specific and depends on the enterprise’s position on
the market, dynamics of its development and
potential, behaviour of competitors, characteristics of
products (services), the country’s economy, the
business environment and many other factors.
The formation of a new digital technological
paradigm leads to the emergence of new features that
affect the processes of anti-crisis management.
Many of them open up new opportunities for the
enterprise and increase the likelihood of a faster
overcoming of crisis phenomena, however, if we are
talking about a manufacturing enterprise that, due to
certain reasons, is not able to flexibly adapt to new
requirements and market challenges, it is necessary to
build an integral system, the key components of
which are presented in the study.
At the same time, it should be noted that today
much depends on the professionalism of the leader
himself, his experience and creativity in approach to
crisis management, professional outlook, leadership
qualities and so-called soft skills, openness to new
tools and management mechanisms, as well as
corporate loyalty and professionalism of the team.
In current conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic,
we should adapt to new economic conditions and look
for ways to intensify available production capacity,
which is the subject of our further research.
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