current ones. For example, the classifier may be
trained on a wider range of organizations rather than
just one. An improved classifier that can be used to
categorize equities from a variety of different firms
will be created as a consequence. A news headline's
certainty of feeling may also be improved. As a
consequence, the classifier will be able to provide
even better results.
An LSTM model's fundamental weakness is that
it relies largely on stepwise forecasts to anticipate a
time series. We showed in our example that we could
forecast the number of passengers flying at time t by
using the five prior data that we had. With an LSTM,
long-term forecasting may not work. The amount of
the data is also a concern. Like any other neural
network, an LSTM has to be trained on a huge
quantity of data (Lu, et al, 2019). In spite of this, the
RMSE as calculated throughout the test data was still
not too high.
In the next few years, ResNet appeared. ResNet is
a residual network, which means to train a deeper
model. In 2016, a team of researchers from Microsoft
Asia Research Institute used an amazing 152-layer
deep residual networks in the ImageNet Image
Recognition Challenge to obtain all three major
projects of image classification, image positioning,
and image detection with absolute advantage (Liu, et
al, 2018). After that, the Attention model appeared.
All large technology companies have replaced LSTM
and its variants with attention-based models. Because
LSTM requires more resources to train and run than
attention-based models (Zhu, et al, 2019).
In today's world, stock market forecasting has
become a major concern. In most cases, investments
are made on the basis of forecasts derived from
previous stock price data after taking into account all
relevant variables. This study's findings demonstrate
that the LSTM is superior to current models in
predicting future state variables. There's still a lot of
room for experimentation. For example, the classifier
may be trained on a wider range of organizations
rather than just one. An improved classifier that can
be used to categorize equities from a variety of
different firms will be created as a consequence. This
might aid in further refining the classifier to get more
precise results. With the use of data visualization, we
want to get a deeper understanding of this data so that
we can generate more accurate forecasts regarding
stock performance and risk value for specific stocks
as part of this project. This project makes extensive
use of the NumPy, Pandas, and Data Visualization
libraries. Long short-term memory was used to make
predictions about future stock values. It is feasible to
forecast stock market movements using
previous data,
as shown by the findings, where the Long short-term
memory approach was able to properly predict using
the historical data and the mean square error on the
test data is about 3. As seen in the picture, the model's
projected value is almost exactly in line with the real
value, demonstrating that it has a better training
impact than previously thought.
First of all, I am honored to participate in this research
project of Financial Analysis & The Capital Asset
Pricing Model. I also like professor Honigsber's
teaching style. Thank you very much for your patient
explanation and help during this period. After that, I
am very grateful to my teacher Alan in university for
teaching me to write models in Python language.
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