The Sales Prediction of Abctronics’ based on the Multi-factorial
Linear Model in Terms of Variance Inflation Factor
Zheming Cao
1,† a
and Sheng Luo
2,† b
Art & Science, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Rutgers Business School, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, U.S.A.
These authors contributed equally
Keywords: Multi-Factorial Linear Model, Inflation Factor, Linear Regression.
Abstract: To make the prediction of ABCtronics’ sales, the multi-factorial linear model is used. In terms of variance
inflation factor, a linear regression model can be set up by Minitab for us to analyze and predict the
ABCtronics’ sales. Based on the approach, the estimated multiple regression equation is derived for sales
volume with respect to total market demand, price per chip, and economic situation. According to the analysis,
the total market variable is not statistically significant at the 5% significance level. These results shed light
on processing a more precise prediction by using multi-factorial linear model in terms of variance inflation
ABCtronics is looking for avenues to improve its
manufacturing as well as quality control processes. In
a crucial quarterly review meeting, Jim Morris, the
chief operating officer (COO) of the Chip
Manufacturing Unit, is meeting with the quality
control, manufacturing, and marketing team to decide
the way forward (Irwin, Mcclelland, 2001). The case
provides the relevant data on the plant performance,
detailed description of its operating procedures,
quality control policies and issues currently faced at a
client site. In order to offer a precise prediction of
ABCtronics’ sales, we will use the multifactorial
linear regression and variance inflation factors to set
up and analysis the model. Some scholars have
discussed the multicollinearity illusion in moderated
regression analysis (Disatnik, Sivan, 2016). Numerous
papers in the fields of marketing and consumer
behavior that utilize moderated multiple regression
express concerns regarding the existence of a
multicollinearity problem in their analyses. In most
cases, however, as show in this paper, the perceived
multicollinearity problem is merely an illusion that
arises from misinterpreting high correlations between
a 0000-0002-4671-0927
b 0000-0002-6721-0200
independent variables and interaction terms (Becker,
Ringle, Sarstedt, Völckner, 2015) and a small sample
performance of the Wald test in the sample selection
model under the multicollinearity problem (Andrews,
Brusco, Currim, Davis, 2010). This paper reviews and
extends the literature on the finite sample behavior of
tests for sample selection bias. According to previous
analysis, the standard regression-based t-test and the
asymptotically efficient Lagrange Multiplier test, are
robust to nonnormality but have very little power
(Kalnins, 2018). There are some miss leadings of
multiple regression models were discussed.
Moderated multiple regression models allow the
simple relationship between the dependent variable
and an independent variable to depend on the level of
another independent variable. The moderated
relationship, often referred to as the interaction, is
modeled by including a product term as an additional
independent variable. Multiple regression models not
including a product term are widely used and well
understood. It is argued that researchers have derived
from this simpler type of multiple regression several
data analysis heuristics that, when inappropriately
generalized to moderated multiple regression, can
result in faulty interpretations of model coefficients
and incorrect statistical analyses.
Cao, Z. and Luo, S.
The Sales Prediction of ABCtronics’ based on the Multi-factorial Linear Model in Terms of Variance Inflation Factor.
DOI: 10.5220/0011194700003440
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management (BDEDM 2022), pages 587-591
ISBN: 978-989-758-593-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on the theoretical arguments and
constructed data sets, previous literature has discussed
heuristics, discuss how they may easily be misapplied,
and suggest some good practices for estimating,
testing, and interpreting regression models that
include moderated relationships (Yamagata, 2006). In
order to figure out the collinearity impacts on mixture
regression result, we collect some statement form
Becker and Ringle. Mixture regression models are an
important method for uncovering unobserved
heterogeneity. A fundamental challenge in their
application relates to the identification of the
appropriate number of segments to retain from the
data. Prior research has provided several simulation
studies that compare the performance of different
segment retention criteria.
Although collinearity be- tween the predictor
variables is a common phenomenon in regression
models, its effect on the performance of these criteria
has not been analyzed thus far. We address this gap in
research by examining the performance of segment
retention criteria in mixture regression models
characterized by systematically increased collinearity
levels. The results have fundamental implications and
provide guidance for using mixture regression models
in empirical (marketing) studies (Yamagata, Orme,
2005). Based on some of their theories, we will use
multi-factorial linear regression and variance inflation
factors to predict ABCtroncs’ sales. First, we will
calculate date using Minitab and displayed in the
original formula, e.g., multiple linear regression.
Subsequently, a regression model is applied for
ABCtronics’ sales and carry out the analysis based on
the software Minitab. The regression model test is
widely available and has been used in many
investigational studies. Traditionally, simple linear
regression has been assessed by measuring.
Subsequently, the reasons attributed to the prediction
of ABCtronics are analyzed and the approach to
predict it will also be demonstrated. Finally, the future
usage of the opinions in the paper is demonstrated as
well as the application.
The research method is a simple linear regression
model for ABCtronics sales based on the analysis
software Minitab. The regression model test is widely
available and has been used in many investigational
studies. Traditionally, a simple linear regression has
been assessed by measuring.
𝑋 + 𝜀,𝜀~ 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙
0, 𝜎
We include the expected term with a normal
distribution to improve the estimate. The simple
linear regression model only explains the slight
change in sales volume, which makes us doubt
whether the model is enough to be a good forecast.
Multiple regression models that do not include
product terms are widely used and understood.
Scholars believe that this simple multiple regression
led to some data analysis heuristics. Moderately
improper expansion of these heuristics in multiple
regressions can lead to misinterpretation of model
coefficients and inaccurate statistical analysis. In this
case, it is necessary to consider multiple regression
models. The main difference between simple linear
regression and multiple linear regression is the
number of independent variables. We decided first to
use all three variables to run the multiple regression
models X1, X2, X3 with the following regression
+𝜀,𝜀~ 𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙
0, 𝜎
Becker et al. claimed that it is usually assumed
that the regression coefficients are constant (Becker,
Ringle, Sarstedt, Völckner 2015). Besides, the same
regression equation is sufficient to describe all
members of the population. Under normal
circumstances, this assumption of similar data
structures does not hold. If not fully explained, non-
uniformity can lead to inaccurate results and
preliminary conclusions. Before drawing conclusions
about the comparison between the two models, the
final step is to test for multicollinearity. If there is
multicollinearity in the latest multiple regression
model, it fails. We test for multicollinearity by
calculating the VIF variance inflation factor, which
indicates the correlation between the two independent
Numeric publications in the fields of marketing
and consumer behavior that use mitigated multiple
regression raise concerns about the existence of
multicollinearity issues in analysis. However, in most
cases, as shown in this paper, the perceived
multicollinearity problem is merely an illusion
resulting from a misunderstanding of the high
correlation between the independent variable and the
interaction term. In order to obtain multiple
regression model and simple regression model, VIF,
the Minitab software is utilized to perform
calculations and analysis.
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
3.1 Simple Linear Regression
The regression result of simple linear regression is
given as Eq. (4) and Tables. I~III:
𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 0.753 + 0.00614 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑
Table 1: Coefficients- Simple Linear Regression.
Term Coef SE Coef
Constant 0.753 0.779 0.97 0.362
0.00614 0.00344 1.79 0.112 1.00
Table 2: Model Summary- Simple Linear Regression.
S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.833884 28.50% 19.56% 0.00%
Table 3: Analysis of Variance- Simple Linear Regression.
Source DF
Regression 1 2.217 2.2171 3.19 0.112
1 2.217 2.2171 3.19 0.112
Error 8 5.563 0.6954
Total 9 7.780
In Table II, R
shows that only 28.5% of the
variation in the sales volume is explained by this
regression model. Then the estimated multiple linear
regression equation of sales volume on overall market
demand, price per chip, and economic condition are
3.2 Multiple Linear Regression
Table 4: Coefficients- Multiple Linear Regression.
Term Coef
Constant 8.86 1.35 6.57 0.001
-0.00524 0.00258 -2.03 0.089 3.27
Price Per
-5.505 0.881 -6.25 0.001 2.54
1.130 0.342 3.30 0.016 2.44
Table 5: Model Summary- Multiple Linear Regression.
S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.346274 90.75% 86.13% 72.75%
Table 6: Analysis of Variance - Multiple Linear Regression.
Source DF Adj SS
Regression 3 7.0606 2.3535 19.63 0.002
1 0.4930 0.4930 4.11 0.089
Price Per
1 4.6786 4.6786 39.02 0.001
1 1.3089 1.3089 10.92 0.016
Error 6 0.7194 0.1199
Total 9 7.7800
𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 8.86 − 0.00524𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑡 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑
− 5.505 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒
+ 1.130 𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (5)
The regression result of mutiple linear regression is
given in Eq. (7) and Tables. IV-VI. For Table IV, the
p-value of overall market demand is only 0.089,
which is not statistically significant, i.e., one needs to
perform another regression.
3.3 Regression Analysis on Price and
Table 7: Coefficients- Analysis on Price and Condition.
Term Coef
Constant 6.452 0.766 8.42 0.000
Price Per
0.680 -6.08 0.001 1.05
0.606 0.269 2.25 0.059 1.05
Table 8: Model Summary- Analysis on Price and
S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
0.416172 84.42% 79.96% 64.42%
The regression analysis results of the price and
condition are given in Eq. (6) and Table VII.
The Sales Prediction of ABCtronics’ based on the Multi-factorial Linear Model in Terms of Variance Inflation Factor
𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 6.452 − 4.136 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑒
+ 0.606 𝐸𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (6)
For more accuracy, we use adjusted 𝑅
in Table
VIII. The adjusted 𝑅
tells you the percentage of
variation explained by only the independent variables
that actually affect the dependent variable.
3.4 Test Multicollinearity
Table 9: Coefficients- Test Multicollinearity.
Term Coef
Constant 6.452 0.766 8.42 0.000
Price Per
-4.136 0.680 -6.08 0.001 1.05
0.606 0.269 2.25 0.059 1.05
In Table XI, the VIF of Price Per Chip is 1.05 which
is VIF (X2, X3) <5. Hence, there is no
multicollinearity. Comparing the two results, it can be
seen that Multiple Linear Regression is better than the
simple linear regression model used by ABCtronics.
ABCtronics uses a simple linear regression model to
forecast sales volume based on aggregate market
demand. For example, according to a regression
model, we take aggregate demand in the market as an
independent variable. Y = 𝞫+ 𝞫₁X + 𝛆, 𝛆 ~ normal
(0, 𝛔²). Here, we include the error term of the normal
distribution for estimation accuracy. According to the
evaluation from Minitab, the estimated parameters for
𝞫and 𝞫along with the estimated linear regression
equations. The model summary of the two values
shows that only 28.5% of sales fluctuations are the
cause. This volume regression model explains why it
makes us wonder if this model is sufficient for good
predictions. Yao, & Li argued that linear regression
varies from normal linear regression in that it models
the conditional mean (Yao, Li, 2014). To address this
issue, we need to consider the multiple regression
model proposed by the SMT intern. The main
difference between simple regression and multiple
regression is the number of independent variables.
Here, in Table III, we first run a multiple regression
model using all three variables, and to simplify it,
ABCtronics sales volume Y, total market demand X1,
price per chip X2, and economic situation X3 are
shown, respectively. The corresponding model used
is Y = 𝞫+ 𝞫₁X₁ + 𝞫₂X₂ + 𝞫₃X₃ + 𝛆, 𝛆 ~ Normal (0,
𝛔²). Minitab is utilized to regress on X1 and X2,
including error terms. Therefore, the estimated
multiple regression equation for sales volume with
respect to total market demand, price per chip, and
economic situation.
Horssen et al. denotes that prediction ranges
derived from logistic regression model predictions
when uncertainties in explanatory variables and
uncertainty in regression coefficients are considered
(van Horssen, Pebesma, Schot 2002). To make a more
rigorous estimate of the economic situation, we look
further at the statistical significance of each
independent variable, including the p-value, and level
5% of significance. It is verified again to ensure that
the p-value for the market-wide concept is 0.089,
which is greater than 5%. To sum up, we find that the
total market variable is not statistically significant at
the 5% significance level. Before proceeding to
rebuild the multiple regression model, analysis claim
why chose 5% as the standard. One can also find the
p-value for total market demand from the previous
simple linear regression model. This simple model
gives a p-value of 0.112. A market-wide term is
defined as not statistically significant, not to mention
the 5% level, even if the significance level is 10%.
This may work for higher levels of significance, but
overall accuracy makes it less likely to select too high
level of significance for each model. Therefore, if one
omits the demand period, the multiple regression
model to is able to estimate sales volume more
accurately. The modified equation regresses only the
price per chip and the economic situation, and the
equation becomes Eq. (6).
This model uses adjusted 𝑅
, and the summary is
as follows. Approximately 79.96% of sales volume
fluctuations are explained by this regression model.
This is much higher than the data obtained from a
simple regression model. The final step before
concluding the contrast between the two models is to
test multicollinearity. Yamagata and Orme indicate
that when the “multicollinearity problem” is severe,
the t-test based on the Heckman–Greene variance
estimator can be unreliable, but the Likelihood Ratio
test remains powerful, and nonnormality can be
interpreted by Maximum Likelihood methods as
severe sample selection bias, resulting in negative
Wald statistics (Yamagata, 2006). Arturs Kalnins
(Kalnins, 2018) states that even if the variables’ true
effects are minor and of the same sign, calculated beta
coefficients will trend to infinite magnitudes in
opposite directions if they are associated via an
unobservable common component. Diagnostics (e.g.,
VIF) can be used to falsely verify Type 1 mistakes as
genuine results. If the latest multiple regression
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
model has multicollinearity, it will fail. To test
multicollinearity, calculate the VIF variance factor.
This gives a correlation between the two independent
variables, which shows that it is 1.05, which is much
smaller than the limit line of 5. To sum up, there exists
no multicollinearity and we suggest using multiple
linear regression models proposed by STM interns
since it has stronger explanatory power. Takashi
Yamagata shows that the Maximum Likelihood (ML)
estimator is robust to such multicollinearity and can
produce a more reliable estimator in the same
circumstances (Yamagata, 2006).
The limitation of this sales forecasting study is
that the data in the study is not enough. There are only
40 customers in the sample, and there is no in-depth
investigation into the research data of a larger sa[ple
size. Compared with the regional vegetation models
presented in Ref. (van Horssen, Pebesma, Schot,
2002) are based on a database of 306 sample locations
throughout the area. The abundance of 78 wetland
plant species, as well as 21 environmental
characteristics, were recorded at Each location. The
sample of ABCtronics is insufficient. Additionally,
the time span of historical data is that there is not
enough new sales data for the period from 2004 to
2013, i.e., there will be slight differences in feedback
on the recent situation. For the analysis of sales data,
there is no specific analysis to the month, and the
evaluation is also a parameter for one year. This may
make people who need to know more specific to the
month feel that there is not enough detail.
In summary, we construct a model to predict
ABCtronics’ sales based on the Multiple Linear
Regression Model in terms of Variance Inflation
Factor with the analysis software Minitab. According
to the analysis, the model proposed by the SMT
interns predicts the sales figure better than the model
previously used by ABCtronics. ABCtronics use
simple linear regression with low R^2-low accuracy.
SIM interns propose multiple linear regression. Multi-
linear regression gives a more precise prediction --
suggest using this one. The significance of the results
is to help manufacturing companies make better sales
forecasts. Therefore, it turns out that we are unable to
solve for companies with large and complex data
sources. During the research, the multicollinearity
illusion in moderated regression analysis is discussed.
The perceived multicollinearity problem is merely an
illusion that arises from misinterpreting high
correlations between independent variables and
interaction terms. Moreover, based on Multi-linear
regression and VIF, a more accurate sales forecast can
be provided. It is also hoped that there will be more
models of predictions that can help companies make
decisions in the future. These results offer a guideline
for companies to fast respond to market conditions
promptly to adjust their sales strategies.
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The Sales Prediction of ABCtronics’ based on the Multi-factorial Linear Model in Terms of Variance Inflation Factor