model has multicollinearity, it will fail. To test
multicollinearity, calculate the VIF variance factor.
This gives a correlation between the two independent
variables, which shows that it is 1.05, which is much
smaller than the limit line of 5. To sum up, there exists
no multicollinearity and we suggest using multiple
linear regression models proposed by STM interns
since it has stronger explanatory power. Takashi
Yamagata shows that the Maximum Likelihood (ML)
estimator is robust to such multicollinearity and can
produce a more reliable estimator in the same
circumstances (Yamagata, 2006).
The limitation of this sales forecasting study is
that the data in the study is not enough. There are only
40 customers in the sample, and there is no in-depth
investigation into the research data of a larger sa[ple
size. Compared with the regional vegetation models
presented in Ref. (van Horssen, Pebesma, Schot,
2002) are based on a database of 306 sample locations
throughout the area. The abundance of 78 wetland
plant species, as well as 21 environmental
characteristics, were recorded at Each location. The
sample of ABCtronics is insufficient. Additionally,
the time span of historical data is that there is not
enough new sales data for the period from 2004 to
2013, i.e., there will be slight differences in feedback
on the recent situation. For the analysis of sales data,
there is no specific analysis to the month, and the
evaluation is also a parameter for one year. This may
make people who need to know more specific to the
month feel that there is not enough detail.
In summary, we construct a model to predict
ABCtronics’ sales based on the Multiple Linear
Regression Model in terms of Variance Inflation
Factor with the analysis software Minitab. According
to the analysis, the model proposed by the SMT
interns predicts the sales figure better than the model
previously used by ABCtronics. ABCtronics use
simple linear regression with low R^2-low accuracy.
SIM interns propose multiple linear regression. Multi-
linear regression gives a more precise prediction --
suggest using this one. The significance of the results
is to help manufacturing companies make better sales
forecasts. Therefore, it turns out that we are unable to
solve for companies with large and complex data
sources. During the research, the multicollinearity
illusion in moderated regression analysis is discussed.
The perceived multicollinearity problem is merely an
illusion that arises from misinterpreting high
correlations between independent variables and
interaction terms. Moreover, based on Multi-linear
regression and VIF, a more accurate sales forecast can
be provided. It is also hoped that there will be more
models of predictions that can help companies make
decisions in the future. These results offer a guideline
for companies to fast respond to market conditions
promptly to adjust their sales strategies.
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The Sales Prediction of ABCtronics’ based on the Multi-factorial Linear Model in Terms of Variance Inflation Factor