A Skill Sharing Platform for Team Collaboration and Knowledge
Victor Obionwu, Andreas Nurnberger
and Gunter Saake
University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Blog, Collaboration, Knowledge Transfer, Web Page, Online Platform, Skill Sharing, Knowledge Repository,
Teamwork or collaborative learning processes are known to be highly dependent on the connection and subse-
quent interactions that are established among the participants. It encourages knowledge creation and sharing,
which results in participants developing faster skills with respect to the subject matter. Platforms such as blogs
are known to be efficient in stimulating reflection, a sense of community, and collaboration. Thus, in this
study, we discuss our blog implementation in SQLValidator, a web-based learning platform that focuses on
database-related courses. We further discuss the students’ experiences while using blogs as knowledge ac-
quisition tools. Furthermore, qualitative data were collected from the observation of students to gain more
perspective about their experiences in using the blogs in their learning.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the use
of blogs for marketing and business-oriented tactics.
However, in a rush to promote the use of computer-
mediated technologies, there has been relatively less
research conducted on the effectiveness of using we-
blogs in the educational environment.
From a teaching and learning perspective, blogs
can make student learning transparent and become
a space “where a greater understanding of stu-
dent meaning-making can be gained” (Paulus et al.,
2009). It is important to acknowledge the fact that
students have become more sophisticated in terms of
IT and internet “consumption” and as such can pro-
cess learning differently through a constant exchange
of information and discussion. Although embraced
by educators for their potential to support student in-
teractivity and collaboration (Godwin-Jones, 2006),
blogs remain the object of inconclusive and even
contradictory research in education (Stoszkowski and
Collins, 2014). Furthermore, most of the studies
show that student groups of particular courses fa-
vored learning through peers’ blogs. Some studies re-
port that blogs promote reflection (Stoszkowski and
Collins, 2014) while others have not found any in-
fluence on reflection (Dalgarno et al., 2013). Previ-
ous studies have reasoned the effectiveness of blogs
which stimulate learning. However, mixed results re-
garding the impact of peer blog commenting on stu-
dents’ perceived learning have been noted (Lara and
Anderson, 2008). In the current practice of the educa-
tion system, there are numerous tools to help students
to work on collaborative projects, but blogs provide a
simple structure to share their learning experience and
encourage students to participate in the discussions.
This study sets out to design, implement, and in-
tegrate the framework for the blog tool in the ’Re-
port page’ section of collaborative computer science-
based tasks where students can interact, post their
doubts and share their learning experiences; thereby,
allowing them to easily collaborate with their tutors
and each other. To our understanding, the impact of
using such frameworks has not been satisfactorily an-
alyzed yet, giving a platform to investigate further this
interactive framework.
The following research questions were considered
while examining the effectiveness of blogs on stu-
dents’ learning growth:
1) How do students perceive knowledge creation
as facilitated by blog-supported discussions?
2) To what extent can the integration of blogs
in Computer Science related courses stimulate self-
evaluation of perceived course comprehension?
3) To what extent can the integration of blogs sup-
Obionwu, V., Nurnberger, A. and Saake, G.
A Skill Sharing Platform for Team Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange.
DOI: 10.5220/0011352100003318
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2022), pages 365-372
ISBN: 978-989-758-613-2; ISSN: 2184-3252
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
port reflection and knowledge transfer in Computer
Science based courses?
The following paper aims to conduct research to
answer these questions and to design and deploy a
blog to further enhance the use of such online learn-
ing platforms. This working tool has been examined
through a study of questionnaires, surveys, and com-
ments provided by students.
The structure of the paper is as follows: in the next
section, we discuss the related works, and in section
3, we describe our implementation. The materials and
methods we employed will be described in section
4, and the results and feedback from our participants
will be discussed in section 5. We evaluate our feed-
back in section 6 and present a summary of our effort
and possible future effort in section 7.
Traditionally, blogs have been used as a social tool
ideal for brainstorming, where brainstorming ideas
are posted as a comment for individuals to share
their ideas or opinions. Over the decade, blogging has
made its firm professionally, as seen to gain exposure
in businesses. The practice of using blogs as an aca-
demic tool just as it is used socially needs to be exam-
ined further in particular domains.
The concept of reflection has been studied for
one’s personality and knowledge development. Re-
flection is “active, persistent, and careful consider-
ation of any belief or supposed form of knowledge
in light of the grounds that support it and the further
conclusions to which it tends” (Dewey, 1933, p. 9)
(Dewey, 1923). The reflection of learning in adult ed-
ucation has also been promoted. Blog posts play a
part in making a passive learner active. A collective
blog promotes competition, sharing, interaction, and
awareness, thereby analyzing what characteristics of
students, their blogging, blog grouping and group’s
blogging affect the students’ level of reflection (Kalk
et al., 2019).
A research study on use of blogs by Garcia et al.
(Garcia et al., 2019) has shown that the previous blog-
ging experience influence the use of blogs further in
higher education, when pushed by the teacher. This
mainly involves more interactions and showing in-
volvement; however, so far it has not been enough
evidence for the activity of involvement as a driver
of perceived learning amongst students. Adeleke et
al. in (Adeleke and Muraina, 2021) also suggest in-
corporating the usefulness of blogs into the learning
Sawmiller et al. (Sawmiller, 2010) conducts
a study to introspect the role classroom blogging
can play in scientific learning and concludes that
by integrating the weblog into the classroom and
incorporating electronic writing into the classroom
experience, students can enhance their understanding
of science and champions for the use of blogging in
classroom studies.
Twenty-one participants from research conducted
by Yang, S. H. (2009) (Yang, 2009), expressed com-
fort to comment and challenge their peers on the blog
framework, rather than discussing the issues face to
face. Enhanced interaction allows people to meet per-
sonal needs with anonymity and broaden their knowl-
edge without space and time constraints. Blogs could
also be used to analyze and monitor students’ work
and thereby improve their learning. The practice of
using blogs as an academic tool just as it is used so-
cially needs to be examined further in particular do-
There have been studies on the use of academic
blogs in different fields like Applied Linguistics, Life
Sciences, Education & Physical Science based on dif-
ferent sources like hypotheses, Science Blogs, etc.
stating that there have been disciplinary differences in
engagement patterns. (Zou and Hyland, 2019) More
reader mentions, directives, and questions are shown
in soft disciplines, whereas, bloggers in sciences rely
more on resources that claim relatively more author
authority and require more shared understanding, en-
gaging readers in a joint exploration of issues (Zou
and Hyland, 2019). However, the study focuses on
just 4 disciplines and these disciplines need to be fur-
ther drilled down.
One of the blogs on Computer Science: Al-
gorithms in the Real World’ (Wilkins, 2008) has
access to the historical data or versions of the
different algorithms used. In this study, we aim
to implement the historical feature. Science blog-
gers have the benefit to find jobs via their blog-
ging. The North Carolina Science Blogging Confer-
ence (http://www.scienceblogging.com), held twice
to date, has given an opportunity to isolate researchers
who have come up via blogging as reported by ‘Seed
Magazine Science Blogs’ (Wilkins, 2008)
In summary, there has been quantitative research
on the use of blogs socially, politically and profes-
sionally as shown in Table 1. Relatively fewer blogs
have been used in educational domains, highlighting
the domain of Computer Science. In this paper, we
will try to analyze the impact of blogging on the stu-
dents from a Computer Science background in their
academic life. We try to analyze the components of
blogs that benefit in self reflection, skill sharing and
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
collaboration. In the next section, we describe our im-
The design stage is an important step in the develop-
ment process. It consists of specifications, and plans
which pave the way for implementation. Figure 1
shows “Homepage” of blog, which is same for all
the students and administrators. Everyone can see
each other’s posts and comment on it for further in-
teraction and collaboration. Navigation through the
page is quite simple. There is the option to filter out
posts with respect to “Most Viewed”, “Categories”
and “Recent Posts”. In the next subsection, we dis-
cuss the activity diagram of the platform.
The activity diagram, fig 2, depicts the developed
system and shows the dynamic features of the plat-
form which facilitate interaction between students,
and admins/tutors. Chief among these features is
the reflection process, which is used to promote
reflection-based learning. Ergo, after a post is created
by a user, they receive feedback based on this post
from tutors and thus make corrections. The adminis-
trators manage users, categories, and posts and can
create, edit or delete any registered user, post, com-
ment, and category. All the users are allowed to view
each other’s post and comment on it. In the follow-
ing diagram, student-1 is creating the post, and on
the other hand, student-2 is viewing the created post.
To the end that students can interact, collaborate, and
thus improve their understanding of a given task.
4.1 Participants
The blog was hosted online on 18
of February 2022
with the website ’https://www.awardspace.com/’. So
far, the responses gathered are from 30 participants, of
which 77% of them are students. Approximately 20%
of the participants are currently working on a col-
laborative academic project. Around 57% of partici-
pants have noted to have experience using collabora-
tive tools in the past, which makes a significant impact
on the analysis. Only a few demographics were gath-
ered from the participants to respect their anonymity.
4.2 Materials
A questionnaire with a set of 30 questions was set
up for collecting the feedback. Users were asked to
use the blog to provide honest feedback. The ques-
tionnaire had subjective questions based on the use of
blogs with a 5-point Likert scale. The feedback for the
various features and the UI of the blog was also con-
sidered while formulating these questions. Some cat-
egorical questions were also asked about the aspects
of the blog and the kind of content one might pre-
fer in comparison with traditional learning topics. Fi-
nally, in the end, the open-ended question was asked
for suggestions and improvements.
4.3 Procedure
In this study of analyzing the benefit of using blogs
as a collaborative tool, a blog was implemented with
the profiles for two roles as described in the imple-
mentation section. The link to the blog was shared
socially to extend the reach. The participants were
asked to read the blog content and add new articles
if desired. The participants had the option of creating
an account for adding an article. Also, if they do not
wish to create an account, they were asked to read and
react to already posted blogs. The link to the ques-
tionnaire was shared along with the blog’s website
link. The participants were encouraged to spend some
time on the blog usage before filling out the question-
naire. The questionnaire was then analyzed further to
answer our research questions.
In this section, we present our quantitative results of
the short study on the impact of using the blog. The
blogs presented were articles related to Machine
Learning and SQL, other than DBMS. To date, 26 re-
sponses were drawn, and the analysis is based on this
small data.
The participants were asked to compare the blog
to the traditional learning topics, and the responses
had a quite non-uniform graph. In the bar chart, fig-
ure 3, we can see that amongst the topics given for
options, 40% participants were in favor of ‘Computer
Science’and 45% participants preferred ‘Technology
Update’. The participants, further referred to as stu-
dents, made well use of the comments section to con-
vey the remarks, as the section user’s identity is hid-
den. The students were encouraged to spend more
time on the blog by adding multiple categories, and
we could see in Figure 4 that around 50% of the par-
ticipants lingered around for about 6-10 minutes. The
students, who created articles, got feedback from the
tutor/admin and also from the viewers in the format
of the blog comments. The views of the blogs showed
A Skill Sharing Platform for Team Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange
Table 1: Summary of Literature Review and Relevance to Study.
Summary of Literature Review and Relevance to Study
L. Giarre, et al
(Giarre and
Jaccheri, 2008)
Engagement based
feedback system
User Stories based on
three years of platform
Interviews and user
No measurable progress
Wendy Freeman,
et al (Freeman and
Brett, 2012)
Content evaluation,
usage frequency and
Good indicators - Prompt
use and blog content
Survey, content
of entries
Surveys - highly
Keith Turvey, et
al (Turvey and
Hayler, 2017)
Content Analysis, post
usage feedback and
perceived improvement
Content analysis - good
indicator of coherence and
Survey, interview
and quality of entries
Susceptible to anxiety,
awkwardness and shame
Gihan Osman, et
al (Osman and
Koh, 2013)
Critical reflection and
Kolb’s cycle markers
and Questionnaire
Four pillars of Kolb’s
learning cycle - good
indicators of the learning
Content analysis for
Short time(6 weeks)
analysis of blogging
et.al (Montero-
Fleta and
Self reflection of
content, comments and
perceived improvement
in skills
Descriptive and unique
Only perceived
improvement is recorded
Nianlong Luo,
et.al (Luo et al.,
Interpretation of
organisational data by
Very scientific approach to
testing hypotheses
Data of work times
or login spans
No visible limitations
except when employees
are being dishonest
Anupam Kumar
et.al (Sharma
et al., 2021)
Authors and readers
traffic - Measurement
of change
Good indicator of
effectiveness of a Platform
- User statistics
User statistics
Short term changes in
user traffic -
misinterpretations and
lead to false conclusions
Arshavskaya (Ar-
Effectiveness judged
upon the factors of
transformative learning
Methodology well suited
for a case study
External observer
reviews blogs
Qualitative method -
outcome completely
dependent on the person
Blogs a
Hee-Woong Kim,
et.al (Kim et al.,
Huge populations - very
answered by the
users of a blogging
Surveys sometimes not
taken seriously
Olivia Halic,
et.al (Halic et al.,
Student made reports
Good way of measuring
perceived progress or
Reports made after
careful reflection
Self made reports - easy
to manipulate and not
quantitatively measured
Inae Kang,
et.al (Kang et al.,
Journal and report
based qualitative
Keen observation of test
subjects by experts
Student journals and
observation by
Can not be measured
Yi-Shun Wang,
et.al (Wang et al.,
Performance reviews
and ratings in solving
or completing problems
or tasks
Study is semi quantitative
- effective
Feedback from
clients and user
Almost no limitations Blog
Jie ChiYang,
et.al (Yang et al.,
Tests and surveys
Quantitative measurement
using linear regression
Linear regression
model of
performance vs.
Time spent online
Survey results
sometimes be skewed
and inaccurate
Mei-hui Liu (Liu,
Test group and control
group split and analysis
Splitting of groups makes
the experimental setup
effective in testing
Interviews of
Interviews only reflect
ones perceived willing-
Ahmad Zamri
Mansor (Mansor,
Feedback based
First hand report of the
experience via Feedback
Interviews and
questionnaires can be
annoying and lead to
casual answers or replies
Blog as a
a high number in some blogs comparatively, which
were shown in the ’Most viewed’ section or, more in-
terestingly, where comments were present (where the
viewers want to review or ask a question). More than
50 percent of the participants claimed to have clarifi-
cation of doubts or misconceptions due to the interac-
Also, more than 80% of the participants showed in-
terest in the collaborative work between team mem-
bers using the blog. One of the main feedback that we
received from the participants was to include a shar-
ing option for the article so that more people can view
the content. Also, from the Usability inquiry, 75% of
the participants agreed will be frequently used, and
87% indicated that it was easy to use. Furthermore,
83% indicated that they that it did not take long before
they mastered different features of the platform, and
81% felt confident while using the platform. Over-
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Blog Homepage.
Dashboard Create New Post Reflection
Finalized Post
Homepage View Post
Manage Users Dashboard
Student-2 login
Student-1 login
Add Comment
Manage Category
Figure 2: Activity Diagram.
all, feedback from users indicates that the use of our
collaborative platform imposes a low cognitive bur-
den, which is a requirement for user-centered envi-
ronments. We also surveyed the suitability of our plat-
form for collaboration, and 81.8% of the participants
indicated in figure 6 that the blog environment was
suitable for team collaboration and pedagogy. On the
inquiry of the likelihood of posting a comment, 66.7%
agreed that the likelihood of them posting comments
was high, while a nearing equal amount of partici-
pants stated otherwise as depicted in 6. 81% of the
participants further indicated that they felt a sense
of community in the online platform during discus-
sions, which is depicted in figure 6. Also, there was a
strong agreement among nearly two-thirds of the sam-
ple population that the blog environment is suitable
for interaction in the real world. We further employed
free text questions that inquired about the quality of
content, and more than 80 percent of the participants
reported that the content posted was relevant and
helped them overcome misconceptions and got their
doubts clarified. The participants have also reported
an increase in productivity. On the free text questions
on the benefits of frequently blogging about concepts
they learned in courses of study, the participants re-
ported that regular blogging could have positive im-
pacts on different aspects of learning and communi-
cation, taking university courses into account. There
A Skill Sharing Platform for Team Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange
Votes (%)
Computer science
Technology update
Daily news update
Figure 3: Blog content preferences.
No of Participants (%)
0-5 minutes
6-10 minutes
11-20 minutes
more than 20 minutes
Figure 4: Time spent on blog.
0 20 40
80 100
Will be used frequently by new users(%)
Was easy to use(%)
Learn to use very quickly(%)
Felt confident while using(%)
Strongly Agree
Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Figure 5: Usability Evaluation feedback.
0 20 40
80 100
Degree of relatedness(%)
Likelihood to post comment (%)
Suitability for Collaboration(%)
Strongly Agree
Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Figure 6: Percentage of participants.
was a consensus that the more students interacted
with each other, the more possible, and easy, it was
for them to solve course projects and exercises. Also,
more than 75 percent of the participants reported that
blogs had the potential to facilitate the expression of
ideas. About 66 percent of the participants have re-
ported that the blog has the potential to enhance team-
work. The participants have also reported that they are
likely to come back to use the blog page after using it
for the first time. Also, little more than two-thirds of
the participants have reported that they would prefer
to use the blog for technical knowledge acquisition.
To evaluate the performance of our environment of
discourse, we have chosen the DeLone and McLean
Information system success model (Petter et al.,
2008). The model provides interrelated dimensions of
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
success, which is shortly discussed next. We have
used these dimensions against the model designed
by our team to evaluate the success. Since the D&M
model takes into consideration the factors like system
quality, information quality, service quality, (intention
to) use, user satisfaction, and net benefits; we have
tried to satisfy all the factors to our best efforts and
for the user’s best interests. Through our User surveys
and feedback, we have concluded that our system:
The blog page increases the productivity of the
person using it.
The sense of a classroom community with com-
mon interests is felt as well as strengthened by the
use of this blog.
A blog environment would be preferred most of
the time when collaboration between the users de-
fines the nature of work or task.
A wide range of skills could be acquired from the
usage of the blog.
We presented a skill-sharing platform in SQLValida-
tor(Obionwu et al., 2021), a web-based interactive
tool for learning, collaborating. We assessed students
participation and interaction with fellow students,
team members and instructors. Our findings reveal
high levels of participation from largely students,
who spent an average of 6-8 minutes on each blog
post related to their projects and courses. We also
discussed other challenges encountered by partic-
ipants while using the platform for collaborating
and sharing the knowledge. Overall, it can be stated,
based on the feedback we received, that blogging,
when utilized for academic purposes, can aid in the
development of critical and reflective thinking as
well as the encouraging of team cooperation among
students and between students and their instructors.
Future work would include adding a multi-user editor
for collaborative programming. We also plan to
automate posts approval and the inclusion of video
hosting capabilities.
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WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies