
the algorithm.
Thus, it is possible to calculate the weight
coefficients of each diagnostically significant indicator
and assess their impact on the current health state of a
pregnant woman. The complex consisting of more than
30 diagnostically significant indicators is used for an
integral assessment of the pregnant woman health
According to the described method, the weights of
the first hierarchy level of diagnostically significant
indicators were calculated, i.e. the influence of each
group of daily monitored indicators on the health of a
pregnant woman was evaluated (Table 1).
A System for Remote Monitoring of Pregnant Women’s Health State and Pregnancy Complications Prediction
Table 1: Weight coefficients of the top level of the hierarchy.
Top level Fetal
Nausea and
Fetal movements 1 3 1 3 1 0,27
Physiological indicators 1/3 1 1/3 3 1/3 0,12
Painful syndrome 1 3 1 5 1 0,29
Nausea and vomiting 1/3 1/3 1/5 1 1/3 0,06
Pathological secretions 1 3 1 3 1 0,26
CR = 0,02
The obtained values of the weight coefficients are
used in the automated questionnaire for the integral
assessment of a pregnant women's health state.
To monitor the current health state of a pregnant
woman, it is necessary to consistently compare the
values of each monitored indicator with the norm
level and, if the value of the controlled indicator
exceeds the critical level, send an alarm signal to the
doctor. A decision tree is used to form rules for
comparing the values of diagnostically significant
indicators with threshold levels. The decision tree is
a decision support tool used to identify logical
patterns in data. The rule by which the decision tree
functions in the trivial case is represented as "If A,
then B". If there is more than one condition in the rule,
then it takes the following form:
"If <condition 1> <condition> <condition n>,
then <objective function>"
Moving along the tree from the upper level to the
lower one, it is possible to determine the logical rules
of the system functioning. This method was chosen
due to the simplicity of its use and interpretation,
since making a decision using a decision tree repeats
the logic of a doctor when making a diagnosis.
A fragment of the decision tree, which is used in
the daily assessment of a pregnant women's health
state is shown in Fig. 1.
If any indicator exceeds the value of the "norm",
this indicator is classified as "pathology" (marked in
red) and is included in the report on the current health
state of a pregnant woman, which will be sent to the
attending physician along with an alarm. If the
indicator deviates slightly from the norm or the
indicator value is found on the norm-pathology
border, it is marked in yellow, a report on the current
state of health is also sent to the attending physician.
In this case, close monitoring of the health status of a
pregnant woman is required, repeated verification of
this indicator after a while and consultation with the
attending physician via cellular communication. If all
indicators correspond to normal values, a pregnant
women's current health state is classified as "normal",
the generated report with the current values of
indicators is stored in the database and can be
obtained by the attending physician upon request.
Figure 1: Part of the decision tree used in the daily
assessment of a pregnant women's health state.
Pain in the lower
Vomiting (times a
Body temperature
Signs of SARS Signs of SARS
o Yes
5-10 <5
RMHM 2022 - Special Session on Remote Management and Health Monitoring
To predict the dynamics of a pregnant women's
health state, the method of analyzing a time series of
states based on the construction of a trend equation is
used. Predicting is based on the assumption that the
development pattern observed in the past will
continue in the predicted future. At the same time, the
level of the time series is formed under the influence
of many factors, but the influence of each of them is
not singled out separately. In this case, the
development trend is not related to the factor, but to
the time period. Predicting is carried out by groups of
indicators. Before you start predicting, you need to
make sure that the data are normalized. Next, an
extrapolation procedure is carried out, that is, an
extension for the future of the trend observed in the
past. Further, by substituting the prediction period
into the trend equation, a point estimation of the
prediction is obtained at a specific time in the future,
and the boundaries of a possible change in the
prediction indicator are determined. The prediction
result is also sent to the doctor, in addition to the main
report on the patient's current condition.
2.4 Justification and Development of
the Structure of the Remote
Monitoring System and Prediction
of Pregnancy Complications
For remote monitoring of a pregnant woman's health
state and prediction of pregnancy complications, the
system presented in Figure 2 is proposed.
The structure of the system consists of several
levels (Yuldashev et al, 2017). At the first level,
biomedical signals and data are collected and
recorded outside the medical institution, providing a
comprehensive assessment of the current state of the
body on the principles of systemic medicine. At the
same time, data is collected on more than 30
indicators, including indicators of the functioning of
various body systems, such as the cardiovascular and
endocrine systems, the respiratory system, as well as
data from biochemical studies showing the dynamics
of biochemical parameters of urine and blood
clotting. At this stage, it becomes possible to identify
individual features of the functioning of the body at
all stages of pregnancy with the combined
manifestation of various chronic diseases and
exposure to external pathogens.
At the second level, information about the current
health state of a pregnant woman is structured,
considering the degree of diagnostic significance of
indicators, correction of individual norm indicators,
considering the combined manifestation of several
factors of exacerbation of the disease, and a
formalized description of a pregnant women's health
state is compiled based on a set of diagnostically
significant indicators. If necessary, biomedical
signals received from measuring channels are pre-
processed. The complex of diagnostically significant
indicators is divided into groups according to the
level of importance.
Structuring of information at the second level of
the system is carried out in order to present it to the
doctor in a form convenient for subsequent analysis
and to reduce the level of medical error. Using of the
automated questionnaire allows to quantify the
dynamics of the pregnant woman's condition. The
data of the automated survey of a pregnant woman
consist of both rank variables showing her feelings
about the signs of pregnancy, which cannot be
quantified, and quantitative variables obtained using
instrumental means. In the process of processing
the results of an automated survey, rank variables
are converted into quantitative ones using methods
of qualimetry, and an integral self-assessment of
the state is formed (Mabikwa et al, 2017).
Figure 2: Generalized structure of the system for remote monitoring of pregnant women's health state.
Portable medical
Level №2
Level №3
Level №1
Level №4
Channel GSM
Registration of
iomedical si
Assessment of a pregnant
s health indicators
-term monitorin
and predicting of health state
Making a decision by a
A System for Remote Monitoring of Pregnant Women’s Health State and Pregnancy Complications Prediction
This quantitative assessment is necessary solely to
reflect the dynamics of the health status of a pregnant
woman in some metric scale. The answers obtained
allow the doctor to assess the subjective state of the
pregnant woman, which is an important diagnostic
sign of a number of diseases, since in some cases it is
impossible to fix the presence of pathology with the
help of available tools.
To predict the dynamics of the condition and the
possible development of pregnancy complications, a
trend line is preliminarily constructed, which allows
predicting the borderline state and the state of
complications of pregnancy, considering the
combination of the influence of factors aggravating
the complication of its course. Predicting is
performed by groups of diagnostically significant
indicators with a frequency sufficient to obtain
sufficient results.
It is known that for the state of the physiological
norm, biomedical indicators showing the processes
occurring in the human body describe oscillatory
processes (daily, weekly, monthly) within the
individual norm. It is characterized by lower and
upper boundaries. These processes can be described
by a set of harmonic functions, each of which will
describe the dynamics of indicators during the day,
week, month. When exposed to any factor that causes
a complication of the course of pregnancy, there will
be a trend in the dynamics of the indicator. It will
show the transition from the state of an individual
norm to a qualitatively new state. In the first
approximation, this trend can be described either by
an exponential dependence, in which the time
constant of the exponent will show the duration of the
transition process, or by a Taylor series describing the
trend dynamics function of a significant indicator.
The prognosis of complications of pregnancy is the
likely achievement of an undesirable state of health,
characterized by a set of indicators, for a certain
period of time. It is obvious that improving the
accuracy of the predict, if an undesirable trend of
significant indicators is detected, it is necessary to
reduce the time between the intervals of evaluating
the indicators of the current state. It will allow us to
estimate discrete values of trend dynamics and
derivatives of the Taylor series with greater accuracy.
When solving the problem under consideration, of
course, we are talking about a short-term predict for
several days, a maximum of a week. As the predict
time increases, the probability of reaching the
threshold values of the indicators will decrease.
2.5 Clinical Approbation of
Experimental Sample of the
Developed System
For experimental testing, a measuring channel was
selected that collects data on the dynamics of
biochemical parameters of urine. There are many
portable biochemical analyzers on the market that
allow you to conduct a general urine analysis at home.
For testing and subsequent inclusion in the hardware
and software complex, a portable analyzer was
selected that allows assessing the patient's health
status based on a set of 11 indicators:
1) glucose (GLU);
2) bilirubin (BIL);
3) relative density (SG);
4) pH;
5) ketone bodies (KET);
6) hidden blood (BLD);
7) protein (PRO);
8) urobilinogen (URO);
9) nitrites (NIT);
10) leukocytes (LEU);
11) ascorbic acid (VC).
To study the effectiveness of the device, as well
as to assess the accuracy of the results obtained (in
comparison with laboratory analysis) and the
feasibility of including the device in a remote
monitoring system, daily urine tests of a healthy
person were conducted for a month. Figure 3 shows a
summary graph of changes in the studied part of
indicators during the month.
Figure 3: Changes in the biochemical parameters of urine.
Based on the summary data, it is possible to
identify some patterns in the patient's health state. For
example, it can be seen that the levels of indicators
such as urobilinogen (URO), ketones (KET), glucose
(GLU), ascorbic acid (VC) and nitrates (NIT)
remained close to zero throughout the study. At the
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31
Indicators value
Analysis day
RMHM 2022 - Special Session on Remote Management and Health Monitoring
same time, the graph shows a jump in indicators such
as latent blood (BLD), protein (PRO), relative urine
density (SG) and urine pH. Outliers are observed for
five days, which corresponds to the period of critical
days in the subject. After the end of this period, the
indicators return to normal limits until the end of the
study. There is also a one-day outlier in the number
of white blood cells (LEU), which corresponds to the
recovery period after the introduction of the tested
vaccine against COVID-19 a day earlier.
In order to understand the degree of accuracy of a
separate study, a urine analysis of the subject was
conducted in parallel in the laboratory. Comparative
data of the analysis are given in Table 2.
Table 2: Comparative analysis of biochemical parameters
of urine.
Urine indicators Data from the
portable analyzer
Data from the
Urobilinogen <16 mkmol/l 10.7 mkmol/l
Hidden blood Negative Negative
Bilirubin Negative Negative
Ketone bodies 0 mmol/l 0.35 mmol/l
Leukocytes 0 1
Glucose Negative Negative
Protein Negative Negative
pH 5 4.9
Nitrites Negative Negative
Relative density 1.020 1.012
Ascorbic acid Negative Negative
Comparison of the results obtained using a
portable analyzer and a stationary analyzer in the
laboratory service allows us to identify minor
differences in three indicators: urobilinogen,
leukocytes and ketones. However, the differences in
them are insignificant and do not affect the overall
interpretation of the analysis results. Therefore,
diagnostics with the help of the analyzer under study
provides accuracy comparable to laboratory analysis.
The problem of remote monitoring of people's health
has become especially actual at the present time due
to many factors, including the spread of dangerous
viral diseases. Especially the changed living
conditions and the provision of medical care affected
pregnant women, greatly increasing the mortality rate
among the latter. The result of the study is a
generalized structure of the system that will allow
monitoring the condition of a pregnant woman
remotely, without reducing the quality of observation
and medical care using instrumental research
methods and an automated questionnaire. The
development of an experimental sample of a remote
monitoring system using certified portable devices
and medical systems has been carried out. Clinical
testing of measuring channels of the remote
monitoring system was carried out, its effectiveness
in remote monitoring conditions was proved. The
results obtained allow us to conclude that in the
conditions of isolation, self-isolation of a pregnant
woman, remote monitoring of a pregnant women's
health state and prediction of pregnancy
complications can solve the problem of monitoring
the health status of a pregnant woman and avoid
pregnancy complications. Certainly, such monitoring
and monitoring of a pregnant women's health state is
inferior in effectiveness if the patient were observed
in a clinic. There is no other alternative outside of
clinical conditions, and remote monitoring
technology should be further developed in the
direction of improving the quality of predicting
complications. The results of the study allow us to
summarize the experience of developing and using
remote monitoring systems for further development
of the technology.
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A System for Remote Monitoring of Pregnant Women’s Health State and Pregnancy Complications Prediction
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RMHM 2022 - Special Session on Remote Management and Health Monitoring