2.1 Industrial Regional Comparative
Advantage Index
Balassa, an American economist, put forward the
RCA index (Revealed Comparative Advantage Index)
in 1965. Reference the concept and connotation of
RCA index, and existing research results (Wang,
Zhang, 2018, Chen, et al., 2018, Zhang et al., 2018),
we constructed the industrial regional comparative
advantage index as follows:
DCAij=(Hij/Yi)/(Hj/Y) (1)
The above formula represents the ratio between
the share of industry j in region i in the regional total
output and the share of industry j in the national total
economic output. In the formula, DCAij Represents
the index of regional comparative advantage of
industry j in region i, Hij Represents the industrial
added value of industry j in region i, Hj Represents
industrial added value of China's J industry, Yi
Represents the gross domestic product of region i,
and Y represents the gross domestic product of China.
DCA and RCA have the same meaning, that is, when
DCA value is greater than 2.50, an industry has a
strong comparative advantage; when DCA value is
between 0.80 and 1.25, an industry has a medium
comparative advantage; when DCA value is below
0.8, it is at a comparative disadvantage.
2.2 Econometric Model of Industrial
Regional Comparative Advantage
There have been analysis and research on the
measurement of industrial comparative advantage,
most of which are based on Cobb-Douglas production
function to construct an econometric model to
analyze the influence of various factors such as labor
factors and capital factors on industrial comparative
advantage. For example, Liu Wei and Liu Guozhen
(2015) used Cobb-Douglas production function to
construct an econometric model of regional industrial
comparative advantage of labor, capital, foreign
capital and technological factors (Liu, Liu, 2015).
Zhang Yue et al. (2018) constructed an econometric
model of comparative advantage based on traditional
international trade theories such as Heckschel-Ohlin
(HO) theory and Porter's competitive advantage
theory (Zhang, et al., 2018).Wang Tuzhan and Zhang
Yue (2018) pointed out that technological level,
factor endowment, economies of scale,
agglomeration effect and institutional factors are all
important sources of explicit comparative advantage
of regional manufacturing (Wang, Zhang, 2018).
Based on Cobb-Douglas production function and
traditional international trade theories such as
Heckschel-Ohlin (HO) theory, and based on existing
research results, this paper establishes an econometric
model of industrial regional comparative advantage
based on the sources of traditional comparative
advantage including capital, labor and technological
progress, as follows:
DCAit =a +αLit+βKit+γTEit +ξi (2)
The model represents the driving factors of the
regional comparative advantage of i industry in period
t, and ξ represents other disturbances. The model
mainly investigates the influence of each driving
factor on the change of industrial location comparative
advantage, Kit is the index of capital factor, indicating
the capital input of i industry in period t. Lit is the
labor factor index, indicating the annual labor input of
industry i in period t. Technical factor index TEit is
the change of the technological level of i industry in
period t. This paper uses the method of total labor
productivity for technical factor to comprehensively
reflect the relative level of the regional manufacturing
industry and the production technology, operation and
management, technical proficiency and labor
enthusiasm of the employees in all local industries
(Wang and Zhang 2018, Zhang et al. 2018, Liu and
Liu 2015).
The sample data is from the "China Statistical
Yearbook", "China Industrial Economic Statistical
Yearbook" and "Chongqing Statistical Yearbook"
over the years. The selected manufacturing sub
industries are selected according to the national
economic industry classification standard of the
National Bureau of Statistics of China, and 25
manufacturing sub industries are selected according to
the availability of data. The statistical data of each
manufacturing sub industry is from the statistical data
of industrial enterprises above designated size from
2008 to 2018. From the collected data of
manufacturing sub industries in Chongqing, there is
only statistical data of transportation equipment
manufacturing industry from 2008 to 2011, while
from 2012 to 2018, it is divided into two industries,
namely automobile manufacturing industry and
railway, ship aerospace and other transportation
equipment manufacturing industry, in order to unify
data analysis, the data from 2012 to 2018 is integrated