Impact of Climate Change on Energy Relations in Agroecosystems
Sergiy Sonko
, Nadiya Maksymenko
, Daria Shiyan
, Nadiia Cherkashyna
and Ivan Zozulia
Department of
Ecology and Safety of Vital Functions, Uman National University of Horticulture, 1, Institutional Str.,
Uman, Ukraine
Department of Environmental Monitoring and Protected Area, Karazin Institute of Environmental Sciences, V. N. Karazin
Kharkiv National University, Svobody sq. 6, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Department of Tourism and Economics, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Gagarin Avenue 54, Kryvyi Rih,
Department of English Language, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody sq. 4, 61022, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: Agroecosystem, Climate Change, Landscape Area, Soils, Arable Land, Agriculture, Fodder Crops, Grain
Crops, Coefficient, Crop Rotation.
Abstract: The paper considers formation mechanisms of material and energy flows as well as trophic relations in
agroecosystems in response to climate change. Based on the research of separate crop rotations in typical
farms, the authors found the regularity of commodity crops timing to field crop rotations (on sections of
watersheds), and fodder - to slopes as part of special crop rotations. In the course of the research, the authors
developed a method assessing the rational use of natural resources of the territory for fodder production,
created maps "Correlation between energy flows of producers and consumers", "Formation of energy flows
in agro-ecosystems" and "Deformation of energy relations in agro-ecosystems". The results prove that
formation of artificially supported agrophyto- and zoocenoses directly affects the spatial structure of agro-
landscapes. The article explores general strategy of rational agrolandscapes' formation in the conditions of
climate change, substantiating the list of forage plants adapted to arid climates.
Given that agriculture is the closest in terms of type
of material and energy relations to natural
ecosystems, the search for such forms of its
management (specialization) that would meet the
natural capabilities of a given area is probably the
main task to promote sustainable nature in
agriculture. And in recent years, the task is
complicated by destructive processes in the
geosphere of our planet, which are caused by global
climate change.This is best solved by an adaptive
approach, or a system of agricultural production,
which ensures maximum payback of biological
products of each unit of anthropogenic energy
introduced into the agro-ecosystem. Violation of the
adaptive approach leads to a significant increase in
the cost of agricultural products or in general to a
"zero effect" when introduced to new areas plants or
animals do not take root (examples: attempts to grow
corn far north of its distribution area, growing tea
bush in Transcarpathia, in the southern steppe of
History of agricultural development shows that
with the "compaction" of geographical space (due to
population growth), natural forage lands for cattle
fattening has become in short supply. That is why at
the turn of 19-20 centuries, the concept of "fodder
arable land" appeared in the structure of arable land.
(Sonko et al., 2019). In fact, the fodder arable land did
not exceed 15-20% at the beginning of
industrialization. Such values of this indicator, in our
opinion, determine the conditional limit from which
Sonko, S., Maksymenko, N., Shiyan, D., Cherkashyna, N. and Zozulia, I.
Impact of Climate Change on Energy Relations in Agroecosystems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011340400003350
In Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Congress Society of Ambient Intelligence (ISC SAI 2022) - Sustainable Development and Global Climate Change, pages 5-13
ISBN: 978-989-758-600-2
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
drastic anthropogenic transformation of natural
landscapes begins, reformatting energy relations in
agroecosystems. After all, according to the research
of well-known scientists, the consumers of the
biosphere (including domesticated) ones, should
receive no more than 1% of the total volume of energy
flow coming from the Sun to the planet's surface to
ensure biosphere sustainability.
Today, this figure is 10% (Arskiy et al., 1997).
The border between the steppe and the forest-steppe
has already shifted by 50-100 km to the north. This
will inevitably lead to the replacement of traditional
crops in the main grain wedge with drought-resistant
ones, and, consequently, a change in agricultural
specialization (Sonko et al., 2019).
A number of works have analyzed the "reaction"
of agriculture to climate change (Kovalova, 2001),
(Baliuk et al., 2021), (Basok and Bazieiev, 2020),
(Zakharova, 2019), (Melnichenko and Petrovskyi,
2020), (Bredikhina, 2020), (The World Bank, 2021),
(Duval et al., 2021), (Martin-Collado et al., 2019),
(Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, 2021).
They are mainly about soil resources and adaptation
of crop production to such changes. This is logical,
because producers in the biosphere account for more
than 98% of its total biomass, and plants are the first
to "react" to climate change. As for consumers, the
impact on them is "hidden" in complex trophic
relationships in populations of predators, herbivores,
and others. In agroecosystems, such relations are the
least tangible due to human regulation of material and
energy flows formed in them. Actually, this article
considers the formation mechanisms of such flows as
well as trophic relations in agroecosystems.
Due to climate change, overpopulation of
livestock has another negative impact, which is
constant emissions of greenhouse gases (mainly
methane). According to some current estimates, it is
methane (rather than carbon dioxide) that poses a
much greater risk in terms of global warming.
(Korsak et al., 2021).
However, we consider the ratio of land use types
in agro-landscapes not only as a purely statistical
category, but, above all, as an indicator,
characterizing energy relations in agroecosystems. In
particular, in agricultural ecology, a kind of common
denominator for the quantitative comparison of crop
and livestock can be the amount of energy received
by producers (plants) and consumed by consumers (a
special case - herbivores) (Pakhomova, 2014).
Energy features are the basis for allocation of food
chains at different trophic levels in ecosystems. Thus,
commodity crop production is characterized by food
chains such as "soil-plant-human". Here, the energy
accumulated by plants comes directly to man as a
consumer of the highest quality.
Another trophic level inherent in agroecosystems
connects one more consumer "herbivore" animal " to
the chain after the "plant" - where the energy
accumulated by the producer is deposited in the form
of" milkings "and" gains ".
Such trophic relations are in agrolandscapes in
certain ecological functions of their individual areas,
providing food for different types of organisms. In
particular, it is more correct to classify the areas sown
with fodder crops or those that are actually used as
fodder, as "the habitat area of primary consumers", or
rather their ecotope.
The authors have studied trophic relationships in
agroecosystems designed for agrolandscapes before
(Sonko et al., 2019). Fig.1. shows the results of these
Symbols: 1 - commercial arable land; 2 - area "returned"
in the form of concentrated feed; 3 - forage arable land; 4 -
natural forage lands; 5 - the river; 6 - statistical forage
area; 7 - potential forage area; 8 - inclination angle less
than 5
Figure 1: Functional land use. manuscript must be
appropriately modified (Sonko et al., 2015).
ISC SAI 2022 - V International Scientific Congress SOCIETY OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE
The methodology is based on the main provisions of
the theory of the biosphere and the theory of biotic
regulation, according to which in natural ecosystems
with the help of self-regulatory mechanisms a state of
stable dynamic equilibrium is formed, which is
constantly maintained. Accordingly, it is necessary to
create ecologically tolerant agroecosystems in which
the main material and energy mechanisms are close
to natural analogues.
The basis of the methodological substantiation of
the author's developments is the scientific position of
modern synergetics on the invariance of relations in
natural ecosystems. In fact, the biosphere
independently eliminates anthropogenic impacts on
natural ecosystems, which are carried out in the
process of agricultural activity (Arskiy et al.,1997),
(Sonko et al., 2019). "Incorporation" of specialization
of individual farms in natural landscapes (in
particular, in the context of climate change) is
designed to reduce the negative anthropogenic impact
on natural ecosystems.
The main circumstance, allowing us to
differentiate between "fodder" and "commodity"
arable land, is the fact that all crops of perennial
grasses are tied to slopes above as part of soil
protection and forage crop rotations (Fig. 2)
Symbols: 1-administrative borders; 2 rivers; 3-settlements; 4-plots of hayfields and pastures on floodplain meadows
(consumer area); 5-pastures for cattle grazing in the warm season, selective mowing (area of consumers); 6-year-old grasses
(35-40%), winter wheat (25-30%), barley (10-15%); 7-row crops (50-55%), of which corn (15-20%), sugar beet (15-20%),
sunflower (10-15%), winter wheat (30-35%), pure fallow (up to 10%), cereals; 8- is the same as 8, only with a larger share
of fallow land; 9-row crops (50-55%) ,of which corn takes (20 -25%), sugar beet (10-15%), sunflower (up to 15%), winter
wheat (20-25%), pure fallow (10%); 10th is the same as 9, only with a larger share of fallow land (10-13%); 11-vegetable
crops (70-75%), winter wheat (up to 10%), cereals (up to 10%), corn (up to 10%); 12-gardens, berries; 13-systems of
agriculture, using fertilizers with over 500 kg of active substance per 1 ha of arable land.
Figure 2: Formation of energy flows in agroecosystems (fragment) commercial crops (winter wheat, sugar beet, sunflower)
(Sonko et al., 2015).
Impact of Climate Change on Energy Relations in Agroecosystems
An interesting phenomenon that to some extent
"describes" trophic relations in agroecosystems is the
impact of market relations. We know that foreign
grain traders regularly "reject" a significant part of
marketable grain (up to 30%) exported from Ukraine,
lowering its category from commodity to fodder
(Kuzmin, 2021), (Cherednichenko, 2020).
In our opinion, a logical explanation for this is in
the subject area of agricultural landscapes. It is a fact,
that there is a constant removal of nutrients with
fluvial flows on the slopes of the landscapes over 3
and even higher than 5
, which causes gradual
reduction of gluten in the grain. So, this is a
consequence. We deal with natural regulation of
trophic relations in agroecosystems. Knowing the
location of agro-landscapes with slopes over 3-5
you can calculate both the total (gross) amount of
fodder grain and the total area of forage crops in the
opposite direction (due to average yield), and,
consequently, the "area" of secondary consumers.
This is where the need to calculate the actual area of
forage arable land arises.
By the actual forage arable land we mean the part
of the crop rotation area where fodder crops are sown
(according to reports) plus the areas occupied by
cereals on slopes over 3o and transferred to the rank
of forage due to gluten reduction (Fig. 3,4). To
calculate the actual forage arable land, we used the
Aa.f= Af + Ac * К (1)
Here: Aa.f.- actual area under forage crops;
Af - reporting area under forage crops;
Ac - reporting area under cereals;
K - is the residual coefficient (calculated on the
example of typical farms and is 0,54 for forest-steppe,
0,49 for steppe, 0,39 for suburban farms).
Joint analysis of the maps "Correlation between
energy flows of producers and consumers" (Fig. 3)
and "Formation of energy flows in agro-ecosystems"
(Fig. 2) revealed a number of features.
Thus, with the existing nature of land use,
relatively high marketability was in the types with
intensive crop production. It is important to note that
as the area of soil-protective crop rotations is large, it
is better to sow only cereals and grasses on the slopes
due to the greater erosion risk of row crops. The
quality of grain obtained from the slope on washed
soil is much lower than grain grown on plakor, and
corresponds more to fodder than commercial varieties
(Svitlychnyi and Chornyi, 2007).
We call the area occupied by fodder crops
statistical, considering its fragmentation and the
ability of soils to determine the fodder or marketable
quality of products, depending on the erosin degree.
The areas on slopes with a slope exceeding 5 ° are
called potential (Fig.1). The map "Formation of
energy flows in agroecosystems" (Fig. 1) shows the
potential areas.
The degree of discrepancy between the statistical
and potential areas of arable land occupied by forage
crops (Fig. 1) can determine the rational use of natural
resources of the territory for fodder production. This
ratio can be expressed by the following formula:
Cf. = A.f.s
/ A.f.p (2
Here: Cf - coefficient of fodder land use; - statistical area of arable land occupied by
fodder crops;
A.f.p. - potential area of arable land occupied by
fodder crops.
The dependence expressed by this formula can be
defined as follows: the higher the coefficient Cf, the
worse the use of potential forage arable land is, and
the lower the real marketability of crop production in
this farm. Today's market economy largely confirms
this conclusion, as farms (both private and semi-state)
are forced to develop specialization that is very far
from the optimal for this agroclimatic potential (The
World Bank, 2021), (Buck et al., 2021).
Using the above model to calculate the statistical and
potential area of arable land occupied by forage crops,
we should keep in mind that the coefficient of forage
use of arable land was calculated without considering
agronomic features, expressed in the need to apply
crop rotation. No matter how high the marketability
of maize for silage and green fodder is, it should still
be included in the crop rotation as a precursor.On the
other hand, it is impossible to sow grain corn on the
slopes as a row because of the high erosion risk
(Kaminskyi et al., 2018).
It is possible to comply potential and statistical
areas of arable land under fodder crops with
subsequent reduction of fodder use of arable land by
improving farming systems on the slopes. Fodder
grasses can replace corn for silage or we can replace
row corn cultivation with continuous sowing
technology. This makes room in watershed crop
rotations for row crops and cereals, but with already
known product quality. We should note that such a
measure does not contradict basic methods of anti-
erosion system of agriculture and economic interests
of fodder production. Forage grasses, having a strong
root system, fix the slope well and, at the same time,
ISC SAI 2022 - V International Scientific Congress SOCIETY OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE
are a reliable equivalent of corn for silage, while
remaining cheaper to produce.
Table 1 shows the calculation of the fodder use
coefficient. Comparing the values of the coefficient
with the data of the map "Deformation of energy
relations in agro-ecosystems" (Fig. 4) allows us to
draw the following intermediate conclusions: the
maximum conditional "return" of areas under fodder
crops due to concentrated fodder (30%) coincides
with the areas with the highest yields and long-term
gross harvest of cereals.The value of the coefficient
varies according to the economic and natural features
of the territory.
Symbols: Share of crop products used in animal husbandry (1985): 1 - below 70%; 2 - 70-75%; 3 - above 75%. Gross crop
production, thousand tons: 4 - less than 5; 5 - 5 -7; 6 - more than 7.
Figure 3: Relationship between energy flows of producers and consumers (Sonko et al., 2015).
Thus, in the 1st landscape area the value of Cf is
the average in the region due to high grain yields but
not optimal (different from 1 by two orders of
magnitude) due to large areas of sloping lands tied to
medium-washed soils (up to 25%).
In the 2nd landscape area Cf = 2,234 is explained
by growing erosion due to specific hydrographic
network (small strongly winding watercourses) and
the decrease in the possibility of tillage with
agricultural machinery. The area of sloping lands is
the same as in the first district, but the gross fees from
grain production are lower compared to 1 district.
Table 1: Coefficient of fodder use of arable land (Cf) for 10
landscape areas.
№ area Cf 2 № area Cf
1 3,142 6 3,743
2 2,234 7 1,792
3 5,181 8 6,015
4 4,388 9 2,368
5 2,607 10 2,005
Impact of Climate Change on Energy Relations in Agroecosystems
In the 8th district Cf - 6,015 is the highest value in
the region. It is explained by the minimum areas
under the sloping lands (7-10% in the area of arable
land) and the need to sow fodder crops in watershed
crop rotations. At the same time, the conditional
"return" of sown areas under cereals is lower in farms
located in the floodplains of the Berestov and Oril
rivers due to the use of natural forage lands tied to the
floodplains of these rivers.
Therefore, a characteristic feature that combines
the 1st, 2nd and 3rd landscape areas is a significant
conditional "return" (27-30%) of areas under cereals
in favor of fodder.
Given the high economic value of these areas for
the production of cereals for food varieties (yield over
5 t / ha) it is necessary to state the need for a clearer
justification of the production profile of livestock in
order to bring the real marketability of crops in line
with agricultural landscapes.
Symbols: The share of conditionally "returned" sown area in the total sown area of cereals in favor of consumers. 1 - under
24%; 2 - 24-27%; 3 - 27-30%; 4 - over 30%.
Figure 4: Deformation of energy relations in agroecosystems (Sonko et al., 2015).
The minimum conditional "return" of areas under
fodder crops due to concentrated feed (less than 24%)
coincides with the boundaries of the floodplain-
suburban area. This is due, firstly, to the significant
(up to 48%) areas of fodder crops needed to maintain
the dairy population; secondly, to low efficiency of
grain production in the floodplain-suburban area.
Сf fluctuations are quite significant - from 5,131
in the third landscape area to 2,607 in the fifth, and
3,747 in the sixth. High value of the coefficient in the
third district is due to the large share of sloping lands
(27-30%). As part of soil protection, crop rotations of
winter wheat occupies 30-35% of the area. The real
marketability of crop production reduces as there is
no need to occupy large areas for vegetable crops
(gross crop production is about twice lower than in
the 1st and 2nd forest-steppe areas.
In the 5th and 6th districts Cf is approaching the
regional average. Its decrease in comparison with the
3rd district is caused by similar reasons, which is
ISC SAI 2022 - V International Scientific Congress SOCIETY OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE
expressed in better use of natural resources of the
territory for livestock. Accordingly, pastures occupy
a significant share in the composition of feed in the
farms on these territories: for the dairy group 15-18%,
for cattle for fattening 20-25%. Despite the strong
fragmentation (the area of sloping lands reaches 27-
30% of the arable land), the watersheds of field crop
rotations are better suitable for commercial crop
production. This is confirmed by the analysis of crop
rotation saturation.
Perennial grasses (40-45%), barley (20-25%),
annual grasses (up to 50%) are sown on these slopes.
Of the cereals, only fodder barley grows here.
Accordingly, the share of green fodder increases up
to 30% in the composition of stall animals in the
farms in these districts.
Steppe areas 4, 7, 9, 10 are united by conditional
"return" of areas under fodder crops. Here, their share
is less than 25%. In most cases, this is due to a
decrease in yield to 2-2.5 t / ha. It is important that Cf
decreases to 2-2,5 here, and in the 7th district it is the
lowest in the region, coming to 1,792. This is because
crop rotations are mainly used for the production of
green fodder in the steppe areas, and the fodder
cereals sown there correspond to the fodder quality.
The main differences between natural and
agroecosystems are:
1) agroecosystems receive auxiliary energy that is
under human control; this auxiliary energy comes in
the form of muscular efforts of man and animals,
fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation water, the operation
of machines running on fuel, etc .;
2) in agroecosystems the diversity of organisms is
sharply reduced (also due to human activities that
strive for monoculture);
3) dominant species of plants and animals in the
agro-ecosystem are subject to artificial rather than
natural selection. In other words, the organization and
management of the agro-ecosystem is ensured in such
a way as to obtain the greatest amount of food. At the
same time, certain benefits are accompanied by some
losses: soil erosion, pollution of water bodies by
demolished pesticides and fertilizers, high fuel costs,
increased sensitivity of the system to changes in
weather and pests.
Based on the analysis of morphological
differences between natural and agroecosystems, it
can be argued that there is no reason to consider the
agroecosystem unnatural ("semi-natural",
"combined", "artificial", "anthropogenic", "man-
made"). The natural mechanisms of biomass
production, the ratio of its production to trophic
levels, food chains, the presence of producers,
consumers and reducers, and even "entry" into the
relevant ecological pyramid - all this remains. The
only thing that needs to be radically changed in the
agro-ecosystem is the spatial essence of the ecotope.
It is organized by a man with cunningly made "traps"
for space (forage), time (temporary discrepancy
between natural and economic boundaries of
agroecosystems) and information (forced "spreading"
of the gene pool).
According to the results of previous studies, in
particular in the Cherkasy and Kharkiv regions, data
on the development of specialization, not typical of
the forest-steppe zone (Sonko et al., 2019). In
particular, rice sowing, growing citrus, grapes. That
is, these are industries that require huge energy
subsidies and, consequently, those whose economic
efficiency is very low. In the development of other
industries, the laws of geographical zoning are also
violated, resulting in the existing monospecialization
in either cereals or oilseeds. This practice leads to the
rapid depletion of natural resources of
agroecosystems, the direct result of which will be a
catastrophic loss of soil natural fertility in the near
1. The natural ecosystem, transformed by man into an
agroecosystem, differs from natural analogues in the
spatial structure of edaphic components (ekonish,
ecotopes, habitats). Man consciously creates an
ecotope of herbivores, sowing fodder crops.
However, while in natural ecosystems the flows of
matter and energy with a certain degree of
approximation are confined to a specific area, in
agroecosystems much of the biomass is alienated
from the area and in most cases migrates for
consumption many kilometers from where it is
produced. The only ecologically significant result of
human existence as a biological species is the soil,
which is a product of life of producers, consumers and
reducers that develop in agroecosystems.
2. Trophic (energy) relations in the artificial
agroecosystem are characterized by both complexity
and simplicity. The difficulty lies in the artificial
material and energy support of monocultures of
commercial and fodder crops through application of
fertilizers, plant protection products, the use of
genetically modified varieties and hybrids.
Simplification is the conscious "circumcision" of
human trophic pyramids of the domesticated species
of plants and animals compared to their wild zonal
Impact of Climate Change on Energy Relations in Agroecosystems
3. The formation of artificially supported
agrophyto- and zoocenoses directly affects the spatial
structure of agrolandscapes. According to our
methodology, we can identify "habitats" of producers
and consumers with a high level of accuracy
(depending on the slopes).
4. In the context of climate crisis, the general
strategy for the rational formation of agricultural
landscapes remains, but the list of forage plants
adapted to arid climates will require adaptation
measures. In particular, more attention should be paid
to drought-resistant crops with C4 type of
photosynthesis: sugar cane, corn, miscanthus,
sorghum, sundew (effective pasture plant), amaranth,
purslane, ivan-tea, marjoram (Dysphania botrys),
leafless sedge (Edwards and Walker, 1986),
(Afanasyev, 2021). However, these plants are well
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as medicinal plants.
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Impact of Climate Change on Energy Relations in Agroecosystems