a great difference in the adequate concentration for
the dry season, which is efficient the higher the
turbidity the greater the effect of the biocoagulant
seed Moringa oleifera, this allows its use to be
recommended when there is higher turbidity in the
Osmore River. (Sanchez, 2019).
In the testing process, the optimal time in terms of
sedimentation of the treated water is much shorter the
time when there is presence of high turbidity than in
low turbidity, which makes the effectiveness of the
biocoagulant act instantaneously to the elimination of
turbidity, and can be used when it occurs in times of
flood (Tumbaco and Acebo, 2018).
The application and direct use of the Moringa
oleifera seed biocoagulant, does not produce
alteration or change its initial values nor does it
represent an additional cost to correct the pH and
temperature of the treated water compared to
chemical polymers that, if it tends to alter, on the
other hand, reduces a percentage in terms of total
dissolved solids (TDS) compared to other chemical
polymers such as aluminum sulfate used
commercially. for pretreatment in water, which
generates alkalinity in the treated water so it is
necessary to add alkalis such as lime, which is
advisable to use as a natural coagulant Moringa
oleifera seed before the ability to remove turbidity
(Vela, 2016).
However, it would be ideal to perform some more
analyses such as coliform bacteria, and some
chemical tests such as nitrates and nitrites, Total
Organic Carbon (TOC), to obtain data that would help
provide a good assessment of water quality, and
determine if there is a decrease or elimination of these
parameters by applying the Moringa oleifera seed
It was determined that the concentration of the
biocoagulant for the removal of high turbidity is an
optimal dose of 1.35 ml in a sedimentation time of 30
min, the effectiveness of the biocoagulant from the
Moringa oleifera seed acts much better when there is
a greater amount of turbidity, that is, in times of
flooding. It was demonstrated that the preparation and
application of the biocoagulant based on Moringa
oleifera seeds has a turbidity removal in flood season
(high turbidity) of 95.97 %. In other parameters, it has
not generated any alteration in the pH since it
remained relatively stable with an average of 7.71
during the flood season; likewise, its temperature did
not change since its average was 26.5 °C in high
turbidity water, data that are standardized and
allowed for pretreatment. As for total dissolved solids
(TDS), the application of the optimum doses showed
a decrease of 45.38% during the flood season.
Thanks to the Professional School of Environmental
Engineering of the National University of Moquegua
Ilo Branch and the Directorate of Innovation,
Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property and
Biology Laboratory of the National Intercultural
University of Quillabamba.
Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, AOAC
Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, AOAC
Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, AOAC
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ISC SAI 2022 - V International Scientific Congress SOCIETY OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE